Thursday, July 31, 2014

Chiropractic Care Helps with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Kansas City

Recent research published in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research in April 2014 indicates a documented case of a patient with cardiovascular disease risk factors in Kansas City (including high cholesterol and triglycerides) being reduced as the result of chiropractic care. Chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular risk factors in Kansas City.

chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular risk factors

This research goes on to indicate that two of the most commonly noted risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease are high triglycerides and high cholesterol. Other risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease include:

  • Obesity

  • Physical inactivity

  • Diabetes

  • Unhealthy diets

  • Too much alcohol consumption

  • Tobacco exposure

  • Hypertension

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease includes a number of conditions that can affect the structures or functioning of your heart. Cardiovascular disease can include:

  • Heart attack

  • Coronary artery disease

  • Arrhythmia’s (or abnormal heart rhythms)

  • Heart valve disease

  • Heart failure

  • Congenital heart disease

  • Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)

  • Pericardial disease

  • Marfan syndrome

  • Aorta disease

  • Vascular disease

In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. As a result it is important to understand the risk factors, implications of the diseases and treatments. This research publication indicates that more than 80 million individuals are diagnosed annually with cardiovascular disease. While cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity worldwide, it is extremely prevalent in the United States as the result of inactive lifestyles and Western diets.

How Chiropractic Care Helps with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Kansas City:

According to this recent research chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular risk factors in Kansas City. This case includes a 30 year old male, who sought chiropractic care after receiving a diagnosis of high cholesterol and triglycerides by his physician. His blood work showed that his triglycerides were 577 mg/dL (the normal range being from 35-150 mg/dL) and his cholesterol level was 246 mg/dL (with the normal range from 130-200 mg/dL). With these numbers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would classify this patient as being at a high risk for developing cardiovascular disease. This patient also reported to his chiropractor that he was experiencing signs and symptoms of gout as well as lower back pain for a duration of six weeks.

His chiropractor performed an examination which consisted of a visual postural evaluation, orthopedic tests, motion and static palpation, neurological tests and deep tendon reflexes for upper and lower extremities. Based on the findings of this chiropractor’s exam, it was found that spinal subluxations were present.

To correct these subluxations, specific chiropractic adjustments occurred twice per week. As part of the patient’s treatment regimen, he began to make lifestyle changes and included regular exercise and a healthy, well-balanced diet as part of his routine.

When it came time for the patient’s second visit, the patient noticed a significant improvement in his symptoms as well as with his other complaints — less joint pain and lower back pain. The patient also reported that his sleeping patterns and his digestion had improved. Upon consulting his medical physician, the patient was able to discontinue his cholesterol and triglyceride medications.

Approximately 5 weeks into this patient’s chiropractic treatment, his physician performed another blood test to check for changes in his cholesterol and triglyceride levels. His blood work showed that his triglycerides were 126 mg/dL (the normal range being from 35-150 mg/dL) and his cholesterol level was 188 mg/dL (with the normal range from 130-200 mg/dL). Both levels were now within normal limits.

This case study suggests that adults with cardiovascular disease may lower their risk factors by seeking chiropractic care as well as modifying their lifestyles to include a healthy diet and increased physical activity. This patient study suggests that chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular risk factors in Kansas City.

Related Studies:

Several other studies have been conducted that suggest chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular disease risk factors in Kansas City.

One study found that adjustments to patients helped to lower their average heart rates — in patients who had above average heart rates. This major reasoning behind the thought that chiropractic care can help with cardiovascular disease in this study is that back pain, which chiropractic adjustment can help to relieve, may have caused an increase in heart rate. Researchers suggest that the stress of being in pain is a contributing factor to elevated heart rates.

Another study investigated that connection between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and anxiety levels. This study sought to quantify changes after the subjects has received chiropractic care. The results showed that patients were able to reduce their blood pressure as well as their anxiety levels.


Chiropractic Care Helps with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Kansas City

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Beverages You Should Be Avoiding in Johnson County, KS

On a hot, summer day the first thing that likely comes to mind is a tall, cold beverage in your hand. Unfortunately, a majority of the most popular summer beverage come at a cost to your health. Chances are some of your favorite summer beverages are packed with an exorbitant amount of sugar. While the beverage may go down easily and help keep you cool in the hot summer sun, enjoying your favorite summer beverage may mean sipping on hundreds of grams of excessive sugar. Now, imagine drinking more than one of these beverages per day. There are plenty of summer beverages you should be avoiding in Johnson County, KS to save your waistline and your overall health.

summer beverages you should be avoiding in Johnson County, KS



Sugary Summer Beverages You Should Be Avoiding in Johnson County, KS:

1. Soda. Whether you are opting for regular or diet soda, you should just say no to soda this summer. Sodas contain way too much sugar or even worse — artificial sweeteners. Some experts go as far as to say that drinking soda in many ways as just as bad as smoking cigarettes. For example, diet sodas typically contain a chemical known as aspartame. This sugar substitute has more than 92 different side effects including birth defects, brain tumors, diabetes, seizures and emotional disorders. Sipping on an iced-cold soda also exposes you to:

  • Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric acid can interfere with your body’s ability to use calcium. This can lead to osteoporosis.

