Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Foods to Help You Sleep in Kansas City

Life is chaotic. A lot of times life becomes so chaotic that a lot of us put sleep on the backburner and when we get to sleep, we have so much on our minds that we lie awake at night thinking of what we need to get accomplished tomorrow. Instead of relying on sleeping pills or coming to terms with the fact that we are never going to sleep like we did when we were teenagers living under our parent’s roof, why not opt for a safe and natural way to be sure you are getting a good night’s rest. If you are not a sound sleeper, trying eating any of these foods to help you sleep in Kansas City within a few hours of bedtime. You will feel much more refreshed in the morning.

foods to help you sleep in Kansas City

The Best Foods to Help You Sleep in Kansas City:

1.  Honey. Honey is a sweet treat and is one of those foods that can help you sleep in Kansas City. Add a little bit of honey to herbal tea or a glass of warm milk. Enjoy your beverage a few hours before you are planning on heading to bed. Why honey? The small amounts of glucose found in honey lower the levels of orexin found in your body. Orexin is a neurotransmitter that increases your level of alertness.

2. Whole Grains. Whole grains are a perfect evening snack for those who are on restless side right because bedtime. Before bed, enjoy a piece of whole grain bread or toast. Whole grains encourage the body’s production of insulin. Insulin helps neutral pathways receive tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that acts as a natural sedative to your brain. You’ve probably heard it at least around Thanksgiving time that tryptophan in turkey is what causes you to become so sleepy.

3. Bananas. Bananas are one of those foods to help you sleep in Kansas City and can serve as the perfect replacement for your sleeping pills. Bananas are packed full of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that is a much for a good night’s sleep. Bananas also contain magnesium and tryptophan, which helps to act as a natural sedative for your body.

4. Beans. You may not think as beans as a great food for your sleepless nights. However, beans contain a number of different B vitamins including B6, folate and niacin. B vitamins have been used for treating insomnia and stress for many, many years.

5. Dairy Products. Dairy products are included in the list of foods to help you sleep in Kansas City. A warm glass of milk before bed really does help you to sleep better. Like many of the foods found on this list, dairy products are a natural source of tryptophan — which is great for inducing sleep. Additionally, the calcium in dairy products helps boost the effects of tryptophan.

6.  Nuts. Nuts are a great snack before it’s time to go to bed. Why? A handful of nuts will help to boost serotonin levels in your brain. Nuts are also a great source of tryptophan and magnesium, which again act as natural sedatives. Flax seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds contain the highest levels of these natural sedatives.

7.  Oats. Oats are one of those great foods to help you sleep in Kansas City because they are a natural source of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to control the sleep/wake cycle of your body. If you are searching a healthy snack before bed, a small bowl of oatmeal or a healthy oat cookie can help make it easier for you to get a good night’s rest.

8. Chicken. Turkey is not the only form of the meat that can make you tired. All poultry contains sleep-inducing tryptophan. If you are in need of a snack before bed, try a slice of chicken on a piece of whole wheat bread. These are both excellent foods to help ensure you get your rest.

9. Yogurt. If you need a sweet treat before bed, a small bowl of yogurt with a few of your favorite toppings is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth and get a good night’s sleep. Why? Yogurt contains calcium. Calcium is a must for processing the sleep-inducing hormones known as melatonin and tryptophan.

10. Grapes. Grapes are another one of those foods to help you sleep in Kansas City. Research has found that popular grape varietals that are used to makes wines — such as Cabernet, Merlot and Sangiovese — contain high levels of melatonin. Keep in mind that this research tested the fruit, not the wine, but research has found that melatonin levels in wine may be possible. While this is not an excuse to drink before bed, try snacking on some grapes. Alcohol can actually make is harder for you to sleep all night long.

You don’t have to suffer through another sleepless night. Stock your fridge and cabinets with these foods to help you sleep in Kansas City and enjoy a good night’s rest and healthy night-time snacking.


Foods to Help You Sleep in Kansas City

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