Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS

Stress is just a thought. No matter how much stress may be controlling or impacting your day to day routine, stress is simply just a thought. Stress is not something that happens to you, it is something that occurs in you. If you are not careful, stress can easily control your life and make activities that once seemed enjoyable not-so-enjoyable. Fortunately there are ways to stop stress now in Johnson County, KS.

stop stress now

What Exactly is Stress?

By dictionary definition, stress is bodily or mental tension that results from factors that have a tendency to alter an existent equilibrium. In order words, stress occurs when your thoughts are out of balance.

Have your ever asked your physician what stress is? Next time you visit with your doctor, go ahead and ask. You might be surprised at how different your doctor’s definition is from the dictionary definition of stress. The medical definition of stress is the perception of real or imagined threats to your body or ego. Stress may be as simple as believing that your husband or wife is mad at you when really they are not. Whether what is causing your stress is real or fake, anything that you perceive as stressful can create a stress response from your body.

When you are stressed your body is flooded with cortisol, adrenaline and other stress hormones. This causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Stress can also make your blood more likely to clot, which can damage the portion of your brain responsible for memory. Stress can also lead to increased belly fat storage.

Ways to Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS:

1. Remember to Move. One of the best and easiest ways to burn off stress hormones and stop stress now in Johnson County, KS is to get up and move! Sweating is a great way to burn off those stress hormones. Go for a run, dance, jump around, stretch, swim or skip. Do whatever type of physical activity you enjoy most. If you aren’t able to or just aren’t in the mood for vigorous physical activity, give yoga a try.  Yoga combines movements and breathing, which can do wonders for your stress levels.

2. Take a Breath. Stop stress now in Johnson County, KS by remembering to breathe. A vast majority of us hold our breath or even swallow breaths when we are stressed out or feeling anxious. When you are feeling stressed, take deep, slow and full breaths. These breaths can have a positive impact on resetting your stress response. This is because the relaxation nerve (your vagus nerve) runs through your diaphragm and is activated with every deep breath you take. Right now, try taking five deep breaths. Observe how much better you feel afterwards.

3. Enjoy Some Time in the Tub. Everyone needs to shower or take a bath on a daily basis, why not use your time to get clean as a time to de-stress? Being a little lazy and relaxing in the tub can do wonders for your stress. Consider adding 2 cups of Epsom salt and 10 drops of lavender oil to your bath. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which is a relaxation mineral. Lavender can help to lower your cortisol levels. When you go to take a bath, soak for 20 minutes. You will be one relaxed individual after your bath.

4. Get Some Shut Eye. Life can be extremely crazy sometimes and this often means a lack of sleep. A lack of sleep can increase your stress hormone levels, not to mention leaving you feeling extremely tired. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night no matter what. This can help you to stop stress now in Johnson County, KS. If you missed an hour of sleep one night, don’t hesitate to take a nap during the day. In order to feel refreshed and stress-free, you need to prioritize sleep.

5. Think Differently. In order to reduce stress now in Johnson County, KS, you first need to acknowledge stress. Practice the art of knowing when you are stressed and notice what you are doing or what you are thinking about when you are stressed. When you begin to feel stressed, stop and take a few deep breaths. This will help you let go of whatever is stressing you out.

What Not to do When you are Stressed (These Things Won’t Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS):

1.  Obsess over stress. Obsessing over the things that stress you out is only going to increase your stress levels.

2. Not taking time to recover from stress. One of the worst things you can do is not allow yourself time to recover from a stressful situation; even if recovery only means taking a few deep breaths or putting a project aside until tomorrow.

3. Give into cravings. Are you a stress eater? Try to avoid giving into stress cravings. This can often mean eating sweets and junk foods. Binging on your favorite sweets and junks foods will up your serotonin levels. This may help you feel better quick, but in the long run you’ll just crave more unhealthy foods.

Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fat Burning Foods to Help Boost Weight Loss in Kansas City

Selecting the right foods for your diet can be a challenge. We’d all love to believe that weight loss is just a matter or eating fewer calories and exercising more. However, it is not always that simple. If it’s your goal to lose weight, choosing the right kind of foods can be just as important as choosing the right portion of a food. Certain foods serve different purposes in your quest for a healthier lifestyle. Some foods can help you to feel fuller longer while others can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels. Here’s a look at some fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City.

fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is quickly gaining ground and making headlines as one of the newest superfoods; included in the superfood power of coconut oil is the ability to help you lose weight. Coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized differently than long-chain fatty acids. Long-chain fatty acids are the types of fatty acids found in most fats. Medium-chain fatty acids are used by the body for energy instead of being stored as fats. This is why coconut oil is one of those fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is produced by fermenting apple cider. Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Research has found that consuming apple-cider vinegar before a meal that is packed with carbohydrates can significantly increase insulin sensitivity, which can help to reduce insulin spikes that can cause cravings.


Research indicates that vitamin C levels are inversely related to body mass. Individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C are able to oxidize 30 percent more fat during moderately-intense physical activity than those with lower levels of vitamin C. If you are on a mission to find fat burning foods to help boost weight loss, consider starting your day with a glass of lemon water or substitute fresh lemon juice for vinegar when you eat a salad.


Grapefruits are low in calories, high in enzymes and can help you to feel full longer. Researchers have found that eating half of a fresh grapefruit before a meal is associated with significant weight loss. Consuming a half of grapefruit before a meal can also result in a significant reduction in two-hour post glucose insulin levels.

If you are looking for fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City, put in a little extra effort and add one (or more) of these foods to your diet. For long-term success, stick with whole foods and engage in regular exercise.

Fat Burning Foods to Help Boost Weight Loss in Kansas City

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care in Shawnee, KS

Ankle sprains are a very common and very costly injury that many individuals are likely to experience at least once in their lifetime. It is estimated that in 2013, two million Americans suffered from ankle sprains. The average cost of these ankle sprains? $318 to $914 per ankle sprain. While ankle sprains may seem like an insignificant injury that does not require a lot of attention, ankle sprains are nothing to mess around with. If an ankle sprain is not properly treated, a patient may exercise a loss of mobility and arthritis later on in life. Let’s take a look at how treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS can help patients make a full recovery from an ankle sprain.

treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS

Typical Treatment of an Ankle Sprain

One of the biggest concerns that comes along with a sprained ankle is the likelihood of a recurrence. In fact, the most common predisposition to experiencing an ankle sprain is having previously suffered from an ankle sprain in the past.

Think about how you, a family member or a friend has dealt with an ankle sprain in the past. Chances are they (or you) have done one of two things:

  • Treated the injury at home — using rest, ice, elevation and compression.

  • Made a trip to your doctor’s office or an urgent care facility. During this visit, you likely received an x-ray to rule out a fracture and an exam from a physician.

In a majority of cases, ankle sprains do not lead to fractures or ligament tears. For most individuals, typical treatment includes taking it easy for 2-4 weeks while you anxiously await the pain disappearing and the swelling going down. If the ankle sprain is serious enough, you may find yourself in a walking boot or being required to walk with crutches. Sometimes anti-inflammatory medication will be recommended to help reduce your symptoms. Eventually, you will begin to use your ankle again. If you visit with your doctor or an orthopedic doctors, there is a chance you will end up in physical therapy or at least receive exercises to complete in the comforts of your own home.

The average person, who is unfamiliar with the make-up of the foot and ankle, does not realize is that the bones of the foot generally shift out of their healthy alignment when an ankle sprain occurs. When opting for conventional treatment of an ankle sprain, the bones of your foot are rarely considered. This is where treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS can be beneficial.

Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care in Shawnee, KS

If you are anything like most individuals, you probably are thinking that chiropractic care is just for the spine. How is treating ankle sprains with chiropractic in Shawnee, KS care going to be possible? Chiropractors have the knowledge to treat many other areas of the body, not just the spine. Through the use of foot and ankle range of motion testing, orthopedic testing (to rule out an injury more severe than an ankle sprain) and palpation skills, chiropractors are able to assess your injury and come up with a personalized treatment plan that works for you.

Here are some of the possible methods chiropractors will use when it comes to treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS:

1. Physical Therapy. Exercises can be given to a patient to help restore full range of motion to the ankle. Depending on the severity of the injury, how painful it is and how swollen the ankle is will determine which methods of physical therapy are used to treat your ankle sprain.

