Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I Just Feel Great! Weight Loss in Shawnee, KS


What is Medical Weight Loss in Shawnee, KS?

Medical weight loss in Shawnee, KS is individually customized and tailored to an individual patient’s needs. Through a detailed medical history, a weight loss program is customized to meet the long-term weight loss goals of an individual. LifeWorks Integrative Health believes that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all process.

The benefits of medical weight loss in Shawnee, KS include:

  • A thorough medical history that helps to create a weight loss program based around your current health as well as your long-term goals.

  • Determining the underlying cause your weight gain.

  • Support. Those in a medical weight loss program are never alone and have access to nutritional counseling.

  • A small, personalized and discrete atmosphere.

  • A medical weight loss program is healthy. There is no fasting, yo-yo diets or doing anything harmful for your body. With medical professionals supervising the program, you don’t to worry about a weight loss program that is harmful to your health.

  • Medical weight loss can help to improve your overall health — by cutting your risks of developing an obesity-related illness, such as heart disease, stroke or diabetes.

  • Learn how to apply your new weight loss strategies at home.

  • Learn how to fight cravings.

  • Medical weight loss provides you with weekly monitoring of your progress.

  • When diet and exercise are not enough, B12/Lipo injections or HCG weight loss may be implemented to help patients achieve their goals.

  • Medical weight loss is affordable and works with your schedule.

“I just feel great; all the time. I’ve lost over 30 pounds. I don’t have any of the cravings anymore even though people still bring the treats to work. They just don’t call to me anymore. It’s great!”- Sue

Sue lost over 30 pounds. Will you be our next success story for weight loss in Shawnee, KS? Call LifeWorks Integrative Health today at 913-730-5838.

I Just Feel Great! Weight Loss in Shawnee, KS

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Exercise and Back Pain in Shawnee, KS

The colder weather is gone, trees are beginning to bloom and it’s time to get outdoors. With warmer weather often comes an increase in physical activity. If you are not careful, the aches and pains that often times come along with new activity or improper training will make an appearance sooner or later. With nearly 80 percent of Americans likely to experience back pain at some point in their life or another, it’s not surprising back pain is one of the most common reasons why individuals visit with a chiropractor. Exercise and back pain in Shawnee, KS can be an all too common occurrence. However, there are actions you can take to enjoy the warmer weather and physical activity without finding yourself in pain.

exercise and back pain in Shawnee, KS

1. Do you like to run? The springtime can be the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy a run especially after a long winter spent training on the treadmill. If you enjoy running, it is important to remember to listen to your body. When done properly, running is a great way to stay in shape. Just remember that cross-training days and rest days are very important to your training regime and even more important when it comes to preventing back pain. For instance, let’s say you are planning on training 15 miles per week. Focus on three 5 mile runs opposed to running five days per week [3 miles at a time].

2. Remember to cross-train. Whether you are a runner, a basketball player or enjoy kickboxing, it is important to remember to cross-train. Cross-training exercise and back in Shawnee, KS can help to give your body a rest. Every fitness routine should focus on three elements: cardio, strength and flexibility. Without all three elements, your fitness program is not complete.

3. Be sure to include some low impact exercises in your fitness routine. Low-impact exercises can give your back a break and helps to ensure you stay strong and injury free. Try yoga, pilates, swimming, cycling or using an elliptical machine. Yoga and pilates are great for stabilizing your core muscles, which can help with back pain. Swimming, an elliptical machine or cycling are great forms of low impact cardiovascular exercise.

4. Remember to strength train. Strength training does not mean you have to go out and lift 50 pound weights. Light strength training can make a difference! Strength training helps you maintain proper posture, helps with osteoporosis as well as helping you to feel confident and strong.

With the proper combination of exercise and listening to your body, exercise and back pain in Shawnee, KS can be greatly minimized.


Exercise and Back Pain in Shawnee, KS

Friday, April 25, 2014

Eat For Health

"If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If diet is correct, medicine is of no need." Ayurvedic Proverb

Eat For Health

"If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If diet is correct, medicine is of no need." Ayurvedic Proverb

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Struggling with Sciatica in Shawnee?


Struggling with Sciatica in Shawnee?

