Saturday, May 31, 2014

Regular Chiropractic Patients are Healthier

Ask someone who receives regular chiropractic care about their experiences. The typical response is that they do not get sick as often and feel better. They are also likely to tell you that certain illnesses, aches and pains have a tendency to improve without the use of drugs or medical intervention. If chiropractic care simply moves bones and reduces inflammation, you are probably wondering how it is possible for people who receive regular chiropractic care to feel so good.

nervous system

The reason behind chiropractic patients feeling healthier dates back nearly 100 years to the year 1921. In 1921, a medical doctor, Henry Winsor set out to understand if there was a correlation between areas of the spine having misalignments and organ malfunction. Dr. Winsor posed the following question:

“Chiropractors claim that by adjusting one vertebra [bone of the spine], they can relieve stomach troubles and ulcers; by adjusting another, menstrual cramps; and by adjusting other parts of the spine conditions such as kidney disease, constipation, heart disease, thyroid conditions, and lung disease may resolve –but how?”

Upon medical school graduation, Dr. Winsor found himself to be inspired by chiropractic and osteopathic literature and began to experiment with these concepts. His plan was to dissect human and animal cadavers. This was in an effort to see if there was, in fact, a relationship between any diseased organs and the vertebrae associated with nerves that traveled to these specific organs.

Dr. Winsor indicated, “The object of these necropsies [dissections] was to determine whether any connection existed between curvatures of the spine (vertebra misalignments), and diseased organs; or whether the two were entirely independent of each other.”

Understanding Your Nervous System:

Understanding how your nervous system works is key to understanding the work of Dr. Winsor. Your nervous system is divided into a number of different parts; including:

1. The Central Nervous System (CNS). Your CNS is comprised of the brain and spinal cord, which are responsible for connecting with the rest of your body.

2. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). Your PNS includes all of the nerves that are responsible for sending messages to and from your CNS. Your peripheral nervous system is responsible for conscious (like moving your fingers) and unconscious (your heart beating) movements.

3. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Your ANS is the portion of your peripheral nervous system that regulates unconscious movements.

4. Your ANS is comprised of two separate systems: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system tends to speed functions of the body up, while the parasympathetic nervous system has a tendency to slow processes of the body down.

If one or more of your vertebrae are misaligned, this inflammation can affect the functioning of your nervous system.

There is a Link Between Spinal Irritation and Disease

Dr. Winsor carried out his research at the University of Pennsylvania, where he conducted a series of three studies. During his research, Dr. Winsor dissected 75 human and 22 cat cadavers.

Dr. Winsor found:

“221 structures other than the spine were found diseased. Of these, 212 were observed to belong to the same sympathetic (nerve) segments as the vertebrae in curvature. In other words, there was nearly a 100% correlation between minor curvatures of the spine and diseases of the internal organs.”

Heart Disease: All 20 cases with heart and pericardium conditions had the upper five thoracic vertebrae misaligned (T1-T5).Pancreas: All 3 cases with pancreas disease had spinal misalignments in the mid-thoracic area (T5-T9).
Lung Disease: All 26 cases of lung disease had spinal misalignments in the upper thoracic area (T1-T5).Spleen: All 11 cases with spleen disease had spinal misalignments in the mid-thoracic area (T5-T9).
Stomach Disease: All 9 cases of stomach disease had spinal misalignments in the mid-thoracic (T5-T9) area.Kidney: All 17 cases with kidney disease were out of alignment in the lower thoracic area (T10-T12).
Liver Disease: All 13 cases of liver disease had misalignments in the mid-thoracic area (T5-T9).Prostate and Bladder Disease: All 8 cases with prostate disease had the lumbar vertebrae misaligned (L1-L5).
Gallbladder: All 5 cases of gallstone disease had spinal misalignments in the mid-thoracic area (T5-T9).Uterus: 2 cases with uterine conditions had the second lumbar (L2) misaligned.

Dr. Winsor’s results are published in The Medical Times and are found in medical libraries across the country. Winsor was not the only one to have such findings. Similar studies by other researchers have confirmed Dr. Winsor’s conclusion that degenerated and misaligned spines have a high correlation with disease processes.

Regular Chiropractic Patients are Healthier

Monday, May 26, 2014

Common Sense

Common Sense

"Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food." Michael Pollan

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Diet Soda is Kansas City"s Worst Weight Loss Enemy

Diet soda is Kansas City’s worst weight loss enemy! It may seem like a health-conscious choice. It saves you calories and satisfies your urge for something sweet. In reality, there is more to diet soda than meets the eye. If you are looking to lose weight, here are just a few of the reasons why you should avoid it:

1. Diet soda is packed with artificial sweeteners. They have more intense flavor than real sugars and over time can dull our senses to naturally sweet and good-for-you foods such as fruit. The artificial sweeteners triggers insulin; this sends your body into fat storage mode, which can lead to weight gain.