  • Benzene. Researchers have found benzene levels as high as 79 ppb in some sodas. Benzene is a known carcinogen.

  • Artificial Food Colors. Artificial food colorings, including the caramel coloring that is found in most sodas, is a known carcinogen. The artificial caramel coloring is created by reacting corn sugar with sulfites and ammonia under high pressures at high temperatures.

  • Sodium Benzoate. Sodium benzoate is a common preservative found in a majority of soft drinks. This preservative can lead to DNA damage, which can eventually lead to Parkinson’s disease or cirrhosis of the liver.

2. Wine Coolers. A wine cooler is a sugary summer beverage you should be avoiding in Johnson County, KS this summer. Wine coolers are a very popular summer beverage; especially for those who do not particularly enjoy the taste of alcohol. These drinks are designed to taste more like a fruit juice than alcohol. This makes these beverages a very popular drink while relaxing on a hot summer day. However, this sweet taste does come at a cost to your health. In order to make these beverages taste extremely sweet, manufacturers typically add fruit juice and sugar to these drinks. The wine used to make these drinks are typically the cheapest grade available. In fact, some wine coolers are not even made from wine, but a malt instead.

Wine coolers are packed full of artificial food colorings, artificial flavorings and artificial sweeteners. Of course, these drinks contain alcohol — which have addictive properties and overtime can be very damaging to your health.

3. Beer. Beer is another one of those summer beverages that you should be avoiding in Johnson County, KS. Beer contains a large amount alcohol and empty calories. The yeast in beer also creates uric acid. Uric acid is a normal waste product that is found in your blood. Higher levels of uric acid are associated with gout.

Beer is also known to create the classic “beer belly syndrome.” This syndrome is very similar to metabolic syndrome. This includes abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, hypertriglyceridemia and insulin resistance. As a result, limiting your beer consumption is a great way of controlling your weight and improving your health.

4. Lemonades and Fruit Juices. For many, lemonade and fruit juices are a summer staple. However, these drinks are packed full of sugar and fall under the category of summer beverages that you should be avoiding in Johnson County, KS this summer. Lemonade and fruit juice contain plenty of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. In terms of the effects on your health, these drinks are very similar to sodas. Too much lemonade and fruit juice can increase your risk of weight gain as well as chronic degenerative diseases.

If you are craving lemonade, try making fresh lemonade. This will be lowest in fructose. If you need to add a sweetener, stick with stevia and avoid sugar as well as artificial sweeteners.

5. Sweetened Iced Teas. Sweet teas are another summer staple. However, sweet teas are a summer beverage that you should be avoiding in Johnson County, KS. It is a common misconception that sweetened iced teas are healthy for you just because they contain tea. Yes, tea can be a great source of antioxidants. However, sweet teas contain excessive sugars that are not great for your health.

One glass of sweet tea can contain up to 22 percent sugar. With sugar levels this high, drinking sweetened iced teas can actually contain twice the amount of sugar as one can of soda.

Summer Beverages You Should Be Avoiding in Johnson County, KS

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Does Your MD think about Your Chiropractor?

Have you ever felt torn between your chiropractor and your MD? Have you ever felt like you were cheating on your MD with your chiropractor or vice versa? If so, you are not alone. In fact, many individuals wonder if they should even tell their medical doctor about their chiropractor. With medical doctors having varying views on the field of chiropractic care, it is hard to answer the question: what does your MD think about your chiropractor?

what does your MD think about your Chiropractor?

During the mid 1980’s, a political event caused a change regarding the medical community’s obvious disrespect for the field of chiropractic care. During this time frame, the American Medical Association or the AMA was sued for antitrust violations and the chiropractors won the case.

What did this mean for chiropractors? There would be no more anti-chiropractic slander! No billboard, magazine article, television advertisement or radio advertisement would mock the chiropractic industry. If anti-chiropractic slander seems shocking to you, how about AMA laws prohibiting medical doctors from publicly socializing with chiropractors? In the mid-1980s, this was the case. In today’s world, this is likely to seem very shocking. You are very likely to come across chiropractic-MD pairs that are friends, family members and even husband and wife.