Healthy Strategies for Dining Out in Kansas City

Preparing your own home-cooked meals is one of the best ways to ensure you are eating the freshest and healthiest of foods, but sometimes you just don’t have the time or energy to cook up a meal. Forget about time and energy, sometimes it’s nice to just enjoy a night out. Fortunately, there are plenty of healthy strategies for dining out in the greater Kansas City area. These strategies can help to enjoy a meal cooked by someone else without having to say goodbye to your weight loss goals for the evening.

healthy strategies for dining out in kansas city

Healthy strategies for dining out in Kansas City may include:

  • Ask for whole-wheat bread when your meal consists of a sandwich.

  • When it comes time to order a beverage, opt for water, fat-free milk or unsweetened tea.  Avoid the temptation of ordering a beverage with added sugars.

  • Always start with a salad as one of your healthy strategies for dining out in Kansas City. Eating a salad packed with vegetables can help to control your hunger and allow you to feel fuller more quickly.

  • Ask for your salad dressing on the side. To cut down on calories, only use as much of the salad dressing as you need.

  • Opt for a main dish that includes plenty of vegetables.

  • Always choose broiled, grilled or steamed meals over those that are sauteed or fried.

  • If you find yourself with the option of a sit-down dinner or an all-you-can-eat buffet, always opt for the sit-down dinner when searching for healthy strategies for dining out in Kansas City. A sit-down dinner will allow you to control your portions; unlike an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  • When you visit a restaurant with over-sized portions, place half of your meal in a take-out container immediately. This can help you to avoid overeating.

  • If the main portions at a restaurant are larger than you would prefer, consider ordering a side dish or an appetizer as your main course.

  • Avoid foods that have gravies or creamy sauces.

  • Avoid adding butter to your food. If you do add butter, keep it to a minimum.

  • If you are going to eat dessert, choose an option with fruit.

With a little effort and planning, you can enjoy a night out with friends without tossing your healthy eating plan out the window for the night. Healthy eating does not have to mean skipping out on fun and foods you enjoy. What are some of your healthy strategies for dining out in Kansas City?

Healthy Strategies for Dining Out in Kansas City

Blending VS. Juicing

Blending VS. Juicing

Blending vs. Juicing. Which one gives you more fiber?   (You're right, blending is the best choice to retain fiber.)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Chiropractic Care in Shawnee - Lifeworks Integrative Health

Chiropractic care can help to improve the condition you are suffering with!

Chiropractic care is a natural approach to healthcare that can help to improve the motion as well as nutrition of your joints and discs. Chiropractors can help with a large number of ailments including sports injuries, headaches, neck pain, back pain, pain for an automobile accident, repetitive stress injuries and more. Watch our short video to learn how the chiropractic care at LifeWorks Integrative Health can help treat your condition.

Chiropractors can help individuals of all ages and activity levels get back to enjoying what they enjoy most. If you have questions about chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS call LifeWorks Integrative Health at 913-730-5838.

Are you a new patient to LifeWorks Integrative Health? Be sure to take advantage of our special offers for new patients!

Chiropractic Care in Shawnee - Lifeworks Integrative Health

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chiropractic Care and Physical Therapy Working Together for Your Health in Shawnee, Kansas

If you have never been to a chiropractor or a physical therapist, you may not realize the immense overlap in the professions of chiropractors and physical therapists. The goal of both services is to assist patients in healing and with treatments. Across the United States, more and more alternative care offices or integrative medical practices — such as LifeWorks Integrative Health– are integrating the two services. Chiropractic care and physical therapy working together for your health in Shawnee, Kansas, can help to provide services for relief of pain, injuries as well as a number of other medical conditions.

chiropractors and physical therapists working together

Chiropractic Care and Physical Therapy Working Together for Your Health in Shawnee, Kansas — Back Pain:

Back pain is a common reason why individuals visit physical therapists as well as chiropractors. Chiropractors can help to restore joint function and motion to the back. After chiropractic treatments, the surrounding muscles often need to be rehabilitated and strengthened. Rehabilitation and strengthening is where a physical therapist’s role comes into play. Chiropractors use a number of spinal adjustments on their patients and may also provide a number of alternative treatments — ultrasounds, x-rays and trigger point therapy. Chiropractors are also known to implement exercise plans for their patients to follow. This is a great example of chiropractic care and physical therapy working together for your health in Shawnee, Kansas. Physical therapists can help patients to properly execute their exercise plans as well as to help ensure patients stick with their exercise plan.

