Wednesday, October 29, 2014

LifeWorks Integrative Health to Host Food Drive!

We are very excited to announce are latest promotion. LifeWorks Integrative Health is very excited to announce our November Food Drive!

With your help, the LifeWorks Integrative Health community wants to make the holiday season a little brighter for Kansas City-area families in need this year. Simply bring in a non-perishable food donation to the LifeWorks Integrative Health food drive and we’ll get you scheduled for a free consultation.

food drive


LifeWorks Integrative Health is excited to share the gift of health and wellness with you as you help to make sure that no one goes hungry in our area. All donations will be given to Harvesters, whose mission is feed hungry people today and end hunger tomorrow. With your help, Harvesters is able to feed 141,500 families, seniors and children each month.

Your donation can go along ways in the fight against hunger. To show our appreciation for your acts of kindness, LifeWorks will be offering free consultations to all those who donate. Do something great for your community and yourself this holiday season; stop in and visit us at:

22742 Midland Drive

Shawnee, KS 66226

Our food drive will run the entire month of November. Let’s work together and make this food drive a success! We know we can make a difference in our community.

LifeWorks Integrative Health to Host Food Drive!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween Safety Tips in Kansas City, KS

From costumes to parties to treats, Halloween can be a fun-filled time for the youngest to the oldest members of your family. However, Halloween-time can pose dangers. To help make this year’s Halloween activities safe and fun, follow our simple Halloween safety tips in Kansas City, KS for a fun and enjoyable night of trick or treating.

halloween safety tips in Kansas City, KS

Halloween Safety Tips in Kansas City, KS: Dressing the Part:

  • Choose a light-colored costume for you, your children or anyone that will be out trick or treating with you. Light-colored costumes are easily seen at night. To make your costumes even more noticeable, add reflective tape or glow-in-the-dark tape to the front and back of all members of your trick or treating group’s costumes. You can also add this tape to your trick or treating bags.

  • Purchase costumes that are flame-retardant. All costumes that are flame-retardant will be labeled as such. This means that the materials won’t burn. If you will be making costumes on your own, use nylon or polyester; both of these materials are flame-retardant.

  • Avoid purchasing wigs and beards that cover your children’s eyes, mouths and noses.

  • Children should avoid wearing masks. Masks are often not made to fit children’s faces appropriately; this can make it difficult for them to see and breathe. Instead, opt for non-toxic face paint and make-up. Before using any face paint or make-up, be sure to test the paint on your child’s arm or hand to make sure it is not going to irritate their skin.

  • Say no to colored or decorative contact lenses; unless they are prescribed by your child’s optometrist.

  • Be sure to attach a name tag — that includes your phone number — to your child’s costume. This is important in the event you become separated.

  • Avoid oversized costumes and high-heels. This can make it difficult for your child to walk. Avoid tripping by making sure your child’s costumes fit well.

  • If possible, avoid props. If you child must carry a wand or sword, make sure the prop is short and flexible.

Halloween Safety Tips in Kansas City, KS: Pumpkin Carving

  • Avoid letting children use knives. Have children draw their designs on a pumpkin with a marker. Have a parent, older sibling or another adult do the carving.

  • Make sure your children keep a safe distance from you while you are carving. This will help ensure they do not distract you or accidentally get in the way of a sharp object.

  • You do not need to use a knife to remove the insides of a pumpkin. If your child asks to remove the pumpkin guts, allow them to get a little messy with their hands. You can finish up with a knife after they have their fun.

  • Clean up the mess immediately. Pieces of pumpkin that end up on the floor can quickly cause a floor to become slippery. To help contain the mess, lay newspapers out before you start.

  • Avoid candles. Candles can lead to fires. Instead, opt for a glow stick or a battery operated candle to illuminate your pumpkin.

Halloween Safety Tips in Kansas City, KS: Trick or Treating Without Trouble

  • Always accompany children under the age of 12 as they trick or treat. Make sure they know how to call 911 if they get lost and make sure they know their home phone number.

  • For older kids, who will be trick or treating with friends, make sure you know where they will be and who they are with. Encourage older children to stay in groups, walk on sidewalks with lit streets and to carry a cell phone if possible.