2. Diet soda increases your risk for developing Type II Diabetes. Drinking just one a day can increase your risk of developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes by 36 percent.

3. There is no nutritional value in diet soda. Diet soda does not cause you to take in any calories, but it also does not allow anything good for you to enter your body. If you are looking for a no-calorie beverage, water is your best bet. If you need the fizz that diet soda produces, opt for a glass of sparkling water from time to time.

Watch our video to learn even more reasons why diet soda is Kansas City’s worst weight loss enemy.





Diet Soda is Kansas City"s Worst Weight Loss Enemy

Thursday, May 22, 2014

12 Healthy Habits the World Can Learn From...

12 Healthy Habits the World Can Learn From...

The Hawaii experience begins and ends with aloha, a word that manifests love, affection, and mercy. It has become a salutation for hello and goodbye. Broken down, alo means "presence" and ha means "breath" -- the presence of breath. If you look more deeply than the prestigious manicured resorts, endless days of perfect weather, and multicolored fruity cocktails, Hawaii is more than meets the eye. Hawaiians live and breathe the aloha spirit, but what does this really mean? Aloha is...Read More




Monday, May 19, 2014

Gluten Free Baking Powder

Gluten Free Baking Powder

Worried about gluten finding it's way into your baking powder? Combine these for a leavening alternative.  #1DegreeSP  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

New Study: Chocolate for Weight Loss

chocolate for weight loss in kansas city

A new study published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, indicates that researchers have identified a specific ingredient in chocolate that may be responsible for anti-diabetes and weight loss benefits. Can chocolate for weight loss actually be beneficial?

Researchers have known for quite some time now that cocoa is a leader when it comes to foods rich in flavanol. Flavanol has the potential to lower blood sugar, decrease body fat and boost cardiovascular health. What researchers haven’t known is which flavanols are responsible for each of these health benefits.

The goal of this study, conducted by a group of researchers at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, was to test a number of different cocoa compounds to find out which were the most effective for preventing weight gain and associated obesity. Which compound came out on top? A group of compounds known as oligomeric procyanidins (or OPCs). Researchers found that OPCs can help to regulate blood glucose levels. Regulation of blood glucose levels indicates that this compound may prove to be useful in the treatment of diabetes. Oligomeric procyanidins appear to have the greatest anti-obesity and anti-diabetic bioactivites than any of the other flavanols in cocoa.

How did the study work? This study was conducted on groups of mice. Mice were separated into groups and fed a fat-filled diet along with a variety of supplements over a 12 week time frame. One group of mice received a cocoa flavanol extract, while the other groups received polymeric procyanidins, oligomeric procyanidins or monomeric procyanidins. Mice, who received oligomeric procyanidins had the lowest body weight, lowest body mass and were least likely to develop glucose intolerance.

You may have heard before that dark chocolate, in small quantities, has been proven to boost brain function, improve cardiovascular function and even help to reduce your risk of developing cancer, but research has never before been conducted on the use of chocolate for weight loss.

It is important to remember that there is still plenty of research to be done to isolate the compounds in cocoa that provide us with such remarkable health benefits. Before sitting down with a chocolate bar, it is important to remember that cocoa is not the only ingredient in a chocolate bar. There is plenty of fat and sugar in chocolate. If you are struggling with obesity or have diabetes, fat and sugar are not exactly items you want to be consuming.

By isolating the flavanols in chocolate, researchers may one day be able to offer the health benefits of cocoa in a more concentrated and purified form.

New Study: Chocolate for Weight Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why is Frequency of Chiropractic Care Critical to Improving Back Pain?


How often do you go to the chiropractor?

Are you someone who visits the chiropractor only when you are in pain or are not feeling well? Or do you visit a chiropractor on a more regular basis? Have you visited a physical therapist or a chiropractor lately without results?

With nearly 80 percent of Americans experiencing back pain at some point in their lives or another, it is not surprising that we are not always getting the relief from back pain that we want and need. Schedules can be busy and making frequent trips to a chiropractor or physical therapist may seem like an inconvenience, but it is your health we are talking about. Our biggest challenge is that we are not committed to our health! Back pain is not pleasant and can greatly interfere with our daily activities. It’s time to take action for your health and lead a pain-free life!