Back to the question: what does your MD think about your chiropractor? In 1994, when the United States and the United Kingdom almost simultaneously published official guidelines for the treatment of acute lower back pain, both documents recommended spinal manipulation as the first choice of treatment for patients suffering from acute lower back pain. If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor before, you are likely very aware that spinal manipulation is the primary form of chiropractic treatment.

This was the first time ever that a non-chiropractic group of individuals had recommended chiropractic treatment based on research. The research is overwhelming. Spinal manipulation is seen as a safe, effective and a cost-efficient form of care when compared to all over options patients can choose from when it comes to treating acute lower back pain. This report was not the end of recommending spinal manipulation in the treatment of chronic lower back pain. The research continued to pour in and the evidence is overwhelming when it comes to choosing spinal manipulation as the preferred treatment method for acute lower back pain.

According to these published guidelines, all patients who suffer from acute and chronic lower back pain should be paying a visit to their chiropractor first. However if everyone followed these guidelines, there would be a major shortage of chiropractors. Additionally, chiropractic care would be one of the most sought after professions.

While chiropractic care is becoming increasingly more popular and accepted by the medical field, many MDs do not have the knowledge about chiropractic care to recommend to inquiring patients.

What is being done about the lack of education in the medical world about chiropractic care?

  • Many chiropractic offices go out of their way to educate medical doctors in their surrounding communities about the benefits of chiropractic care.

  • Some medical schools are now offering “Alternative Medicine” courses in the curriculum of undergraduate MD programs as well as rotations in alternative medicine during post-graduate work.

Education is one of the best tools as more and more medical doctors are seeking chiropractors to work with when it comes to treating patients with chronic back and neck pain as well as headaches.

Again, looking at the question: what does your MD think about your chiropractor? The answer today is going to be far different from the answer most MDs would have given you in the mid-1980s. In today’s world, the MD/DC relationship continues to grow and improve. This is evident by the inclusion of chiropractic care in hospital program, on military bases and in VA hospitals and based on the fact that routine chiropractic care is covered by a vast majority of health insurance companies.

If you are considering chiropractic care or are already an active user of chiropractic care, your MD just may support it!


What Does Your MD think about Your Chiropractor?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Put an End to Late Night Binge Eating in Kansas City

Are you one of the millions of Americans who just can’t seem to say no to a late-night snack? Whether you are crave a small snack late night or find yourself binge eating just before the clock strikes midnight, you are not alone. While you are not alone, this devastating problem have can have a serious effect on your health — think diabetes, obesity or depression. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City. With a little effort, you can say put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City and likely not even miss those late-night snacks. put an end to late night binge eating in kansas cityAre your hormones in-check? If you think those late night cravings and desires to eat foods you know you should probably avoid are the result of lack of willpower or a character flaw, guess again. While stress can be a trigger to unwanted binge eating, most of the time it’s not. In fact, biology just may be to blame. When you have a better understanding of why you can’t seem to put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City, it is much easier to control and overcome those cravings. Chances are the underlying cause of your binge eating is the result of a hormonal imbalance with the hormones that regulate your appetite. There are four specific triggers that lead to binge eating. Fortunately, you can put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City once you learn how to balance these hormones. The four most common hormones responsible include:

  1. Insulin. Insulin is a very important hormones that your body produces in order to process the sugars you consume. When your insulin spikes and then crashes after consuming processed foods or junk foods, you become hungry again. Unfortunately, a healthy meal can also cause you to become hungry again.

  2. Leptin. Leptin is the hormone that lets your brain know that you are full and that you do not need to eat any more. When you consume plenty of processed foods, sugar and flours, leptin can stop working. As a result, you brain can become resistant to leptin.

  3. Ghrelin. This hunger hormone is produced in your stomach to help you regulate your appetite. When you are hungry, this hormone will be sure to let you know.

  4. Peptide YY. This hormone is produced in your intestines and lets your body know that you are full and are unable to eat anymore.

There is also one more hormone that needs to be considered when we try to put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City. This hormone is the stress hormone known as cortisol. When you are stressed, the cortisol level in your body goes up. As a result, you become more hungry, your blood sugar levels rise and your insulin levels rise. This can lead to insulin resistance also known as pre-diabetes. How can you easily put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City? With a little work and dedication you can balance your hormones and fight those late night cravings, here’s how.

  • Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day when you want to put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City. Consuming breakfast is key in putting an end to your late night cravings. Consume  a breakfast that is high in protein. One option for a high-protein breakfast is eggs in any form. You can also try consuming a protein shake is you need your breakfast on-the-go. Breakfast can help keep your blood sugar levels even all day long and can also help reduce the amount of cravings you have for snacks throughout your day.

  • Avoid drinking your calories. By drinking your calories, you are consuming empty calories that are providing you with no real nutritional value. Sodas, lattes, teas and sports drinks may taste break, but they will cause a spike in your insulin and blood sugar levels. This will lead to cravings.