2. Chiropractic Adjustments. If you thought chiropractic adjustments are just for the spine, they are also used in treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS. With 26 different bones in the foot, there is a very good chance that one or more of these bones may become misaligned during an ankle sprain. Chiropractors use their hands to motion palpate the bones to find out what bones are in need of an adjustment.

3. Rehabilitation and Home Care Methods. Common care modalities when it comes to treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS can include ice/heat as well as passive and active range of motion. Treatment will then progress to ankle strengthening and stabilization. This may include anything from writing the alphabet with your big toe to improve range of motion to using a wobble board to help work on strength and balance.

4. Foot Supports and Orthotics. For a chiropractic point of view, one of the main reasons for re-injuring an ankle is due to collapsed arches or overpronation of the feet. This is why foot supports and orthotics are often used in treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS. They can be used as a preventative measure so that a recurrent ankle sprain is less likely to occur.


Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care in Shawnee, KS

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Raising Healthy Eaters in Kansas City

Whether you are raising one child, five children or are just beginning to think about starting a family, one thing is for certain — raising healthy eaters in Kansas City can be a challenge. With so many unhealthy food options, chicken nuggets and french fries can often seem much more appealing to a child than a plate full of fruits and vegetables. Perhaps one of the most important things to consider when raising healthy eaters is flexibility. Additionally, setting a great example is key in raising healthy eaters. Here are our tips for raising healthy eaters in Kansas City.

raising healthy eaters in Kansas City

What to Eat: Turning Your Picky Eaters into Healthy Eaters

Foods are constantly changing. What is trendy and in-season is going to be constantly changing. However, what is going to be nutritional is always going to be the same. As a parent, it is important to stick to family mealtimes and teach your children the importance of consuming whole, real and when possible, organic foods.

How to teach your children what whole foods are:

  1. How many ingredients are in the food? A food that is truly whole should only have one ingredient.

  2. Is the food grown from a plant or did it come from a plant? Foods that are whole are grown and not manufactured.

  3. Can you picture the food what it looked like in its natural state before you purchased it? If you can’t, it’s definitely not a whole food.

As a parent, what you eat, how you eat it and why you choose to eat it is going to be very important in raising healthy eaters in Kansas City. Remember, your children are watching what you do and learning from you.

Children, even more so than most adults do, enjoy and often times require a routine. In fact, research shows that families who eat together are more likely to stick together. Teens are less likely to develop risky behaviors, eating disorders, abuse drugs and alcohol and tend to be better socially adjusted all from what seems like something so simple — having dinner as a family. Here’s how to make family mealtime even more enjoyable:

  • Set realistic boundaries for meal times and the foods choices you will be having at these meals. When raising healthy eaters in Kansas City, provide your children with the following information: what, where and when. Your child can decide on how much they are going to eat.

  • Always provide at least one food that is high quality, but is something that your child enjoys. You may be in charge of deciding what is going to be served for dinner, but remember your child is going to decide if they like it and how much of it they are going to eat. When trying new things, remember your child may only try a bite or two. It may take time for them to enjoy a particular food. Sometimes hunger will even play a role in whether or not a child is going to enjoy your meal.

  • Keep in mind that a child’s taste buds are different than an adult’s taste buds. It may take a child many times to decide whether or not the enjoy something unlike an adult who can often decide after a bite or two. Be sure to offer your child a food that they may have disliked once the opportunity to try it again and in different recipes. You may be surprised at how your child has changed his/her mind.

  • Make mealtime fun and relaxing. Meal times should be pleasant. Encourage conservation with your child. Make sure the energy is positive. A stressful environment is not good for you or the health of your child. Stress does not make for optimal digestion, absorption or metabolism.

  • When raising  healthy eaters in Kansas City, never use food to punish, restrict or reward your child. Food is meant to nourish the body not to be used as a punishment or a reward. Teach your child, even at an early age, to have a healthy relationship with food. This is done by not associating food with positive or negative reinforcement. If you are looking for a reward for positive behavior, always opt for non-food related rewards.

  • Know when to enforce healthy eating. At birthday parties and around the holidays, healthy eating can be a challenge. When it comes to special events, be flexible but still have a plan. Give your child a choice between two different whole food-based treats to celebrate special events. Be sure to let your child know that birthdays and holidays aren’t necessarily a day to abandon all healthy choices. In fact, on birthdays you should be celebrating good health.