Physical therapists can help patients by teaching them exercises that help to improve their mobility, strength and muscle tone. Exercises can also help to reduce inflammation. Physical therapists also implement home exercise programs so that therapy can be completed even when a patient is not in the office. They can also help to provide soft tissue massages to patients.

In alternative care or integrative health facilities, chiropractors and physical therapists may also work along side of massage therapists. The main goal of all health professionals in such a setting is to provide the best care possible and care that is unique to each individual patient. Chiropractic care and physical therapy work together for your health in Shawnee, Kansas, in a wide-variety of ways.

If you have questions about physical therapy and chiropractic care, contact LifeWorks Integrative Health today at 913-730-5838. Our physical therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists can work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that can help get you back on your feet.


Chiropractic Care and Physical Therapy Working Together for Your Health in Shawnee, Kansas

Friday, April 18, 2014

Swim Out

"We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work" Thomas Edison

Swim Out

"We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work" Thomas Edison

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hormones and Weight Gain in Shawnee, KS

Fat around the midsection is a big problem that many Americans face. In fact, belly fat is the most dangerous type of fat. Excess weight around the midsection can increase your chances of developing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke. Not only is belly fat unattractive, but it can be a key indicator of a hormonal imbalance.

hormones and weight gain in shawnee, ks

Belly fat can be an indicator of a number of hormonal imbalances including:

  • A decrease in testosterone levels in men.

  • Elevated testosterone or DHEA levels in women.

  • Estrogen dominance in both genders.

  • Adrenal dysfunction in both genders.

In order to reduce belly fat, one must engage in regular exercise, consume a healthy diet, receive plenty of sleep and address any hormonal imbalances that may be associated with your weight gain.

Hormones and weight gain in Shawnee, KS may be the result of elevated androgens (also referred to as DHEA and testosterone) in women. This can often be an early indicator that a woman is developing insulin resistance or has already established insulin resistance. When the body struggles with glucose metabolism, testosterone and DHEA levels become elevated. With the elevation of testosterone and DHEA, many women begin to develop male pattern obesity. Male pattern obesity refers to the apple-shaped figure that many women struggle with as they become older. Younger women, especially those dealing with PCOS, are also struggling with obesity around the midsection. This is especially dangerous because it can increase the risk of a young woman developing diabetes or heart disease.

Abdominal fat cells can increase the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. When estrogen levels rise, the likelihood of retaining more fat around the abdominal region becomes more of a reality. Hormones and weight gain in Shawnee, KS can create a vicious cycle of blood sugar dysregulation as well hormonal imbalances. Male testosterone levels begin to become lower as the result of stress, aging and obesity. In today’s world, men are experiencing a decrease in testosterone levels much earlier in life than ever before. Lower testosterone levels are the result of insulin resistance as well as an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Research conducted at the University of Washington indicates that men with lower testosterone levels are much more likely to develop abdominal fat. Researchers also found that replacing lost testosterone can help to aid in the fat loss process.

Something else to consider when it comes to hormones and weight gain in Shawnee, KS is cortisol. Also referred to as the stress hormone, cortisol imbalances can lead to an increase in abdominal fat. Researchers at Yale University found that even slim women with high cortisol levels were likely to still experience fat around the midsection. Cortisol is also linked to an increase in the storage of abdominal fat. Insufficient cortisol levels can also cause cravings, fatigue and poor thyroid function.

Struggling with hormones and weight loss in Shawnee, KS can be a challenge. Diet and exercise are often your best defense against weight gain and can help you to lose unwanted weight. However, it is important to remember that hormonal imbalances can make weight loss challenging even when you feel you are doing everything right. Testing for hormonal imbalances at LifeWorks can beneficial to help ensure successful weight loss.

Hormones and Weight Gain in Shawnee, KS

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Desk Jobs and Back Pain in the Kansas City Area

desk jobs and back pain, desk jobs and back pain in Kansas City

Chances are when you accepted your desk job, you did not see anything in the job description regarding back pain. In fact, the thought probably never even crossed your mind that sitting at a desk all day could lead to back pain. After all, your job is not labor-intensive. Years ago, chiropractors frequently saw patients who were in labor-intensive jobs. Now, the tides have turned and chiropractors are seeing more and more patients who spend 40 plus hours per week sitting and staring at a computer screen. It seems that sitting all day can be just as bad for your work as performing intensive physical labor. Desks jobs and back pain can be a serious and painful problem.