  • Always bring a flashlight. For added visibility, kids may also enjoy wearing glow stick necklaces and bracelets.

  • Limit trick or treating to neighborhoods you are familiar with.

  • When your children arrive home, inspect all candy to ensure that it is sealed. Throw out homemade treats (if you do not know who made them), spoiled items and items in torn packages.

  • Do not allow young children to consume gum or hard candy — this could lead to choking.

Halloween Safety Tips in Kansas City, KS: Avoid Eating Too Many Goodies

  • To avoid your children consuming all of their goodies as they receive them, feed your kids a healthy and filling meals before it’s time to trick or treat.

  • Remember, you do not have to give out candy on Halloween. Consider raisins, dried fruits, stickers, coloring books and more.

  • Know how much candy your children have and store it somewhere that you can regulate how much of it they are eating. Consider being lenient on Halloween and rationing treats later on. You can also consider giving some treats away.

Halloween Safety Tips in Kansas City, KS

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fun Alternatives to Halloween Candy

It’s getting close to Halloween night. If you have children (or will simply just be passing out a treat to the neighborhood kids), school parties and trick or treating are likely in your very near future. If you are trying to encourage a healthier lifestyle for your family and are tired of sugar-loaded treats, you may want to consider handing out non-candy goodies. Non-candy goodies can still be a lot of fun. With non-candy goodies, you also do not have to worry about allergens in the classroom. Here are a list of fun alternatives to Halloween candy. These fun alternatives to Halloween candy are likely to have the neighborhood kids eager to return to your house year after year.

fun alternatives to Halloween Candy

Affordable, Fun Alternatives to Halloween Candy:

  • Stickers

  • Fake tattoos

  • Bubbles

  • Pencils

  • Glow sticks

  • Pencils

  • Fake or plastic bugs for the boys

  • Character Bandaids

  • Mini crayon packs

  • Erasers

  • Bouncy balls

  • Spider rings

  • Vampire fangs

Slightly More Expensive Alternatives to Halloween Candy:

  • Play-Doh

  • Hair accessories for girls

  • Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars for boys

  • Mini slinkies

  • Mini nail polish

  • Mini rubber stamps

  • Costume jewelry for girls

  • Mini water guns

  • Coloring books

Food and Beverage Alternatives to Halloween Candy:

  • Bottled water

  • Organic juice boxes

  • Dried fruit

  • Raisins

Fun Alternatives to Halloween Candy

Friday, October 10, 2014

Functional Medicine and Autoimmune Disease

Chances are you have heard of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type-1 diabetes, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease. These are all common autoimmune diseases. However, there are many more autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases can affect the joints, muscles, skin, nervous system, endocrine gland and even the heart. In fact, autoimmune diseases are continuing to become more and more prevalent; with nearly 24 million Americans suffering from autoimmune conditions. Autoimmune diseases are more common in women than heart disease and breast cancer combined. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues opposed to attacking foreign invaders in the body — such as bacteria or a virus. There are number of causes of autoimmune diseases; including environmental toxins. Fortunately, functional medicine and autoimmune disease can go hand-in-hand. Continue reading to learn how functional medicine can be beneficial to those suffering from autoimmune diseases.

functional medicine and autoimmune disease

Functional Medicine and Autoimmune Disease: Environmental Toxins:

Since the 1900 hundreds, humans have been introduced to over 80,000 different chemicals. While this may not be a huge surprise, did you know that only 550 of these chemicals have been tests for safety? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) indicates that nearly 2.5 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released each year from industrial facilities. In addition to this large number of toxic chemicals, 6 million pounds of mercury are leaked into our air each and every year. In test of umbilical blood of newborns, researchers found 287 industrial chemicals — including flame-retardants, Teflon, pesticides, dioxins and mercury. Fetuses have been exposed to environmental toxins before they even enter this world. In addition to toxins released by industrial plants, there are toxins found in our foods and throughout our homes. Think of the products you use daily to clean your house. All of the products add to the toxic load in our bodies.

At this point, you may be thinking — how can so many toxins be in our bodies and why are we allowed to purchase these products with toxins in them? In the United States, products are placed on the shelves before being tested for safety. Products have to be proven harmful before they are removed from the shelves. In Europe, products have to be proven safe before they are even placed on the shelves.