  • During the holidays, be sure that your child understands why we celebrate holidays and that holidays are not an excuse to overindulge. If your child is old enough, allow them to participate in the meal prep for a holiday meal. This will help them to appreciate all of the hard work and effort that goes into preparing a healthy meal. This is bound to make raising a healthy eater easier.

How Can You Integrate Healthy Eating Into Your Family’s Busy Lifestyle?

If you are thinking that you are way too busy to integrate healthy living into your family’s chaotic schedule, you are wrong. Even the busiest of families can make time for healthy eating; especially when it comes to raising healthy eaters in Kansas City.

  • Remember you spend all day at work so that you can provide for your family. Your hard-earned money should go towards food items that are food for your family. Sure food prep may take a little time, but there is no sense is throwing your hard-earned cash away by purchasing fast food and processed foods.

  • Think about the power that healthy foods have over your mind and body as well as your child’s. Take a little time each week to write down your child’s as well as your entire family’s nutrition goals.

  • Remember, raising healthy eaters in Kansas City does not happen overnight. Start slow and work in the direction of achieving your goals as a healthy family. Taking baby steps will help you to achieve your goals. Is your family big on drinking soda? This might be the perfect place to start! Start by replacing one glass of soda a day with water and work your way so you have eliminated soda from you and your family’s diet.

  • Find inspiration. Maybe it’s your goal to lose a few pounds or perhaps it’s your goal to ensure that your child does not have to struggle with weight gain issues. Whatever your motivation is, use it to obtain short-term goals and eventually achieve healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

How do you motivate your child to eat healthy? Remember, it maybe a struggle in the beginning when raising healthy eaters in Kansas City, but the long-term goal is build healthy habits that your child can carry with them throughout their entire life.


Raising Healthy Eaters in Kansas City

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Chiropractic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Johnson County, KS

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an injury that is the result of a pinched nerve in the wrist. This can lead to pain and numbness in the index and middle fingers as well as weakness in the thumb. Carpal tunnel receives its name from the eight bones located in the wrist, which are known as carpals. These 8 carpals form a “tunnel” through which the nerves to leading to your hand extend.

chiropractic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in Johnson County, KS

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

  • Loss of strength in the palm of your hand and thumb.

  • A pain shooting from the hand up the arm (this pain can extend as far as the shoulder).

  • Feeling of uselessness in the fingers.

  • Pain and tingling in the hands at night, which can frequently lead to sleepless nights.

  • A feeling that your fingers are swollen even if there is little to no swelling that actually occurs.

  • Daytime tingling that makes it difficult to squeeze objects.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The carpal tunnel contains tendons (bundles of collagen fibers that attach your muscles to your bones) that control the movements of your fingers. Tasks that require highly repetitive and forceful movements of the wrist can result in swelling around these tendons, which can lead to a pinched nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common overuse injury, but can also be the result of pregnancy, trauma and certain diseases.

Who’s Most at Risk for Developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Individuals who spend a lot of time using a computer keyboard or those who work with small hand tools are most likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Women are two to five times more likely than men to experience carpal tunnel syndrome; those between the ages of 30-60 are even more likely to develop CTS.

Chiropractic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Johnson County, KS:

Chiropractic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in Johnson County, KS is common. Methods used by chiropractors to treat carpal tunnel syndrome can include manipulation of the wrist, elbow and upper spine. Treatment may also include ultrasound and wrist supports.

Spinal Adjustments as Chiropractic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Johnson County, KS. Misalignments of the spine can often contribute to symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. As a result, adjustments of the spine that aim to correct improper alignment of the spine after often beneficial in treating individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Wrist Supports as Chiropractic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Johnson County, KS. Wrist supports aim to help keep the wrist in proper alignment after chiropractic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in Johnson County, KS. They can also be used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome or prevent further injury to the wrist.

Studies have been conducted that support chiropractic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. In one study, 25 individuals with a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome reported significant improvements in several measures including strength, range of motion and a decrease in pain after receiving chiropractic care. For a majority of these individuals the improvements lasted for at least 6 months.