Our bodies are meant to move; they are not meant to sit still for hours upon hours. Sitting all day long can be damaging for the spine. Spending too much time seated can lead to a herniated disc or pinched nerves. Spending too much time sedentary can also lead to obesity, which has a tendency to create back pain in the long run. Since a vast majority of jobs require at least some time spent in front of a computer screen, there are actions you can take to protect your back from pain now or later on in life. Desk jobs and back pain do not have to go hand-in-hand.

1. Get up and move around. You should never spend your entire 9 to 5 shift sitting in front of a computer screen. Be sure to get up and move around every 30 minutes. Get up and take a walk and do a few stretches. Your walk can be as simple as taking a walk to the kitchen for a healthy snack or to fill up your water bottle. Instead of e-mailing or calling a co-worker with a message, get up and deliver the message to them. If you have a headset, stand up while taking a phone call. You can even use your phone call time to walk in place or do a few stretches (this will be especially easy if you have your own office or are in a cubicle, where everyone cannot necessarily see what it is that you are doing!).

2. Put good ergonomic skills to work to prevent back pain. Ergonomics is the science of good posture while performing day-to-day tasks. Practicing ergonomics can help to prevent pain as well as injuries. If you work at a desk, practice good ergonomi skills by sitting with your feet flat on the floor and your back against the back of your chair. Your computer screen should be at eye level. Always avoid slouching.

3. Say no to elevators. Desk jobs and back pain do not have to be a fact of life even if the workplace is not the ideal location to exercise and stretch throughout the day. You can squeeze some fitness into your day that can do wonders for your back. Start by parking further away from your building instead of driving around looking for the closest spot. Do you use public transportation? Hop off the bus a stop early and walk the rest of the way to work. Always take the stairs instead of the elevators and make it your goal to do some walking during lunch.

Desk Jobs and Back Pain in the Kansas City Area

Saturday, April 12, 2014

B12 Shots for Weight Loss in Shawnee, KS

How Do B12 Shots Help Weight Loss?

b12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS

As part of the medical weight loss program at LifeWorks Integrative Health, we are happy to offer our patients weekly B12 injections to help boost metabolism as well as to increase and sustain energy levels. B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS, may be exactly what you need to help boost your weight loss and motivate you to lead an overall healthier lifestyle. Before diving into B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS, here’s a look at the link between B12 and weight loss.

Receiving regular B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS has been shown to directly impact weight loss and speed up an individual’s metabolism, which is essential in the weight loss process. It is important to remember that B12 shot for weight loss in Shawnee, KS are not specifically known as weight loss shots. Many individuals who receive vitamin B12 shots have reported a significant boost in energy. This significant boost in energy is exactly what some people need to motivate themselves to exercise on a regular basis and make healthy food choices.

The benefits of B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS extend far beyond just boosting your energy. Research has indicated that these shots can help to reduce fatigue, stress and depression; all of which are associated with gaining weight.  Individuals, who receive B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS may also notice an improvement in their sleeping patterns, a decrease in headaches, reduced hunger and fewer food cravings.

Other benefits of B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS may include suppression of appetite, ease of water retention and thyroid support. Vitamin B12 injections can also help to lower cortisol levels, which are created as the result of stress. B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS can also help to maintain lean muscle mass and help the body to burn fat at an accelerated pace.

Vitamin B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS are administered into muscle for better absorption and are typically administered on a weekly basis. Vitamin B12 shots offer a wide-variety of benefits for individuals who are looking to lose weight. However it is important to remember, that B12 is not an effective weight loss tool on its own. You need to be willing to commit to improving your nutrition as well as your fitness in order to reap the benefits of Vitamin B12 shots for weight loss in Shawnee, KS. These shots may be exactly what you need to accelerate the weight loss process and get on the path to a happier, healthier you.

B12 Shots for Weight Loss in Shawnee, KS

Friday, April 11, 2014

Headaches and Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Every now and again, a majority of individuals will suffer from headaches. Sometimes headaches may be mild and do not interfere with our day to day functions. On the other hand, some headaches can be extremely painful and not-so-easy to get through. Chiropractic care may be just what you need to treat and prevent future headaches. Headaches do not have to be just a fact of life. There are ways to treat headaches.

headaches and chiropractic care in Kansas City

There are different types of head pain?

Yes, all headaches are not the same! Headaches come in a variety of forms and can range in severity from mild to debilitating. Here are some of the more common types of headaches:

  1. Migraines.  Migraine headaches occur as the result of the narrowing or expanding of blood vessels located in the skull.