With so many toxins in our environment, there is no doubt that autoimmune diseases are on the rise. With exposure to all of these environmental toxins, we are without a doubt increasing our risk of developing an autoimmune disease.

While it is very clear that environmental toxins are a major cause of autoimmune disease, conventional medicine rarely takes into account the environment when treating autoimmune conditions. Conventional medicine attempts to shut down the patient’s immune system response through use of powerful medications. These medications can include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Aleve. They may also include steroids, such as prednisone or anti-cancer medications — including methotrexate. Your doctor may also prescribe more recent medications like Enbrel or Remicade. These medicines block the effects of a powerful inflammatory molecule known as TNF alpha. These drugs are likely to provide you with partial relief. Additionally, they often have side effects and have a negative effect on the immune system. The effects of these drugs can be so powerful that they increase your risk of cancer and other life-threatening infections. These drugs may bring short term relief. However, they do not address the root cause of your illness.

Functional Medicine and Autoimmune Disease: Treating the Causes of Your Disease

By using a functional medicine and autoimmune disease approach, many patients are able to successfully turn their health around. This is because we are able to address the underlying causes of their autoimmune disease — such as allergens, toxins, infections, poor diet and/or stress. Patients, with conditions including chronic fatigue, arthritis, lupus, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis, have been able to find relief from their symptoms because functional medicine aims to find the root cause of an illness or disease.

By designing a healthy lifestyle program, patients are able to get their lives back on track and a lead much healthier lifestyle. A healthier lifestyle allows their bodies to be in an optimal state of health. With clean food, essential nutrients, exercise, clean water and oxygen, stress management and emotional support, functional medicine makes an optimal state of health possible for patients.

Functional Medicine and Autoimmune Disease: Recommendations

If you are suffering from an autoimmune disease, consider:

  • Testing for mercury and other heavy metals in the body.

  • Testing for celiac disease.

  • Identify your sources of inflammation and treat them.

  • Test and eliminate inflammatory (or allergenic) foods from your diet.

  • Practice stress management techniques.

  • Improve your immune system by opting for a plant-based diet.

  • Use supplements including vitamin D, Omega-3 fats and probiotics.

  • Improve your body’s own detoxification system.

Functional Medicine and Autoimmune Disease

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Are Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Reversible?

Chances are you have been told at one point of another that diabetes is not reversible. You may have even consulted multiple physicians only to find out that the only thing you can do about your diabetes is control your blood sugar levels with medications or insulin. Chances are your doctor has told you that drugs and insulin are what will protect you from organ damage and ultimately a premature death. However, medications and insulin can actually increase your risk of a heart attack as well as increase your risk of a premature death.

insulin resistance

The epidemic of diabetes has been accelerated by the obesity epidemic. However, what you are not being told is how you can treat it without the need for medications and insulin. There is another way to help reverse this epidemic. Type 2 diabetes, formerly known as adult onset diabetes, is a huge concern. With over 100 million people in the world and over 20 million Americans suffering from diabetes, the end of the diabetes epidemic appears to be nowhere in site. What is even more alarming is the increase of type 2 diabetes in children. Previously, type 2 diabetes was never considered a childhood illness. One in three children born today will face diabetes during their lifetime.

The scary thing is that diabetes is an entirely preventable lifestyle disease. A report in The New England Journal of Medicine, demonstrates that 91 percent of all type 2 diabetes cases can be prevented through improvements in lifestyle and diet.

The Makings of a Diabetic Starts Early

For most people, diabetes often goes without diagnosis until its later stages. Insulin resistance, which occurs when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin, is the primary reason many individuals will develop diabetes.

If your diet is full of empty calories, an abundance of quickly absorbed sugars and carbohydrates (such as bread, rice and pasta), the body will slowly become more and more resistant to the effects of insulin. As a result, your body will need more and more to do the same job of maintaining your blood sugar levels. If you are experiencing high insulin levels, this is the first sign that you may be heading down the road to diabetes. High insulin leads to an increased appetite. This will lead to an increase in weight gain in the abdominal region. High insulin levels serve as a warning sign, they precede type 2 diabetes by decades.

Insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome associated with insulin resistance are often accompanied by an increase in abdominal fat, fatigue after eating, sugar cravings, high blood pressure, low HDL, high triglycerides, problems with blood clotting as well as increased inflammation throughout the body.

These are clues and symptoms that are often picked up decades before an individual is actually diagnosed with diabetes. In fact, picking up on these clues may help you to prevent diabetes entirely.

If you have a family history of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even dementia, you are much more likely to experience problems with insulin resistance.

Early Diagnosis is Key in Leading a Life Without Diabetes

Pre-diabetes as well as diabetes ARE reversible. Science shows that reversal of diabetes is very possible through an aggressive approach. This aggressive approach includes changes in diet, nutritional support and occasionally medications.

It is important to diagnose type 2 diabetes as early as possible. However, the reality of type 2 diabetes, is that it is often diagnosed very late. In fact, all doctors should aggressively diagnose pre-diabetes decades before a patient actually becomes a diabetic. By doing so, damage to the body can be prevented. Damage begins with even the smallest changes in insulin and blood sugar levels.

It is unfortunate that there is a continuum of risk from slightly abnormal insulin and blood sugar levels to being diagnosed an actual diabetic. This needs to be addressed as early as possible in order to prevent an individual from becoming a full blown diabetic.

One study found that anyone with a fasting blood sugar level of 87 is at increased risk of diabetes. The lowest risk group is any individual with a fasting blood sugar level of less than 81. However, most doctors are not concerned with blood sugar until it is over 110. Keep in mind that over 126 is concerned diabetic.

As a result, early testing is a must! Early testing is especially important for anyone with a family history of type 2 diabetes, central abdominal weight gain or abnormal cholesterol levels.

Do not wait until your sugar level is high; it will be too late!

Get Tested Before It’s Too Late

Below is a list of tests recommended for insulin resistance as well as diabetes. These are tests that any doctor can perform.

  • Insulin Glucose Challenge Test

  • Hemoglobin A1C Test

  • Lipids Profile

  • NMR Lipid Profile

  • High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Test

  • Homocysteine Test

  • Fibrinogen Test

  • Ferritin Levels

  • Uric Acid Test

  • Liver Function Tests

Are Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Reversible?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Spinal Curves in Shawnee, KS: Are They Harming Your Health?

Since 1895, chiropractic care has been helping individuals around the world who suffer from a variety of health concerns. Did you know chiropractic care was founded after the hearing was restored in a patient following a spinal adjustment to the upper portion of the spine? Since then, chiropractic care continues to evolve. Additionally, more and more research has been conducted to help determine why spinal adjustments work so well. Posture, bone alignments and spinal curves in Shawnee, KS have long been evaluated in patients with a number of musculoskeletal complaints.

spinal curves in Shawnee, KS

Many health conditions have been studied as well as their physiological responses to spinal adjustments — including hormone levels, circulation changes, blood pressure changes and a large number of other health parameters. However, one major question remains: how important are spinal curves in Shawnee, KS in the overall health picture of an individual? Can alterations in the “normal” curve lead to a troublesome future or be the cause of a current condition?

With medicine, both traditional and alternative, constantly evolving, there is constantly new research being conducted and researchers are finding new and cutting-edge means of treating a variety of health conditions.

A recent study in the chiropractic field reported results after conducting a systematic critical literature review. This literature review gathered 54 published studies between 1942 and 2008. The content of these published studies was reviewed for quality and content. The studies used during this literature review followed more than 20,000 patients combined and reported the association between the sagittal curve and a number of different health conditions. When it comes to spinal curves in Shawnee, KS, the sagittal curve is the curve you can see when looking at an individual from the side.

Included in this review of research on spinal curves was a number of different types of studies and methods that were used to evaluate the sagittal curves of the lumbar spine (or lower back), thoracic spine (or mid back) and the cervical spine (or neck). Thirty eight studies examined the lower back. Thirty four studies examined the middle back. Six studies conducted research on the neck.

These studies used the following methods to obtain data:

  • 25 studies used plain x-rays

  • 1 study used MRI

  • 3 studies conducted by visual analysis or by the eye.

  • 21 studies used a variety of instruments to collect data.