  • Get yourself on a meal schedule. Be sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks in between are fine as well. Think of your body as a clock. To keep your hormones balanced, you need to develop and eating rhythm.

  • Remember how important protein is to your diet. Have protein and high-quality fats with every meal. Good fats include nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, and olive oil. High-quality proteins include chicken, grass-fed meat and fish. By consuming such foods, you can help to balance your blood sugar levels.

  • Keep your stress levels under control. Stress can cause you to eat, while relaxing can make it easier for you to obtain your goal weight. When you are stressed, take time out of your day to de-stress. De-stressing activities can include yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation or even going for a walk. Reducing stress can help to put an end to late night binge eating by balancing your brain chemistry and hormones as well as helping to fight unwanted cravings.

  • Never skip out on a good night’s sleep. When you don’t sleep, you become hungry. You become especially hungry for sugars and carbs. This is because sleep deprivation causes an increase in the hormones that let your brain known that you are hungry. This is why a good night’s sleep is so important for anyone looking to lose weight.

  • Are you allergic or sensitive to any foods? Many people have a tendency to crave the foods they are allergic to. Common triggers of food sensitivity include dairy and gluten. If you suspect you might have a gluten or dairy sensitivity, try going without these products for a few weeks and see how you feel.

Did you know that supplementation can help you to cut cravings and put an end to late night binge eating in Kansas City? Here are some supplements to consider: Omega-3 fats can help to regulate cravings. Vitamin D  helps to regulate hormones and balance insulin. Chromium, lipoic acid, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) can help cut cravings. Amino acids can also help balance your hormones, stop your cravings and increase muscle mass.

Put an End to Late Night Binge Eating in Kansas City

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer and Healthy Eating in Johnson County, KS

Why Summer is the Best Season for Healthy Eating

With cookouts, vacations and ice cream everywhere you look, summer may not appear to be one of the unhealthiest months of the year for healthy eating. However if you can look past the dessert tables at your cookouts and skip the ice cream truck, summer comes with an abundance of healthy, fresh, whole foods. Here are some of the best reasons why summer is by far the healthiest eating season. Learn how to make the most of summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS.

summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS



Fresh food is available and affordable. It’s easy to eat fresh, whole foods when they are readily available to you. Fruits and vegetables, that are locally grown, are abundant and available everywhere. Not only can you eat healthy, but you can support your local economy. Since more fresh food is available and grown locally, farmers are able to sell fresh fruits and veggies at a much more reasonable cost. When food is is season, it is much better for you than when you buy fruits and veggies out of season. These foods come without the preservatives and chemicals used to keep food fresh on a grocery store shelf. Summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS is not complete without a trip to the farmers’ market.

Summer is relaxing and allows you to experiment with basic, everyday foods. With impromptu gatherings with family and friends, be sure to keep basic staples in your pantry so that you are prepared at any minute to make a delicious meal. It is important to remember that you do not need expensive or exotic foods to make a delicious meal. Opt for inexpensive products, such as greens and beans, that can be made into delectable meals without breaking the bank.

Use summertime to experiment with flavor. Summer is the perfect time to add some flavor to your meals without having to turn to fat and salts to do the job. Berries, herbs and spices are readily available all summer long and are the perfect way to add some flare to your meal without making your meal unhealthy. If you are feeling extra motivated, try growing your own herbs (such as fresh dill, cilantro, basil and parsley). These herbs can easily be grown in your own window.

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy light and fresh meals. Forget about the comfort foods of winter, such as mac and cheese or mashed potatoes, and create a light and fresh diet for the summer.  With so many fresh options available, it’s easy to enjoy a light, plant-based diet during the summer. A plant-based diet is great for cardiovascular healthy, keeping your waistline trim and your blood sugar levels in check. If you have ever considered going meatless or would like to try to reduce the amount of meat you consume, give it a go this summer. Try to incorporate one day a week where you avoid consuming meat entirely. If you are feeling extra motivated, try eating one meal per day without animal protein. Skipping the meat can help give your digestive system a break.

Leftovers in the summertime allow you to get creative. Summer is likely the one time of the year where you should have no complaints when it comes to eating leftovers. There are so many ways to turn leftover fruits and veggies into delicious meals without feeling like you are eating the same meal day in and day out. Get creative with your leftovers. Summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS can also be more enjoyable with leftovers; this means less time in the kitchen.

Dine under the stars. You are probably wondering how dining under the stars is healthy for you. It is, you just need to think outside of the box a little. Dining under the stars is not so much about what you are eating, but how the experience can make you feel. Enjoying a meal under the stars can help to relax your nerves and the relaxation helps to aid with digestion. Eating under the stars makes summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS even more fun. You don’t have to spend a lot of money for great scenery.