It takes approximately 90 days for a muscle to repair itself. Your body needs frequent physical therapy or chiropractic care to change. This is why the frequency of chiropractic care is so important. Changes cannot happen overnight. It can take a few months of exercises, stretching, adjustments and other chiropractic techniques to help your body become pain free.

At LifeWorks Integrative Health, we have found that physical therapy and chiropractic care combined are great for the treatment of muscle, bone and joint ailments. If you have questions about the frequency of chiropractic care as well as physical therapy, give our office a call at 913-730-5838.

The frequency of chiropractic care can make a difference and give you the results you have been looking for.

Why is Frequency of Chiropractic Care Critical to Improving Back Pain?

Monday, May 12, 2014

An Important Timeless Question

An Important Timeless Question

Your body must be able to adapt in a healthy way to your surroundings. The system within your body that controls and coordinates every function of your body and adapts you to your environment is your nervous system. Isn’t it time that you make the health of your spine and nervous system a priority?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Healthy Kitchen in Kansas City

For many, the kitchen is the most frequently used room in the home. Not only is a kitchen used for preparing food, but it also may serve as an office, a place for the kids to color and even a place for the kids to do homework. With so much time spent in the kitchen, it’s important to maintain a healthy kitchen in Kansas City; especially if you are looking to lose weight. A healthy kitchen can help you avoid the temptations of eating unhealthy. Here are some tips for making a healthy kitchen in Kansas City.

healthy kitchen in kansas city

1. Do some meal preparation on Sundays so that you will have a fridge full of healthy snacks and meals for the week. When you are hungry, it may seem convenient to reach for a bag of chips or a candy bar just because they are already prepared for you. In a healthy kitchen in Kansas City, fruits and vegetables should be just as accessible as unhealthy snacks. To make them accessible, purchase plenty of fruits and vegetables at the beginning of the week. Spend some time washing, cutting them and portioning them into individual serving sizes. Use plastic storage containers or Ziploc bags to store your fruits and veggies in your fridge. Place your prepared snacks in the front of your fridge; this way your eyes will be drawn to them when you open the fridge looking for a snack.

2. You can freeze fruits and veggies. Save money and stock up on fruits and vegetables for a healthy kitchen in Kansas City. Purchase fruits and vegetables in large quantities. Wash, cut and store your prepared fruits and veggies in the freezer. This way you’ll always have fruits and vegetables on hand — you can defrost them and eat them or toss them in a blender to make a smoothie. Did you know that fruits and vegetables can spend up to one year in a freezer without losing their quality?

3. Stock your new, healthy kitchen with smaller plates. This can be especially beneficial for anyone who feels the need to fill up the entire plate at a meal. A smaller plate can help you to control your portion sizes as well as your caloric intake.

4. Pack your leftovers up and place them in the fridge before sitting down to eat dinner. Not only do leftovers last longer the sooner you place them in the fridge, but you will be less likely to head back for seconds if they are already put away.

5. Say goodbye to unhealthy foods and say hello to a healthy kitchen in Kansas City. If your freezer is packed with ice cream and you have boxes upon boxes of cookies in the pantry, you are going to be much more likely to want to eat them. Toss out or give away the foods and snacks that you know are going to cause you a great deal of temptation.

A Healthy Kitchen in Kansas City

Friday, May 9, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accidents - Goodbye, Neck Pain!

If you’ve recently experienced a car accident and are suffering from neck pain, you may have sustained a whiplash or spinal injury. Without proper medical care, these injuries can have a serious impact on your health. Without treatment, these injuries can lead to months, years or even a lifetime of chronic pain. Fortunately, chiropractic care for auto accidents can help alleviate your neck pain without the need for invasive procedures or pain medications.

Chiropractic care for auto accidents commonly revolve around the treatment of whiplash. Neck pain can occur when the force exerted during an auto accident knocks the musculoskeletal system. For example, a whiplash injury can occur when a car is rear-ended during an accident and can abruptly whip the cervical spine backwards and forwards. This can knock the spine out of alignment as well as strain the muscles of the neck. A car accident can lead to pain, stiffness and soreness.

After an accident, traditional medicine uses pain medication to essentially mask the pain. Prescription painkillers may provide immediate relief, but they are not a long-term solution for providing pain relief. Prescription medications are not able to help a patient regain mobility following at car accident. This is where chiropractic care for auto accidents can be beneficial.

Chiropractic care for auto accidents work to treat the underlying cause of a patient’s neck pain. Manipulations help to relieve pressure on muscles and nerves as well as realigning the spine. Physical therapy exercises serve as complementary therapy to help to restore range of motion to the neck and back.

