Wednesday, June 25, 2014

FDA labeling laws at thier finest!!

FDA labeling laws at thier finest!!

I guess it depends on your definition of Natural?

Thomas Edison made this prediction in 1903, and...

Thomas Edison made this prediction in 1903, and...


Chiropractic Care Cuts Blood Pressure in Kansas City

Did you know that high blood pressure (also referred to as hypertension) affects 1 in 4 Americans? Yes, there is a 25 percent chance that you might find yourself dealing with high blood pressure at some point in your life or another. What you might not know is that chiropractic care cuts blood pressure in Kansas City. Read on to learn a little more about hypertension and how chiropractic care cuts blood pressure in Kansas City.

chiropractic care cuts blood pressure in Kansas City

What is Hypertension?

High blood pressure is an extremely common condition in which the force of your blood against the artery walls is high enough to cause significant health concerns; such as cardiovascular disease.

Your blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart is able to pump and the amount of resistance to blood flow that occurs in your arteries. The more blood that your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure is going to be.

One thing you may not realize about high blood pressure is that you can have it for years without ever experiencing any symptoms. Even if you are experiencing symptoms of high blood pressure, the damage that occurs to your blood vessels and heart can still go undetected. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can increase your risk of developing serious health problems; including stroke and heart attack. The fortunate thing about high blood pressure is that is can be easily detected and your doctor can work with you to control it.

What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?

Like we discussed earlier, a majority of people with high blood pressure experience no signs or symptoms. Even those with dangerously high levels are likely not to experience symptoms. Very few people experience symptoms. In the early stages of high blood pressure, you may experience dull headaches, dizzy spells and nosebleeds. However, these symptoms usually do not occur until your blood pressure has reached a level that is severe or life-threatening.

What Causes Hypertension?

There are two different types of high blood pressure; both of which have different causes.

  • Primary (essential) Hypertension. For a vast majority of adults, there is no identifiable reason why they have developed high blood pressure. This type of hypertension has a tendency to gradually develop over many years.

  • Secondary Hypertension. Other individuals may develop hypertension as the result of an underlying condition.  Secondary hypertension tends to come on suddenly and cause higher blood pressure than primary hypertension does. There are a number of reasons why individuals develop secondary hypertension including: kidney conditions, thyroid problems, adrenal tumors, alcohol abuse, obstructive sleep apnea, cogenital defects, the use of illegal drugs and the use of certain medications (birth control pills, cold remedies, over-the-counter pain medications).

How Chiropractic Care Cuts Blood Pressure in Kansas City:

According to the Journal of Human Hypertension, chiropractic adjustments were more effective in lowering blood pressure than two traditional blood pressure medications combined. Dr. George Bakris, director of the University of Chicago Hypertension Center, found that chiropractic care cuts blood pressure and does so without any side effects or problems.

An 8 week study followed 25 patients with early-stage high blood pressure, who were specifically adjusted and had significantly lowered their blood pressure. These 25 participants were compared to 25 similar patients who received “sham” chiropractic adjustments.

Patients received x-rays. X-rays showed that the procedure realigned the Atlas vertebra. The atlas vertebra is the ring-shaped bone at the top-most portion of the spine. The chiropractic manipulation realigned the Atlas vertebra in only the treated patients, not in the “sham” patients.

Compared to study participants in the “sham” group, those who received an actual chiropractic adjustment were found to have an average of 14mm Hg greater drop in systolic blood pressure and an average of 8mm Hg greater drop in diastolic blood pressure. During this study, none of the participants took blood pressure medications.

Compared to the sham-treated patients, those who received specific Chiropractic adjustments saw an average 14mm Hg greater drop in systolic blood pressure, and an average of 8mm Hg greater drop in diastolic blood pressure.  None of the patients took blood pressure medicine during the 8 week study.

Researchers found that injury to the neck in earlier years of life can affect blood flow to the arteries located in the base of the skull. A spinal subluxation at the Atlas vertebra has been known to interfere with the activity of the Medulla Oblongata — this is the portion of your brain that controls blood pressure. As a result, specific adjustments of misalignments can help to naturally reset the brain’s activity to normal balance. This ensures that the body is better able to recognize high blood pressure on its own and can work to correct it naturally. As a result, chiropractic care cuts blood pressure in Kansas City in a more natural and less conventional method.

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, contact LifeWorks Integrative Health at 913-730-5838 to see how chiropractic care cuts blood pressure in Kansas City.