Buying local produce and can even better than opting for organic produce. Sometimes it is okay to opt for conventional versions of fruits and vegetables. Yes, buying organic helps to limit your exposure to fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, hormones and other toxins. However when you buy from local farms, you can find fruits and vegetables that you just as healthy for you. These foods even have an advantage because they do not need to be shipped across the country. Spending a lot of time in transit can make foods less healthy for you and more costly.

Meal preparation in the summer is quick and simple. In the summer, you spend a lot less time preparing foods. This gives you much more time to enjoy relaxing outdoors with family and friends. In the winter time, soups, slow-cooker meals and stews are fan favorites. However, these foods can sometimes require a good amount of preparation and work. In the summer, foods are often enjoyed raw or lightly cooked. This means much less time spent in your kitchen. Summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS is all the more enjoyable when you don’t have to spend all summer stuck in the kitchen.

Summer meals simply look better on your plate. Summer fruits and vegetables are grown in a variety of colors. This makes meals more pleasing to the eye. When food is visually, your meal simply gives you more please. This makes summer and healthy eating in Johnson County, KS even more enjoyable. Plus these fruits and vegetables are packed with phytonutrients, which are healthy chemicals that are great for you.

Summer and Healthy Eating in Johnson County, KS

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yoga and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kansas City, KS

Are you struggling with the painful effects of rheumatoid arthritis, research indicates that you may want to give yoga as try as a gentle form of exercise. It is very common for individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis to be unable to perform physical activity. However, studies have shown that yoga may be the answer many rheumatoid arthritis patients have been searching for. Those who practice yoga have considerably less pain from their arthritis and other chronic pain conditions (such as fibromyalgia). They also report a better quality of life. Let’s take a look at why yoga and rheumatoid arthritis in Kansas City, KS may go hand-in-hand.

yoga and rheumatoid arthritis

Yoga and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kansas City, KS– What You Need to Know:

Research has been conducted on the benefits of yoga participation for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. One study conducted in the United Arab Emirates involved 47 patients from a rheumatoid arthritis center. Twenty-six of these individuals were assigned to a group that was going to participate in yoga. The other 21 individuals were part of the control group. For participants in this study, yoga sessions lasted one hour and participants were also given yoga exercises to complete in their homes.

After 12 sessions, the yoga and control group were analyzed. The patients in the yoga group were found to have significant improvement in their symptoms — including a reduction in fatigue and a reduction in the amounts of pain medication they required on a daily basis.

Another study followed 30 rheumatoid arthritis patients as they took part in a modified yoga program. The participants were typically sedentary. Participants reported a significant reduction in joint pain and swelling. Researchers believe that part of this effect may be due to a reduction in inflammation, which is one of the major causes of pain in those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Another study followed 50 healthy women. This study showed that those who were experienced yoga practitioners had measurably less inflammation in response to stressful situations than those who were new to yoga.

Finally, a small study followed 16 women. These women reported improvements in balance and pain reduction as well as reduced depression after taking a yoga class three times per week for 10 weeks.

But I’m Not Flexible….

Many people have trouble completing the poses required during a yoga class. This includes those with rheumatoid arthritis and even those without any health problems. You do not have to be flexible to enjoy all the benefits that can occur as the result of yoga and rheumatoid arthritis in Kansas City, KS. Anything that keeps the range of motion in your joints going is enough to help keep your joints more flexible.

If you are considering the benefits of yoga and rheumatoid arthritis in Kansas City, KS and want to sign up for a class, there are beginner and modified yoga classes available. These programs are developed and take into account the possibility of reduced flexibility and other limitations that can occur as the result of rheumatoid arthritis or other chronic pain conditions.

Yoga and rheumatoid arthritis can be a great combination regardless of your fitness and flexibility levels. There are so many different types of yoga classes out there. Many classes are geared towards those with physical limitations.

As always, you should talk to your healthcare professional before starting a yoga class or any other form of physical activity. It is also a good idea to speak to your yoga instructor ahead of time so that they are aware of any physical limitations you may have.

While yoga is a gentle form of exercise, you still need to listen to your body. If you begin to feel any unusual amounts of pain and discount during any of the yoga poses you learn in class, stop immediately. Your instructor may be able to suggest a modified form of the pose that is effective, but much less painful for you.