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accidents - Goodbye, Neck Pain!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Stay Healthy During Spring Break

Spring break is just around the corner for many in the greater Kansas City area. Spring break may mean vacationing or simply enjoying some downtime in the Kansas City area. During spring break, you want to relax and enjoy yourself. Sometimes this can include some unhealthy behavior; especially for those looking to lose weight. From extra calories to lazy days relaxing by the pool, spring break can make it increasingly more difficult to stick with your weight loss plan. If you are planning a vacation or a stay-cation, think ahead. There are ways to stay healthy during spring break.

how to stay healthy during spring break

  • Never engage in yo-yo dieting thinking this is a way to stay healthy during spring break. Before a vacation or getaway, it is common to be slightly more conscious over the amount of food you are consuming. This especially holds true when beach attire is involved. Being especially conscious of the food you eat is fine, but you should avoid any form of crash or yo-yo dieting. This can reduce your energy levels and you will be much more likely to overindulge while on vacation. Another thing to remember about crash diets is the second you stop the diet, the pounds will creep back very quickly as your metabolism works to adjust itself.

  • Avoid giving yourself a free pass on calories while on vacation; this can help you to stay healthy during spring break. As much as you don’t want them to count, calories still count while you are on vacation. While a burger and fries may sound like the perfect spring break meal, try to avoid the temptation. Do your body a favor by nourishing it with foods that are rich in vitamins and will give you plenty of energy to enjoy your vacation.

  • Don’t skip your workout just because you are on vacation. Pack your sneakers, a pair of shorts and a workout top. Remember to stay healthy during spring break, you cannot just lounge by the pool all day. Instead of just lounging swim some laps in the pool, go for a run on the boardwalk or enjoy a walk on the beach. You can still workout while enjoying the scenery that spring break has to offer.

  • Never skip a meal to stay healthy during spring break. Skipping meals will only make you more hungry and more likely to overindulge. Be sure to enjoy the local cuisine in moderation and make sure you are not hungry — hunger can put in you in bad mood.

  • Try to avoid the late night snacking. With round-the-clock room service or a late night on the boardwalk, snacking can be tempting. It’s okay to treat yourself to something little, but don’t use this opportunity to have an entire late night meal.

How to Stay Healthy During Spring Break

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Get Yourself Out of a Workout Rut in Kansas City

Warmer weather means clothes that are often a little more revealing as well as possible time spent at the pool, beach or other vacation destination. If you have been hibernating this winter instead of working out or just could not seem to stick to your New Year’s resolution, it is possible to get yourself out of a workout rut in Kansas City and back on track to success when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Start off with these tips to get you back on track and get yourself out of a workout rut in Kansas City:

get yourself out of a workout rut

1.  Remember that you need to get up and get moving in order to get yourself out of a workout rut in Kansas City. Make just a few healthy changes at a time to get yourself out of a workout rut. Even if you do not know much about fitness, remember that moving around burns many more calories than sitting around all day does. Start by making small changes such as walking to the store instead of driving.

2. Even the tiniest bit of exercise helps. If you are worried about time, remember that exercising 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there and another 10 minutes later on in the day can help to get yourself out of a workout rut. Instead of thinking of these small increments of exercise as a daunting or even boring task, think of them as steps in the right direction to achieving your health and fitness goals.

3. You will not get yourself out of a workout rut in Kansas City if you overdo it. If you’ve spent all winter or longer not working out, doing too much too soon can take a toll on your body as well as your mind. Overdoing exercise can also lead to injury, which can mean more time spent sitting down (as you recover) instead of working toward your fitness goals. You cannot (and should not) overall your entire health and fitness regime in just one workout session. These things are going to take time.

4. Set realistic fitness goals in order to get yourself out of a workout rut in Kansas City. Set goals that you know you will be able to meet. Avoid setting unrealistic fitness goals that you know you will not be able to meet. In order to achieve your fitness goals, pick days and times of the days to workout that you know you can stick with. If you begin a workout regime that just seems to hard for you, adjust your routine instead of just skipping your exercise session altogether.


Get Yourself Out of a Workout Rut in Kansas City

I Just Didn’t Want to go that Pain Medication Route!

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a fairly common form of pain that affects the sciatic nerve — a large nerve that extends from the lower back down the back of each of the legs.

Sciatic Symptoms:

Common symptoms of sciatica pain include pain in the leg or rear that becomes worse when sitting as well as burning or tingling down the leg. Other symptoms include numbness, weakness, or difficulty moving the foot or leg. Those who suffer from sciatica may also experience constant pain on one side of the rear or a shooting pain that makes standing up more difficult.