  2. Tension. Tension headaches are the result of muscle cramps or muscle spasms in the area surrounding the skull.

  3. Neck. Neck headaches are often the result of muscular or joint problems in the neck, which can lead to head pain.

What you should know about headaches and chiropractic care in Kansas City:

  • Approximately 20 percent of all individuals who suffer from headaches experience chronic or recurring headaches.

  • Headache medication is costly. Every year, 3.5 billion dollars is spent on medications designed to stop headaches.

  • In the United States, approximately 10 percent of all patients, who regularly seek chiropractic care of injury and illness, opt for chiropractic treatment of their headaches.

  • Chiropractic treatment of headaches is a safe and effective method used to treat headaches.

  • With the help of a chiropractor, you can alleviate headaches without the cost and side effects of traditional painkillers.

Headaches and chiropractic care in Kansas City is a safe and effective way to help eliminate your headaches without the need for medication. Chiropractors use physical manipulation of the neck muscles and joints for pain relief. Exercises and stretches may also be used to help alleviate tension and spasms in the neck muscles.

Prior to beginning treatment, a chiropractor will determine what is causing your headaches and work with you to develop a treatment plan that works for you. If you are experiencing headaches and live in the greater Kansas City area, contact LifeWorks Integrative Health today at 913-730-5838. Dr. Matthew Gianforte and staff offer chiropractic, massage therapy and physical therapy programs that can can help to alleviate headaches and neck pain. Headaches and chiropractic care in Kansas City can help get you back to enjoying the things you love most!

Headaches and Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Test Post from LifeWorks Integrative Health

Test Post from LifeWorks Integrative Health http://lifeworkskc.com

Look to the Spine

"When in sickness, look to the spine first." Hippocrates

Look to the Spine

"When in sickness, look to the spine first." Hippocrates

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

One More Time!

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas Edison

One More Time!

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas Edison

What is Traumatic Birth Syndrome

Make sure you check your children for TBS.

What is Traumatic Birth Syndrome

Make sure you check your children for TBS.

Addicted to sugar?

Avoid artificial sweetners and keep sugar to less than 2 Tbs/day

Addicted to sugar?

Avoid artificial sweetners and keep sugar to less than 2 Tbs/day

Chiropractic Treatment of Knee Pain in Shawnee

Goals of Chiropractic Treatment of Knee Pain in Shawnee:

The knee joint is one of the largest and most complex joints in the human body. Knee pain is an extremely common ailment that can affect individuals of all ages and activity levels. Many individuals have resigned themselves to this pain simply because they feel that knee pain is just a fact of life and is part of the aging process. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment of knee pain options in Shawnee are available for knee pain. Chiropractic treatment of knee pain can be beneficial if your knee pain is holding you back from participating in the activities you enjoy the most or if you have been struggling with arthritis and cannot seem to find a treatment that works for you.

Your Knee Joint:

Your knee relies heavily on muscles and ligaments for stability. The knee is a major weight bearing joint in the human body that consists of:

  • the tibio-femoral joint (the joint between the thigh and lower leg)

  • the patello-femoral joint (which is the joint between the kneecap and thigh)

  • a variety of muscles and ligaments which allow for mobility of the joint.

  • two ring-shaped cartilage discs known as the menisci.

chiropractic treatment of knee pain in shawnee


The goals of chiropractic treatment of knee pain in Shawnee include:

Reducing joint inflammation and pain. Reducing inflammation and pain may include the use of supportive devices, avoiding activities that aggravate your pain, cold therapy to reduce pain and inflammation and soft tissue healing through the use of a variety of chiropractic techniques.

Normalizing your joint function. The goal of chiropractic treatment of knee pain in Shawnee is to help to restore normal function of your knee joint. Chiropractic manipulation techniques can be used to reduce pain, improve function and increase mobility of your knee joint.

Rehabilitation. Chiropractic care of knee pain in Shawnee often includes a rehabilitation program when appropriate. Exercises can be used to improve strength, increase endurance, improve stability and aid in the prevention of knee injuries.