Yoga and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kansas City, KS: The Benefits

There are so many benefits when it comes to yoga. Those who are healthy, as well as those who suffer from a variety of medical conditions (especially pain conditions) can benefit from practicing yoga. Some of the benefits of yoga include:

  • Enhanced balance

  • Building strength

  • Increased flexibility

  • Increased range of motion

  • A weight bearing exercise that can help to prevent osteoporosis

  • Increases blood circulation throughout the body

  • Can help to lower your risk of heart disease and depression because yoga is an aerobic exercise

  • Can reduce high blood pressure

  • Can reduce muscle fatigue and tension

  • Better response to stressful situations

  • A reduction in bad cholesterol levels

Regardless of your reasoning for giving yoga a try, those with rheumatoid arthritis can benefit from decreased joint pain as well as many other benefits to your overall health.

Yoga and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kansas City, KS

Side Effects or Direct Effects

Side Effects or Direct Effects

The most common question that individuals ask before they ever take a prescription drug is, “What are the side effects?” Before you pop another pill, you must understand how medications’ side effects directly affect your body today and in years to come. Medications are tested in a laboratory until the chemical reaction that they are designed to achieve is reproducible. The direct effects of this lab testing must be consistent before these chemicals are ever tested on animals or people. Once human testing begins, scientists measure the impact of these medications to see if they cause the same direct effects that were induced in a laboratory. If these effects are reproducible, the testing continues to see if any other effects...Read More

You have two choices. You can choose to...

You have two choices. You can choose to...


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Your First Chiropractic Visit in Kansas City

A great chiropractor has the goal of relieving a patient’s symptoms as fast as possible with as few treatments as necessary. A great chiropractor will also provide a patient with advice on how to avoid future episodes of pain — including back pain or sciatica. The chiropractic profession has an unusually large variety of philosophies and techniques used to help alleviate a patient’s pain. If you have never seen a chiropractor before, you should not hesitate to ask as many questions as you need to in order to understand and feel comfortable with your chiropractic visit.

your first chiropractic visit

What to Expect During Your First Chiropractic Visit in Kansas City:

For your initial consultation with a chiropractor you should expect a thorough chiropractic exam and to be at the office for at least 45 minutes. During your first chiropractic visit in Kansas City, you should expect:

1. Patient History and Symptoms. Prior to your consultation for your first chiropractic visit in Kansas City, you will be asked to fill out forms. These forms will provide your chiropractor with background information your symptoms of condition. You may be asked:

  • When your pain started?

  • How your pain started?

  • How would you describe your pain? Is it dull, burning or throbbing?

  • Does your pain come and go or is it constant?

  • Is your pain the result of an injury?

  • What makes your pain better?

You will also provide information on your medical history (including any pre-existing conditions and previous injuries. You will also be asked to provide information on your family’s medical history as well as information on other forms of treatment you may have sought prior to visiting a chiropractor for your pain.

2. Your First Chiropractic Exam. After learning a little bit about your background, you will have your first chiropractic visit in Kansas City. A thorough exam may include general medical testing such as pulse, respiratory rate, reflexes and blood pressure. A number of neurological and orthopedic tests will be used to assess your range of motion, neurological integrity, muscle tone and muscle strength.

Depending on your specific complaint and condition, further chiropractic tests may be necessary to assess your condition. This may include a postural analysis or a chiropractic manipulation.

3. Diagnostic Studies. The outcome of your first chiropractic exam in Kansas City will determine if your chiropractor would like to perform any diagnostic studies. Diagnostic studies can help to reveal pathology and identify structural abnormalities. This can help to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Diagnostic studies are not always necessary, but may include:

  • X-rays

  • Laboratory Tests

X-rays and some Laboratory Tests are frequently performed in a chiropractor’s office.

The Outcome of Your First Chiropractic Visit in Kansas City:

At the end of your assessment, your chiropractor will provide you with:

  1. A diagnosis

  2. An individualized treatment plan

  3. Anticipated length of treatment


Your First Chiropractic Visit in Kansas City

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Chiropractic Treatment of Running Injuries in Kansas City

Whether you are training for your first 5k or running another marathon, running can take a toll on your body. Aches, pains and overuse, injuries can sideline even the most experienced of runners. In the past, you have likely discussed treatment options with your family physician or even an orthopedic doctor. Perhaps, you have even discussed the possibility of surgery to eliminate the pain caused by a nagging running injury. For many runners, the desire to get back out there and continue training can lead to seeking alternative rehabilitation plans that may include seeking chiropractic treatment of running injuries in Kansas City.

chiropractic treatment of running injuries

Why Opt for Chiropractic Treatment of Running Injuries in Kansas City?

Many runners have begun relying on chiropractors that are trained in sports medicine. Traditional treatment of running injuries typically focuses on strengthening and coordination. On the other hand, chiropractic treatment of running injuries in Kansas City is designed to improve joint mobilization and ensure that all of the joints in the body are moving correctly. Chiropractic care also focuses on soft tissue repair. For a runner, a healthy body is a body where all of the joints move correctly and move in coordination with the body’s soft tissue.