Sciatica Treatment:

Treatment of sciatica may include:  spinal manipulation, rehab therapy and trigger point injections.

“I’ve been coming to LifeWorks Integrative Health for a little over a year now. When I first came here, I had extreme sciatic pain running down the left side of my body. It was nonstop; it got the point where I was doing epidurals, injections and was finally on pain medications. I just didn’t want to go that pain medication route. I have to say that I am so glad, that despite my reservations, I did it. Now I can exercise, walk (at least a mile) and sciatic pain is completely gone. It’s just been kind of a lifesaver for me.” – Kathleen

I Just Didn’t Want to go that Pain Medication Route!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Can Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Help Prevent ADHD in Children?

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics has discovered a possible link between acetaminophen use and ADHD in children.

ADHD in children

Acetaminophen is found in Tylenol and a wide-variety of other pain pills and is the most common medication taken by expectant mothers. Expectant mothers often used acetaminophen products to help reduce the joint and back pain that are so frequently associated with pregnancy.

This research study followed more than 64,000 Danish children born between the years of 1996 and 2002, whose mothers took acetaminophen, the results were as follows:

  • These children were 37 percent more likely to be diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder or more severe ADHD.

  • 29 percent of these children were more likely to find themselves being prescribed ADHD medications.

While the findings are still preliminary, findings fall short of proving a direct cause-and-effect relationship between acetaminophen use in expectant mothers and ADHD in children. However, these findings have set off alarms and healthcare professionals indicate that we really need to start looking at non-pharmacological ways of dealing with pain. While acetaminophen should still be used in the event of fevers, there are alternatives to dealing with just pain itself.

One alternative method to pain medications, that continues to grow in popularity, is chiropractic care. The American Pregnancy Association indicates that chiropractic care can help women to maintain a healthier pregnancy while controlling nausea, relieving back and joint pain, reducing labor and delivery time and preventing a possible cesarean delivery.

With extensive education and training in working with pregnant women, chiropractic care during pregnancy can help reduce pain and symptoms without the risks of using pain medications during pregnancy.

If you have questions about acetaminophen use during pregnancy and ADHD in children, contact LifeWorks Integrative Health today to learn how we can treat the aches and pains of pregnancy without the need for pain medications. 913-730-5838.

Can Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Help Prevent ADHD in Children?

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Recent Posts

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Subluxations in Shawnee, KS

Subluxations go by a variety of different names including vertebral subluxation, nerve interference or vertebral subluxation complex. Subluxations in Shawnee, KS occur when spinal vertebrae lose their normal positioning or motion. This can cause irritation to nearby nerves that pass out from the spinal column and on to the tissues and organs of your body. Nerves relay messages between your body and your brain. As as result, taking care of subluxations in Shawnee, KS is very important to your health!

Kansas City Chiropractor

What Causes Subluxations in Shawnee, KS?

There are three main reasons why subluxations usually occur:

  1. Physical reasons. Being involved in a car accident, a sport injury, repetitive stress on the body, a slip, a fall, improper lifting techniques, poor posture and inadequate sleep can all lead to subluxations in Shawnee, KS.

  2. Chemical reasons. Smoking, drinking alcohol, poor nutrition and substance abuse can all read to subluxations. Toxins in your food and water can be a contributing factor as well.

  3. Emotional reasons. Anger, grief and a negative attitude can affect your muscle tone, which can lead to a burden on your body.

Symptoms of a Subluxation:

  • Severe pain.

  • Visible displacement of a joint.

  • Low energy.

  • Stiffness or difficulty moving.

  • Subluxations can trigger headaches, neck pain and joint pain.

  • Spinal muscle spasms.

  • Reduced mobility.

  • Balance issues.

  • Tenderness of the back.

  • Pain in the neck or back.

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Subluxations in Shawnee, KS?

Chiropractors receive training that is specific to the spine. Chiropractors receive special training that is designed to help reduce nerve interference and allow the body to begin functioning normally again.

For individuals, who have longstanding subluxations in Shawnee, KS, poor muscle patterns can begin to form and a series of frequent visits to your chiropractor may be required to help strengthen and retrain the muscles.

For many people with subluxations, they do not even know that they have one. How can you find out if you have a subluxation? Regular chiropractic visits — even if you are feeling great — can help to keep your nervous system in great shape. The pain and stiffness of a subluxation can often be too much to deal with on your own. As a result, many people seek the help of a chiropractor to help ease the pain and get themselves on the road to recovery.

If you have questions about subluxations in Shawnee, KS or the Kansas City area, contact LifeWorks Integrative Health today at 913-730-5838.

Subluxations in Shawnee, KS