Chiropractic Care Cuts Blood Pressure in Kansas City

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle in Kansas City

Are you spending too much time sitting down and too little time up, about and enjoying all the various forms of physical activity that life has to offer? Not only are you missing out on a lot of fun forms of exercise, but you may also be reducing your lifespan. There are so many risks of a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone knows that sitting on your couch and channel surfing is not good for your health. Research indicates that sitting for prolonged periods of time can actually prove to be deadly, while increasing one’s time on their feet can have many beneficial health results. Read on to learn more about the research on physical inactivity and risks of a sedentary lifestyle in Kansas City.

risks of a sedentary lifestyle in Kansas City

One of the risks of a sedentary lifestyle is the increased chance of developing coronary artery disease, cardiovascular disease and death from a variety of different cancers. Research conducted by Dr Rebecca Seguin at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York followed a multi-ethnic group of 92,234 women between the ages of 50 and 79. These women were followed for over 12 years to see the effects that prolonged sitting would have on the health of these women. The women, who participated in this study, were divided into four groups according the amount of time they reported sitting on a daily basis. The groups included:

  1. up to 4 hours

  2. more than 4 hours

  3. more than 8 hours

  4. over 11 hours

The research team at Cornell University found that women who spent over 11 hours each day were 12 percent more likely to die a premature death as the result of any cause compared to those who spent 4 hours or less sitting on a daily basis. Premature death from prolonged sitting was increased 13 percent by cardiovascular disease, 21 percent by cancer and 27 percent by coronary artery disease.

The risks of a sedentary lifestyle and premature death remained the same regardless of age, race, body mass index, chronic disease, physical mobility rate, overall function and over fitness levels. It was also noted that even women who exercised on a regular basis had an increased risk of a premature death if they spent an excessive amount of time sitting throughout the day.

This study was entitled “Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in Older Women.” It was published in the January 2014 version of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Head researcher Dr. Rebecca Sequin concluded from the study:

“The assumption has been that if you’re fit and physically active, that will protect you, even if you spend a huge amount of time sitting each day… you are far less protected from negative health effects of being sedentary than you realize… If you’re in an office, get up and move around frequently… If you’re retired and have more idle time, find ways to move around inside and outside the house. Get up between TV programs, take breaks in computer and reading time, and be conscious of interrupting prolonged sedentary time.”

Another study, conducted by Dr. Richard Rosencranz at Kansas State University- Manhattan studied the health effects of sitting on 194,545 men and women from Australia who were over the age of 45. Researchers found increased risks of developing diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, colon cancer and breast cancer when study participants lead a more sedentary lifestyle. This research paper, “Active Lifestyles Related to Excellent Self-Rated Health and Quality of Life: Cross Sectional Findings from 194,545 Participants in The 45 and Up Study”, found that when the body’s muscles are inactive during extended periods of sitting, the production of lipoprotein lipase is shut down. Lipolase protein is responsible for metabolizing fat.

Co-researcher Dr. Sara Rosenkranz indicated:

“We’re basically telling our bodies to shut down the processes that help to stimulate metabolism throughout the day and that is not good… Just by breaking up your sedentary time, we can actually up-regulate that process in the body.” Dr. Rosenkranz advises office workers to try using a sit/stand desk to decrease their sitting time while increasing their physical activity throughout the day.

What are the Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle in Kansas City?

A lack of regular physical activity has been shown to increase your risks of developing cardiovascular disease as well as a variety of other conditions. Here’s what you should know about the risks of a sedentary lifestyle in Kansas City.

  • Lack of physical active can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure.

  • Studies have found that people who are active are much less likely to develop coronary artery disease than those who lead a rather sedentary lifestyle.

  • A lack of physical activity can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Less active people are at an increased risk for developing certain types of cancers.

  • Individuals, who are overweight or obese but physically active, can work to significantly reduce their risk of disease.

Did You Know?

Each year, thousands and thousands of individuals will die as the result of a lack of regular physical activity. A few more quick facts about sedentary lifestyles include:

  • The older individuals get the less likely they are to participate in physical activity.

  • Women have a tendency to be more inactive than men.

  • Non-Hispanic white adults are more likely to engage in regular physical activity than non-Hispanic African Americans and Hispanic adults.

Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle in Kansas City

Monday, June 16, 2014

Your health is your greatest asset. Without it...

Your health is your greatest asset. Without it...


It's Not Magic

There are no shortcuts to being healthy. Make the commitment to yourself to eat healthy and be healthy. You're totally worth it!

It's Not Magic

There are no shortcuts to being healthy. Make the commitment to yourself to eat healthy and be healthy. You're totally worth it!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Weight Loss Mistakes in Johnson County

If you are trying to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. To burn more calories than you consume, exercise is key. If you are not burning enough calories, the number on the scale is not going to move for the better. If you seem to be struggling with weight loss, here are some weight loss mistakes in Johnson County you might be making.

weight loss mistakes in Johnson County

1. Are you just a walker? Walking is a great way to boost your spirits and improve circulation. However, walking is not a huge calorie burner. If you have made it your goal to lose weight, you are going to need to exercise for at least one hour each day. You must engage in heart-pumping cardio in order to burn a significantly larger amount of calories than you would just walking. Walking is a great exercise, but using walking for weight loss is one of the most common weight loss mistakes in Johnson County that beginners make. To burn a larger number of calories, consider engaging in jogging, biking, jump rope, swimming, hiking or take a cardio class (such as kickboxing) at a local gym.