Another study compared the effects of chiropractic treatment with conservative medical care (conservative medical care includes ibuprofen and wrist supports) amongst 91 individuals with a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Both groups reported significant improvements in their nerve function, finger sensations and comfort levels. As a result of this study, researchers have completed that chiropractic care and conservative medical care are equal when it comes to effectiveness of treating individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Other Alternative Treatment Methods for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Some other possible alternative treatment methods can include

  1. Massage Therapy. Massage therapy may help to prevent or relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome especially when used in combination with rosemary or St. John’s wort oil.

  2. Physical Medicine. Physical medicine can include contrast hydrotherapy. This means alternating hot and cold water applications to help relieve carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. This approach is often used to reduce pain, decrease inflammation and enhance healing. Castor oil packs can also be used to treat the symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Apply castor oil to a cloth, wrap it around the wrist and over it was plastic wrap. Apply a heating pad for 1 hour or sleep with the application on the wrist.

Conventional Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

The management of carpal tunnel syndrome by a medical doctor largely depends on the severity of your symptoms.

Prevention. There are ways to help prevent CTS and alleviate symptoms of CTS that has already occurred.

  • Stretch your arms and fingers before and during work that involves your hands.

  • Alternate tasks to avoid repetitive strain on the wrists.

  • Modify activities that put a lot of stress on the wrists.

Drug Therapies. Medical doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to help reduce swelling, pain and redness. Corticosteroids may also be injected at the site of the carpal tunnel to help reduce tendon swelling.

Surgery. For patients who do not experience improvement with medication or conservative treatment methods, surgery may be recommended.


Chiropractic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Johnson County, KS

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Backpack Safety for Kids in Kansas City

It’s that time of the year again, time to go back to school shopping. As another summer comes to an end and a new school year is quickly approaching, parents are beginning to prepare their kids for a successful year at school and this often means the purchasing of a new backpack. With so much to do in order to prepare for the upcoming school year, few stop to think about backpack safety for kids in Kansas City. Did you know that carrying a heavy backpack to school just may be causing health problems for your kids?

backpack safety for kids in Kansas City

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, children between the ages of 5-18 account for 6,500 emergency room visits related to carrying a backpack that is too heavy for them. More research indicates that by the end of the school year, nearly 60 percent of all school-aged children will experience at least one episode of lower back pain. Backpacks that are too heavy are responsible for a significant amount of back pain from children ranging in age from elementary school all the way up through college. Common symptoms of poor backpack loading and carrying can include headaches, poor posture, neck pain and shoulder pain or stiffness. Let’s take a look at some tips for backpack safety for kids in Kansas City.

Tips for Backpack Safety for Kids in Kansas City:

  • Make sure your child’s backpack is no more than 5-10 percent of his/her body weight. A backpack that is too heavy will cause your child to bend forward in an attempt to better support the weight of his/her backpack rather than allow the shoulders and straps to support the weight. Weight is very important when it comes to backpack safety for kids in Kansas City.

  • Compartments are key. A backpack with compartments can help you be able to be able to position the contents of your child’s backpack most effectively. You won’t have to worry about your child’s lunch being flattened under their textbooks.

  • When packing a backpack, make sure your child places items that are bulky or pointy away from the back of the backpack. An uneven surface rubbing against your child’s back will be uncomfortable and can lead to painful blisters.

  • Encourage your child to use both shoulder straps on their backpack, not just one. A backpack that is only supported with one strap disproportionately shifts all of the weight of the bag to one side of your child. This can cause lower back pain as well as neck and muscle spasms. Using two straps in key in backpack safety for kids in Kansas City.

  • Opt for a backpack with padded shoulder straps. Padded shoulder straps are definitely more comfortable and they will not dig into your child’s shoulders.

  • Shoulder straps should be adjustable. This can help you fit the backpack to your child’s body. Straps that are too loose can cause your child’s backpack to dangle and be uncomfortable. This can cause misalignment and pain in your child’s back.

  • Talk to your child’s school. If your child’s backpack continues to be too heavy despite taking every precaution to save your child’s back, it may be possible to leave the heavy books at school and work from workbooks and handouts at home.

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to backpack safety for kids in Kansas City is talk to your children. It may sound silly, but make sure your children know how to properly use their backpacks. Help them to understand why carrying too much stuff or why only using one strap is bad for their backs. Children, who are educated about the importance of backpack ergonomics early on, can carry these lessons with them through high school, college and beyond.