Chiropractic Treatment of Knee Pain in Shawnee

Wondering about Chiropractic Care - Lenexa KS

Wondering about Chiropractic Care - Lenexa KS

Monday, April 7, 2014

Test Post from LifeWorks Functional Medicine

Test Post from LifeWorks Functional Medicine http://lifeworkskcfm.com

Test Post from LifeWorks Weight Loss

Test Post from LifeWorks Weight Loss http://lifeworkskcwl.com

Test Post from LifeWorks Functional Medicine

Test Post from LifeWorks Functional Medicine http://lifeworkskcfm.com

Chiropractic Care of the Spine as You Age

Chiropractic care of the spine is nothing new. Older adults have been relying on chiropractic care of the spine for years to ease their aches and pains. However, little has been researched on the use of chiropractic techniques on a daily basis for senior citizens. Should chiropractic care of the spine be a benefit in routine care of the elderly? New research indicates that visiting a chiropractor is not just helpful for back pain in older adults; visiting with a chiropractor may even protect the elderly from increased limitations in daily activities.

A new study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics looked at data from a United States national survey conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This national survey was called the survey on Assets and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old or AHEAD. As a part of this survey, 1,057 Medicare recipients with complaints of back pain were deemed eligible for inclusion in the study between the years of 1995 and 2006. Medicare recipients were asked to complete a survey on topics including their overall health, their abilities to complete daily living activities and regarding their lower body function. To clarify, daily activities included functions such as going to the grocery store or being able to walk up the stairs. Researchers then analyzed the medical records of participants to see who received medical care and who received chiropractic care of the spine during reported instances of back pain during this 11 year span.

chiropractic care of the spine

During their analysis, researchers found that those who received chiropractic care of the spine were less likely to have difficulty completing daily tasks and with lower body function than those who received only medical care. This meant that chiropractic patients were less likely to report declines in their health while completing the AHEAD survey. Researchers found that chiropractic care of the spine appeared to help protect the elderly against increased disability as they continue to age.

This study adds to earlier research indicating that chiropractic care of the spine is safe for senior citizens with neck and back pain. Chiropractors can aid in the treatment of a number of spinal conditions, disc herniations and arthritis. Aging can cause the spinal discs to collapse and dehydrate. This makes the elderly even more prone to back ailments such as pinched nerves and bulging discs. Seeing a chiropractor for routine check-ups on the spine can help to ensure that your spine is in good shape and aging well. This can help protect you from a wide-variety of back and neck conditions as you age.

Chiropractic Care of the Spine as You Age

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Muscle and Joint Pain in Shawnee, KS

Muscle Pain vs. Joint Pain in Shawnee

How can we tell the difference between muscle and joint pain in Shawnee? Whether it’s muscle or joint pain in Shawnee, when you are in pain telling the difference between the two can be confusing. Here’s a look at the differences as well as how you can treat and prevent joint and muscle pain in Shawnee.

What is Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain originates in your muscles. As a result, you can experience muscle pain everywhere. Muscle pain can be caused by vigorous exercise, an injury, a fall or even an illness. Muscle pain can take on a variety of forms, pains can include:

  • pulled muscles

  • muscle cramps

  • muscle spasms

  • aches

  • torticollis (also referred to as neck pain)

  • sprains or strains

Unlike joint pain, muscle pain is usually sharp and usually temporary opposed to joint pain that is related to arthritis. Sometimes, muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can seem very similar. If you are unable to tell the difference between muscle in joint pain in Shawnee, contact a health care professional for an expert opinion.

Preventing Muscle Pain:

Keep in mind that preventing muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can go hand-in-hand. Whether you are trying to prevent muscle or joint pain, follow our tips for a healthier lifestyle and to avoid muscle and joint pain in Shawnee.

  • Be sure to take the time to warm up before engaging in exercise. You should also remember to stretch following physical activity to help prevent muscle pain.

  • Drink plenty of water. Ensure you are properly hydrated before participating in sports or exercise.

  • Avoid any sudden movements during vigorously intense exercise.

  • When beginning a sport or new form of exercise, increase the intensity of your workout gradually. This will allow your muscles to adapt and help to prevent muscle pain.

  • Understand your limitations. Know what you are capable of and not capable of.

Treating Muscle Pain:

If you do suffer from muscle pain, there are steps you can take to help alleviate any pain and discomfort.

  • If you experience muscle cramps, pay specific attention to those muscle when stretching. Always stretch these muscle prior to physical activity. Icing and massaging the area can also be beneficial.

  • If you experience sharp muscle pain with swelling, ice the affected area regularly. Treat muscle pain by applying ice to the area for 10 minutes at a time, four times each day.