2. Skipping the cardio and heading straight to the weight room. Yes, it is correct to say that building muscles through strength training is important when it comes to burning calories. This is because muscle tissue burns more calories than body fat. However, believing that you don’t need cardio is one of those very common weight loss mistakes in Johnson County that can make it much more difficult for you to lose weight. Your body needs cardio to burn calories in order to decrease your overall body fat. Cardio is also a must to help reveal those toned muscles that have been hiding underneath fat. For best weight loss results, incorporate cardio and strength training into your routine.

3. You are not exercising enough. When it comes to weight loss mistakes in Johnson County, not exercising enough is a very common problem. Sure you may have one or two great workout sessions in a row, but this does not mean you need to stop just because you did good. A great workout session does not mean you get to spend the rest of the week watching television. Not exercising enough is one of the reasons that you are not seeing the results you want. You need to be exercising for 60 minutes a day, most days of the week. In order to get that number on the scale go down, you need to turn your workout routine up a notch. Exercising once a week is not going to give you results. If exercising 60 minutes a day seems like too much to start, take things slow. Try starting with 30 minutes and gradually adding a few minutes to your routine each day until you are up to 60 minutes.


Weight Loss Mistakes in Johnson County

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Chiropractic Care and Your Pregnancy in Kansas City: Is it Safe?

Pregnancy can take a toll on the body; often in the form of back pain and joint pain especially as a pregnancy progresses. Many women, particularly those who have seen a chiropractor in the past, are quick to turn to chiropractic care as a solution to the aches and pains pregnancy is causing. On the other hand, many women can’t help but wonder if an adjustment is safe for mom and baby. Fortunately, learning about chiropractic care and your pregnancy in Kansas City can help ease the concerns and pains of expectant mothers.

chiropractic care and your pregnancy

Are Chiropractors Trained to Treatment Pregnant Women?

All chiropractors have been trained to work with pregnant women. The safety of chiropractic care and your pregnancy should not be a concern.  All chiropractors will use techniques that avoid placing unnecessary pressure on a woman’s stomach.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care and Your Pregnancy in Kansas City.

There are numerous benefits of receiving chiropractic care during your pregnancy; they can include:

  • Better controlling nausea and morning sickness that are so frequently associated with pregnancy.

  • Relieving joint, back and neck pain.

  • Improving overall wellness during pregnancy; which can make for a safer, healthier pregnancy.

  • Chiropractic care can reduce the amount of time a woman spends in labor and delivery.

  • Chiropractic care can help prevent the need for a cesarean section.

  • In some cases, chiropractors can be used to help reposition breech babies.

Chiropractic care and your pregnancy in Kansas City can have many benefits. If you have questions, please contact our office at 913-730-5838. We can help determine what type of chiropractic adjustments are right for you.

Chiropractic Care and Your Pregnancy in Kansas City: Is it Safe?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Building a Home Gym in Kansas City - Budget Friendly

Perhaps you do not have the time to make it to the gym on a regular basis. Or maybe you do not have the space or money to invest in fancy home gym equipment. Building a home gym in Kansas City does not have to require a lot of space or money. You can build a home gym that can provide you with a convenient and effective workout without breaking the bank or taking over your living room. If you are looking into a building a home gym in Kansas City, here are some must-have pieces of equipment.

building a home gym in Kansas City

1. Jump Rope. Jump rope may have been an activity you loved as a child. As an adult, a jump rope is the least expensive piece of cardiovascular equipment you will ever buy. Jumping rope is essential for building a home gym in Kansas City and actually burns more calories per minute than you would running on a treadmill at the gym.

2. Agility Ladder. An agility ladder is a great piece of space-saving equipment when it comes to building a home gym in Kansas City. Agility ladders fold up and can be stored pretty much anywhere. Lay the agility ladder out in your basement, garage or in your yard for an effective workout. You can skip, jump and shuffle your way to a healthier heart.

3. Resistance Bands. Resistance bands are another great piece of equipment for a home gym that will not take up a lot of space. Resistance bands are small, can be folded and stored in even the smallest of spaces. Resistance bands are great for incorporating into strength training routines. As an added bonus, resistance bands are perfect for travel. Going out of town will not be an excuse for missing your workout.

4. Dumbbells. Building a home gym in Kansas City is not complete without a few sets of dumbbells. Start with a few small sets –3 lbs, 5 lbs and 10 lbs. You can always purchase more as you become more experienced with strength training. For a splurge, purchase adjustable dumbbells. These will take up even less storage space.

5. Exercise Mat. When building a home gym, an exercise mat is a must-have. Exercise mats are great for performing floor exercises that involve your legs, upper body and core. Exercise mats are affordable, lightweight and very easy to store.

6. Stability Ball. Also known as an exercise ball or core ball, stability balls are great for core training. Stability balls can also be used to make more traditional exercises — such as sit-ups — more challenging. To conserve even more space, a stability ball can also be used as a desk chair. You can tone your core as you work.

Building a Home Gym in Kansas City - Budget Friendly