If you have questions about backpack safety for kids in Kansas City or your child has complained of back pain, contact LifeWorks Integrative Health today at 913-730-5838. Your child and family may benefit from chiropractic care.


Backpack Safety for Kids in Kansas City

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Is Coffee Good or Bad for You in Kansas City?

Is Coffee Good or Bad for You?

The question “is coffee good or bad for you in Kansas City” is an age-old question that can be an extremely confusing to lay-people and healthcare professionals alike. This subject is just flat-out confusing. Watching the evening news is likely to tell you one night that your daily trip to Starbucks is going to cause all of your health concerns to go away. Turn the news on the next night and you may just hear that cup or two of coffee you enjoyed this morning is going to cause you to spend a whole lot of time at your doctor’s office. Confused yet? With so many contradictory messages when it comes to coffee, it’s safe to say that a majority of us don’t know whether to kick our coffee-drinking habits to the curb or if it’s safe to enjoy a trip to our favorite coffee shop each morning.

is coffee good or bad for you in Kansas City

Despite the fact that science keeps flip-flopping back and forth on whether or not you should be drinking coffee, the reality of it is that many Americans do rely on coffee to make it through these crazy, chaotic days we call life.

Is Coffee Good or Bad For You in Kansas City: A Look at the Controversies Surrounding Coffee

There have been many controversies surrounding coffee and its potential role in preventing Parkinson’s disease as well as its potential role in preventing breast cancer. Coffee is a potent combination of a number of biologically active compounds. Like any other food product, coffee has a number of effects on the body.

The question “is coffee good or bad for you in Kansas City” can be a tough one to answer. While the research on the benefits and disadvantages of coffee may vary, here are 10 reasons why you do not need coffee as part of your diet and for a healthy body:

1. The caffeine found in coffee increases the production of the stress hormone, catecholamines. As a result, your body elicits cortisol and increases insulin. An increase can lead to inflammation. Inflammation throughout the body will make you feel lousy.

2. Your caffeine addiction can lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity. This can make it very difficult for your body to appropriately respond to blood sugar. High blood sugar levels can lead to an increased risk of arterial deterioration and well as cardiovascular disease. This can lead to an early death.

3. While unfiltered coffee may have the highest amounts of beneficial antioxidants, unfiltered coffee can also cause diterpenes to enter your system. Diterpenes have been associated with higher levels of triglycerides, LDL and VLDL levels.

4. The chlorogenic acids in your system may be considered helpful in some aspects. This is a tricky topic when it comes to answering the question, “is coffee good or bad for you in Kansas City.” Chlorogenic acid may delay glucose absorption in the intestines. However, they have also been shown to increase homocysteine levels. Increased homocysteine levels have been found to be an indicator for increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

5.  Coffee is acidic. Coffee is associated with indigestion, heartburn, digestive discomfort, GERD and dyblosis (imbalances that occur in your gut flora).

6. Coffee addicts have a much more difficult time relying on the body’s natural source of energy. Coffee drinkers become addicted to energy that coffee gives them and have a hard time when coffee is not made available to them.

7. Coffee has become so trendy. Coffee shops are on every corner offering coffee drinkers more than just a plain old glass cup of coffee. Coffees now contain so many sugars and syrups. They are high in calories and are majorly lacking when it comes to nutrients.

8. 5-HIA is an organic acid and component of the neurotransmitter known as serotonin (a chemical in your brain that has a tendency to make you happy) found in urine has a tendency to be more elevated in those who drink coffee. This means that they are at risk for lower levels of serotonin synthesis in the brain. Serotonin is a necessary chemical for normal sleeping patterns, bowel functions, mood and higher energy levels. The caffeine found in coffee can make it very difficult to get a good night’s rest and can also lead to depression and anxiety.

9. Coffee can lead to elevated urinary excretion. This means excretion of important minerals — including potassium, calcium and magnesium. Coffee drinking can also lead to an imbalance in your electrolytes, which can eventually lead to serious systemic complications.

10. The ingredients in coffee can interfere with normal drug metabolism and detoxification in the liver. This can make it difficult to regulate normal detoxification processes.

Next time you run out of coffee or go and reach for that second cup, think to yourself “is coffee good or bad for you in Kansas City.” Taking a break from coffee may just do your body some good!


Is Coffee Good or Bad for You in Kansas City?