A strong association was reported in five of the studies when it comes to an increased angle in the thoracic spine (referred to as kyphosis or “humpback”) with lung disorders that can lead to difficulty breathing. Poor physical function and pelvic organ prolapse were also associated with spinal curves of the middle back.

spinal curves in Shawnee, KS One of the spinal curves in Shawnee, KS called kyphosis

Researchers found that when the curve of the lower back was reduced (lordosis), subjects in these studies experienced lower back pain.

spinal curves in Shawnee, KS One of a few different spinal curves in Shawnee, KS known as lordosis

Similarly, osteoporotic compression fractures of the thoracic spine were moderately associated with kyphosis.

Kyphosis is also moderately associated with uterine prolapse, heavy household activities and even death in three of the studies that researchers looked at.

It is also important to note that many of these studies found no association with spinal curves and health conditions.

It is clear that more research needs to be conducted in order to determine if there is a connection between various spinal curves and a number of different health conditions.

If you are experiencing neck or back pain or suspect spinal curves in Shawnee, KS, a chiropractor may be able to help you. Give LifeWorks Integrative Health at call at 913-730-5838 today.

Spinal Curves in Shawnee, KS: Are They Harming Your Health?

Friday, October 3, 2014

How Big of an Epidemic is Diabesity?

What life-threatening, energy-robbing, life-shortening condition affects one in two Americans, including 80 percent of overweight individuals and up to 40 percent of individuals who are at an average weight? What condition is responsible for more deaths than cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and dementia? What condition accounts for over 70 percent of our $2.4 trillion annual heathcare bill and will make up a majority of the $47 trillion spent globally over the next two decades as we deal with chronic disease? What condition is responsible for nearly twice as many deaths each years as infectious diseases cause? Do you know what condition is not even diagnosed in more than 90 percent of individuals suffering from it? This condition is known as diabesity. Have you heard of diabesity?


What is Diabesity?

Diabesity is the largest health concern facing us as individuals, as families, as a nation and as a global community. Diabesity of the continuation of metabolic disturbances from minimal blood sugar as well as insulin imbalances to pre-diabetic to those with actual type 2 diabetes. This condition occurs at an alarming rate. If you think you are safe because you are at a “skinny” or “average” weight, guess again. This condition affects nearly 40 percent of individuals who appear to be at a healthy size. Fact: individuals may look thin but can be metabolically fat. When this occurs you have all the same risk factors for chronic disease and even death that those who are overweight do. Diabesity occurs in 80 percent of individuals who are overweight.

Diabesity acts as a slippery slope of health problems; one health problem leading to another. High blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels and cholesterol problems can all pile on top of one another. This can easily lead to a decline in one’s health.

Can Diabesity be Reversed?

While diabesity may seem like nothing but bad news, there is good news when it comes to this condition. The good news is that diabesity can be reversed. For anyone who is willing to implement good lifestyle choices as well as a healthy, well-balanced diet, diabesity can be reversed! Health concerns including diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are all the result of problems in our diets and lifestyle as well as environmental toxins.

By eliminating these concerns that are causing an individual’s body to be out of balance, individuals may be able to reverse the effects of diabesity and lead the way to a much healthier and happier lifestyle. Interventions with your doctor as well as basic lifestyle changes can help a patient to lose weight, make the necessary lifestyle changes and get their body back into balance.

What Do You Need to Do to Avoid Becoming a Diabesity Statistic? Fortunately diabesity does not have to be a sentence to an early death or a lifetime full of doctor visits and just not feeling good.

Testing. Testing if the first step that should be taken in order to make a recovery for the diabesity epidemic. Often times, diabesity may go unnoticed because many doctors are focused on testing fasting blood sugar levels. Your fasting blood sugar level is an ineffective test for diabesity. Ask your doctor for an insulin response test. This test is believed to be much more effective when it comes to diagnosing diabesity.