  • For muscle spasms, treat your muscle pain with heat opposed to cold. Heat helps to relax muscles. With muscle spasms, ice can increase muscle stiffness.

  • Avoid motions and activities that worsen your muscle pain.

muscle and joint pain in Shawnee

What is Joint Pain?

Joint pain is any discomfort that occurs in any of the joints of your body. A joint is a point in the body where two or more bones meet. Joint pain may also, in some instances, be referred to as arthritis. Joint pain may be mild and cause some soreness while using a joint. Joint pain can also be severe; making it nearly impossible for you to use your joint. While joint pain can be very uncomfortable, joint pain is rarely an emergent problem. Mild joint pain can often be treated at home. Joint pain can be the result of:

  • An autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis

  • Gout

  • Viral infections

  • Bursitis

  • Chondromalacia

  • Injury

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Tendinitis

Preventing Joint Pain:

Preventing muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can sometimes have very similar methods.

  • Engage in regular exercise. Exercise helps to improve bone density as well as muscle strength, flexibility and balance.

  • Enjoy a bone-healthy diet. Your diet should be rich in calcium as well as Vitamin D to help ensure strong, healthy bones.

Muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can be just that — a pain! LifeWorks Integrative Health can work to get you back on your feet and back to your favorite activities.

Muscle and Joint Pain in Shawnee, KS

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica in Shawnee, KS

Why Choose Chiropractic Care for Sciatica in Shawnee, KS?

Sciatica refers to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs. This leg pain can take on the form of a bad leg cramp. However, it can also take the form of shooting pains that make everything from sitting to standing uncomfortable. Sciatica can occur suddenly or develop overtime. The pain of sciatica can be made worse when you sneeze or cough. Sciatica can be one of the most painful and most persistent conditions around. Millions of individuals each year make the trip to a doctor’s office with the goal of curing sciatica. What many people don’t realize is that chiropractic care for sciatica in Shawnee is actually quite popular.

Shawnee, KS Chiropractor

Chiropractic care for sciatica in Shawnee, KS with LifeWorks Integrative Health

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica at LifeWorks Integrative Health :

The goal of chiropractic care for sciatica in Shawnee is to help the body’s potential to heal itself. Chiropractic care of sciatica in Shawnee is based on the scientific principle that restricted spinal movements can lead to pain and minimize function as well as performance. By choosing chiropractic care for sciatica, you are opting for drug-free and non-invasive care.

Chiropractors use a variety of different therapies based on the cause of each individual patient’s sciatica. A chiropractic treatment plan for sciatica in Shawnee may include:

  • Cold Therapy. Your chiropractic care for sciatica in Shawnee may include ice or cold therapy. This helps to reduce inflammation and control the pain associated with sciatica. Cold therapy is also a process that you can learn to engage in at home for even more relief of your sciatica symptoms.

  • Ultrasound Therapy. Ultrasound applies gentle heat to the body by means of sound waves that can penetrate deep down into your tissues. As part of chiropractic care for sciatica in Shawnee, ultrasound helps to increase circulation. Ultrasound can also reduce muscle spasms, cramps, stiffness, pain and swelling.

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (more commonly known as a TENS unit). A TENS unit is a small, box-shaped, portable device that is designed to help stimulate muscles. With a variety of intensities when it comes to electrical current, a TENS unit helps to control acute pain as well as reduce muscle spasms.

  • Spinal Manipulation. Spinal manipulation may also play a role in chiropractic treatment of sciatica. Spinal adjustments are the core of chiropractic care and can help to free restricted movements of the spine. Spinal manipulation also helps to restore misaligned vertebrae and reduce nerve irritability.  Nerve irritability is often responsible for causing pain, inflammation, muscle spasms and other symptoms that are associated with sciatica. While you may require several adjustments, many people experience pain relief in as little as one adjustment.

Chiropractic care for sciatica in Shawnee has been proven to combat the agonizing pain associated with sciatica. The result of chiropractic care for sciatica are long lasting and can help you return to the activities you enjoy the most. Be sure that your chiropractor takes x-rays prior to beginning any treatments. Your chiropractor should be made aware of any underlying conditions that may affect treatment options. With the help of a chiropractor in Shawnee, Kansas, you can find a treatment plan that meets your specific needs and wants.


Chiropractic Care for Sciatica in Shawnee, KS