Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ways Chiropractic Care can Help with Back-to-School Stress in Shawnee, KS

The end of summer is likely to be a bittersweet time for both children and adults. While some children go back to class reluctantly, others really look forward to new school clothes, new school supplies and a new school year. Parents are often relieved that their children will be occupied 5 days per week without having to worry about entertaining children or looking for childcare services. On the other hand, traffic and preparing for back-to-school can become very stressful for parents. Fortunately, chiropractic care is here for you and your family as we enter into the back-to-school season. Chiropractic care can help with back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS by keeping you and your children healthy and ready to take on the new school year. Let’s take a look at some of the ways chiropractic care can help with back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS.

back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS



1. Back-to-School Check-Ups with Your Chiropractor. Chances are you’ve had at least one child in your family that required a trip to your family doctor, eye doctor or dentist before the start of the school year. What about chiropractic care? Have you had your child looked over before he or she heads back to school for the next year. If your child experienced an injury over the summer, is carrying a heavy book bag or resuming sports or other after-school activities could make your child’s pain worse. Making sure your child is in great alignment and free from any discomfort before they work hard for another successful school year is a great way to help reduce back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS for parents as well as children.

2. Help Your Children to Maintain Proper Posture. Think about how much time your children are going to spend seated this school year. Spending hours upon hours in the same seat can be damaging enough for the spine as well as circulation. What many parents don’t realize is how poorly their child may be seated at school. To reduce back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS, make sure your child knows how to use proper posture when seated. A great way to maintain proper posture as a child sits is for them to remember to keep their ears over their shoulders, the shoulders over the hips and a curve in the neck as well as the lower back.

3. Time Management is Key in Reducing Back-to-School Stress in Shawnee, KS for Parents and Kids. The school year can be extremely chaotic. With school, sports, after school activities, possible part-time jobs, homework and trying to make some time for family and friends, it is easy to think that there is simply just not enough time in the day to get everything done that you need to get done. Planning your schedule ahead of time will make crazy mornings and tight schedules seem much more manageable. Start practicing earlier bedtimes and earlier wake-up times a few weeks before school starts. Getting enough sleep is important as well. Children (and adults) should be sure to eat a hearty breakfast and have a healthy lunch packed and ready for school. If the snooze button is a problem in your household, look for an alarm app for your smartphone that eliminates the snooze button. Using daily planners or online calendars are also great ways to remind you and your family of important dates, appointments and deadlines. To help reduce back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS in the morning, prepare in the evening for the morning. You can do this by packing lunches at night or having your children lay there clothes out the night before instead of searching for clothes in the morning.

4. Use Traffic as a Time to De-Stress. Yes, you may be thinking that there is nothing more stressful than sitting in heavy traffic when you have somewhere to be. However, you can use traffic as a time to manage your stress instead of becoming more worked up. Chiropractic care is based partly on the prevention of chronic illnesses as well as the prevention of chronic stress. One thing that can contribute to stress is the traffic we experience on a daily basis; especially after a summer of much lighter traffic. How do you handle some of life’s daily stressors (such as traffic)? While meditation can go a long way in helping you deal with issues such as traffic, a lot of individuals do not have time for daily meditation. This is where simple breathing exercises can be extremely helpful. Every time you find yourself at a red light or in any stressful situation try this: breathe in through your nose for seven counts and hold it for seven counts. Then, exhale through your mouth for seven counts. Repeat this until you feel calm again. This is one way that chiropractic care can help with back-to-school stress. Chiropractic care can help you to better cope with life’s daily stressors.

5. Always Maintain a Positive Attitude. Attitude is everything when it comes to reducing back-to-school stress. Parents should lead by example when it comes to showing their children how to interpret and deal with the stressors that day-to-day life can place on us. Parents should also show children how to deal with stress in a constructive manner. Back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS can make for some unhappy evenings after school. Everyone at school works hard and is going to be competitive. It is important to show your children that there is more to going back-to-school than being the best football player or the first one in class to complete an exam. Going back-to-school means seeing friends again, learning new things, achieving new goals, being part of a team and discovering new sports or hobbies.

Chronic stress is not good for anyone. Whether you are a student or a parent, back-to-school stress is terrible for learning and the overall well-being of the body. A positive attitude and taking good care of yourself helps to make for a great school year.


Ways Chiropractic Care can Help with Back-to-School Stress in Shawnee, KS

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