If you plan on visiting a chiropractor for treatment of a running injury, expect a thorough evaluation of bio-mechanics. A chiropractor examines how you are moving, how you stand, the arch of your feet, how your knees are aligned and how your hips are aligned. A thorough evaluation allows for chiropractic treatment of running injuries in Kansas City to be a success.  A treatment plan takes into account the individual needs of each specific patient. No two treatment plans are likely to be the same.

Chiropractic Treatment of Running Injuries in Kansas City

What is Estrogen Dominance Syndrome?

When you think of a decline in estrogen, what comes to mind? Chances are you think of the hallmark of menopause. However, it is quite common for women to experience surges of abnormally high levels of estrogen during the premenopausal and menopausal phases of their lives. Surges of high levels of estrogen are even common throughout the various stages of a woman’s life. Dr. John R. Lee has conducted extensive research on estrogen dominance syndrome. It is his belief that excess estrogen along with a progesterone deficiency is the root-cause of a number of female problems. With that being said, Dr. Lee is a pioneer in using natural progesterone to help combat the symptoms of estrogen dominance syndrome.

estrogen dominance syndrome

Estrogen can pose problems throughout a woman’s menstrual history. Young women, who suffer from estrogen dominance as they enter menarche, can find themselves struggling with extremely difficult periods. As a result, many physicians will place these girls on oral contraceptives to help regulate the frequency and severity of their symptoms.

On the other hand, some women begin to experience troubles with estrogen dominance syndrome, much later in life. This can be the result of diet, environmental factors, liver impairment as well the result of anovulatory cycles that occur before menopause — there are menstrual cycles were ovulation does not occur.

The following diseases and problems are also believed to be related to or affected by too much estrogen along with too little progesterone:

  • Weight gain secondary to insulin resistance.

  • Fibrocystic breast disease

  • Particular types of PMS

  • Migraines

  • Menstrual disturbances — such as heavy or irregular bleeding.

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids

  • Breast cancer

  • Ovarian cancer

What Causes Estrogen Dominance Syndrome?

Aside from natural fluctuations of hormones during menopause, lifestyle choices and certain medical conditions can contribute to this condition. These include consuming a low-fiber diet, overloading the liver with internal toxins and absorbing environmental toxins.

  • Low Fiber Diets. A diet that is low in fiber can cause estrogen levels to increase. On the other hand, a diet that is high in fiber can decrease a woman’s estrogen levels. Why you might be wondering? This is because excess estrogen is excreted in the bowel. When constipation occurs, estrogen is re-absorbed. Research has indicated that women who consume a high-fiber diet have lower estrogen levels. Lower estrogen levels means a decrease in estrogen stimulation of breast tissues. This can reduce the risk of a woman developing breast cancer.

  • Overloading the Liver. The liver works to detox the body by protecting our bodies from the harmful effects of chemicals, food elements, environmental toxins and products that are the result of metabolism — which includes excess estrogen. Estrogen dominance syndrome can be the result of a woman exposing her body to too much alcohol, drugs or environmental toxins. Research indicates that urine estrogen levels can increase up to 32 percent in women, who consumed just two drinks a day. This also increases the risk of breast cancer in women who consume more than two drinks. However, the risk of osteoporosis is lower in these women.

  • Our Environment. We live in an environment that is full of estrogen. PCBs, pesticides and DDT can cause estrogenic effects. Chlorine and hormones in meats as well as dairy products can produce similar effects. As a result, it is critical to incorporate a pure, clean diet that consists of organic foods when at all possible. This can help to cut down your exposure to harmful xenoestrogens.

If you think your diet may be causing estrogen dominance syndrome, it may be time to consult with a doctor, who recognizes estrogen dominance syndrome. Since estrogen dominance syndrome is not a standard medical diagnosis, you may to to consult an alternative medicine physician. A doctor can measure hormone levels in your blood or progesterone levels in your saliva. A doctor is likely to recommend:

  • Increasing dietary fiber. Bowel regularity has been shown to ensure excess estrogen is eliminated from the body.

  • The use of dietary supplements. Lecithin and L-taurine help to promote bile circulation, which is beneficial in enhancing estrogen’s excretion from your body. DIM and Calcium-d-Glucarate can help to deactivate toxic substances in the body and excess hormones. This helps to encourage elimination of toxic substances.

  • Use of a natural progesterone cream. Absorbed through the skin, this cream can help to balance excessive estrogen.

  • Aerobic exercise. Research indicates that physical activity can help to slow the overproduction of estrogen. However, it is important not to over-exercise. Exercising too much can stop your menstrual cycle and has the potential to lead to a condition known as the Female Athlete Triad.

