Saturday, June 14, 2014

Weight Loss Mistakes in Johnson County

If you are trying to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. To burn more calories than you consume, exercise is key. If you are not burning enough calories, the number on the scale is not going to move for the better. If you seem to be struggling with weight loss, here are some weight loss mistakes in Johnson County you might be making.

weight loss mistakes in Johnson County

1. Are you just a walker? Walking is a great way to boost your spirits and improve circulation. However, walking is not a huge calorie burner. If you have made it your goal to lose weight, you are going to need to exercise for at least one hour each day. You must engage in heart-pumping cardio in order to burn a significantly larger amount of calories than you would just walking. Walking is a great exercise, but using walking for weight loss is one of the most common weight loss mistakes in Johnson County that beginners make. To burn a larger number of calories, consider engaging in jogging, biking, jump rope, swimming, hiking or take a cardio class (such as kickboxing) at a local gym.

2. Skipping the cardio and heading straight to the weight room. Yes, it is correct to say that building muscles through strength training is important when it comes to burning calories. This is because muscle tissue burns more calories than body fat. However, believing that you don’t need cardio is one of those very common weight loss mistakes in Johnson County that can make it much more difficult for you to lose weight. Your body needs cardio to burn calories in order to decrease your overall body fat. Cardio is also a must to help reveal those toned muscles that have been hiding underneath fat. For best weight loss results, incorporate cardio and strength training into your routine.

3. You are not exercising enough. When it comes to weight loss mistakes in Johnson County, not exercising enough is a very common problem. Sure you may have one or two great workout sessions in a row, but this does not mean you need to stop just because you did good. A great workout session does not mean you get to spend the rest of the week watching television. Not exercising enough is one of the reasons that you are not seeing the results you want. You need to be exercising for 60 minutes a day, most days of the week. In order to get that number on the scale go down, you need to turn your workout routine up a notch. Exercising once a week is not going to give you results. If exercising 60 minutes a day seems like too much to start, take things slow. Try starting with 30 minutes and gradually adding a few minutes to your routine each day until you are up to 60 minutes.


Weight Loss Mistakes in Johnson County

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