  • Optimize your weight. Having excessive body fat leads to the conservation of estrogen. As a result, overweight women are at a lower risk for osteoporosis but are at a higher risk for developing breast and uterine cancer.

What is Estrogen Dominance Syndrome?

Easing Hip Pain: Chiropractic care of Hip Pain in Johnson County

When we think of chiropractic care, a vast majority of us probably think of back pain. However, there are a large number of conditions, aches and pains that cause fans of chiropractic care to book some time on a chiropractor’s table. One of these areas of the body is the hips. There a number of common hip issues that are motivating factors for making an appointment with a chiropractor.

chiropractic care of hip pain in Johnson County

Common Causes of Hip Pain

Our hips serve a large number of functions for our body; they allow us to remain in an upright position, they allow us to bear weight, walk smoothly, jump, kick, run and play. Our hips are involved in nearly every move we make. As a result, pain in  the hips can have debilitating consequences for patients of all ages.

One of the most common causes of hip pain is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a “wear and tear” condition that develops as a person ages. Symptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the hip include pain, inflammation and difficulty performing day to day functions such as walking, sitting, standing or exercising.

Other causes of hip pain include:

  • fracture

  • bursitis

  • avascular necrosis

  • tendinitis

  • muscle or tendon strains

Symptoms of Hip Pain

The pain in your hip may vary depending upon the condition that has caused your hip pain. If you are experiencing hip pain, you may feel discomfort in your:

  • thigh

  • inside of your hip joint

  • outside of your hip joint

  • groin

  • buttocks

Pain caused in other areas of the body, such as the back, can radiate to the hips causing pain.

Depending on the cause of your hip pain, pain may become worse with physical activity. You may also notice a limp as well as decreased range of motion in the affected hip.

Why Use Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain in Johnson County?

Patients opt for chiropractic care of hip pain in order to be as pain free as possible and to be able to perform day-to-day tasks again and enjoy more strenuous tasks. Some patients opt for chiropractic care of hip pain in Johnson County because they would prefer to alleviate their symptoms while limiting their use of medications.

While you can see a chiropractor for a large number of hip-related concerns, one of the most common issues chiropractors treat when it comes to the hips is osteoarthritis. While osteoarthritis cannot be cured through chiropractic care, proper techniques can help help to ease symptoms.

Therefore, one of the common issues a chiropractor may see in his or her practice is a client on the table complaining of the problems that are connected to osteoarthritis of the hip. Although this is not a condition that can be cured through chiropractic care, proper techniques applied on the chiropractor’s table can help ease the symptoms. Chiropractic care of hip pain in Johnson County (osteoarthritis) also has the potential to slow the progression of the disease and may even prevent the need for surgery in the long run.

The aim of chiropractic care of the hip is to increase range of motion while decreasing the amount of pain and muscle spasms a patient is experiencing. This often involves mobilization and manipulation of the joints that have been affected by osteoarthritis. Manipulation occurs in a gentle manner. Individuals with osteoarthritis of the hip may also benefit from strengthening exercising to help strengthen the hips and their surrounding muscles.

It is important to remember that osteoarthritis of the hip is not the only reason you may seek chiropractic care of the hip. Traumatic injuries, overuse injuries and a number of conditions can involve the hips. While these conditions may not stem directly from the hips, your chiropractor can help to determine the root cause of your hip pain. For example, sciatica is a condition that has been known to cause pain in the back as well as the hips.

Depending on what type of hip pain brings your to a chiropractor’s office, your chiropractor may perform a number of different techniques. Chiropractic care of hip pain in Johnson County not only includes adjustments and manipulations by may also include passive motion and various rehabilitation techniques.

Need Proof that Chiropractic Care of Hip Pain in Johnson County Can Help?

Multiple studies have found that chiropractic adjustments are effective in relieving sciatica — which is a common cause of hip and lower back pain. In one study, the efficacy of chiropractic care to surgery for sciatica was researched. Sixty percent of chiropractic patients were able to substantially improve their symptoms. This enabled them to avoid surgery.

Multiple case studies have also suggested that chiropractic care can relieve pain associated with Piriformis syndrome and sacroiliac joint dysfunction — both of these conditions frequently lead to hip pain.

Studies have also examined the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment of hip osteoarthritis. One study indicates that 83 percent of osteoarthritis patients saw improvement within nine visits to the chiropractor. This study included the following treatments: axial manipulation of the hip, stretching and full kinetic chain treatment.

Natural treatment of hip pain can allow patients to avoid the risks and costs associated with medications and surgery. To learn more about how chiropractic care of hip pain in Johnson County can work for you, contact a LifeWorks Integrative Health today at 913-730-5838.


Easing Hip Pain: Chiropractic care of Hip Pain in Johnson County