Diet. Choosing a healthy, well-balanced diet can much more challenging than it actually sounds. There is so much nutritional information out there. Much of the nutritional information out there contradicts itself. Fortunately, there are a few basic nutritional guidelines that everyone should follow whether you are looking to avoid diabesity of reverse diabesity. You should be eliminating sugars as well as processed carbohydrates from your diet. Those looking to reverse diabesity should consume whole foods including lean protein, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Exercise. Exercise is going to play a huge role in your recovery from diabesity. Walking as well as other low-impact exercises (think swimming, cycling or using an elliptical machine) can help to balance your blood sugar levels as well as boost your metabolism. Start by exercising for 30 minutes each day. You should eventually be able to work yourself up to 60 minutes workout sessions, four to six days per week.

Reduce Your Stress Levels. Stress-reduction is very important in reversing diabesity. Stress plays a major component in diabesity as well as a number of other conditions. However, stress is often overlooked. Sure, small amount of stress are normal. However, being stressed out for an extended prior of time can increase insulin resistance as well as blood sugar imbalances. Yoga, meditation and visualization play a very important role in reversing diabesity.

Detoxification. Environmental toxins can have a huge impact on diabesity. For this reason, it is very important for patients to work to removal environmental toxins from their lives. Green cleaning products, filtered water and using glass containers instead of plastic containers can help to move you in the right direction.

Before beginning a new diet, lifestyle and exercise plan, you should always consult your doctor. By following these steps, patients of all ages and physical conditions should be able to take action against insulin resistance. You can get your life back and you can reverse diabesity.

How Big of an Epidemic is Diabesity?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is the future of what we refer to today as conventional medicine. The main goal of functional medicine is to identify and address the root causes of diseases. Functional medicine views the body as one integrated system; opposed to a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialities. Functional medicine aims to treat the entire body, not just specific symptoms of a disease or illness.

functional medicine

Functional medicine address the underlying causes of medical conditions and diseases. Using a systems-oriented approach, functional medicine engages the practitioner and patient in a therapeutic partnership. Functional medicine is an evolution in medical practices and better address the needs of patients more than another other approach to medicine in the 21st century. How is functional medicine so innovative? By switching the traditional disease-centered focus of medicine to a patient-centered approach, functional medicine is able to address the entire person. This form of medicine does not just isolate the symptoms and make a diagnosis. Upon visiting with a practitioner of functional medicine, you will notice that a functional medicine practitioner will spend time with patients, they will listen to their histories and look at the interactions amongst genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that may be impacting their current health and will likely impact the future health of a patient. Functional medicine supports lifelong health and vitality that is geared towards each individual patient.

How Functional Medicine Can Work for You?

  • There has been a large increase in the number of individuals suffering from complex medical conditions. These complex medical conditions can include diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental illness and autoimmune disorders — such as rheumatoid arthritis. Functional medicine can help to identify the root cause of these illnesses.

  • The type of medicine practiced by a vast majority of physicians is geared towards acute care, trauma and illnesses that are short-term problems and urgent medicine — such as treatment for a broken leg or an appendicitis. Physicians use specific, prescribed treatments (such as medications or surgery). These treatments are standard for all patients and aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.

  • The acute-care approach to medicine, that we are all very used to, lacks the tools and methodology to help prevent as well as treatment complex and chronic diseases. In most cases, acute-care does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of an individual or factors such as environmental toxins. Our lifestyle have a huge impact on our health.

  • There is a large gap between research and the way doctors practice medicine. This gap between emerging research in basic science and integration into standard medical treatment is very large; especially in areas of complex and chronic disease. Some practices that were being used 50 years ago are still put to use today.

  • Most physicians are not adequately trained to access and determine the underlying causes of complex and chronic illnesses. Not all physicians are trained to apply strategies in diet, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes to help treat illness in their patients as well as prevent future illnesses.

What Makes Functional Medicine Different from Conventional Medicine?

  • Functional medicine does more than just treat the symptoms of an illness. Functional medicine involves understanding the origins, prevention and treatment of complex and chronic illnesses.

  • Patient-centered care plays a huge role in functional medicine. The focus of functional medicine is patient-centered care and promoting health as positive vitality. Functional medicine goes beyond just the treatment of disease. By listening to their patients, functional medicine practitioners learn the story of their patients. This allows functional medicine practitioners to address the issues that are specific to each individual patient. Remember, each individual patient has very unique needs when it comes to treating and preventing chronic and complex illnesses.

  • With functional medicine, you can expect an integrative, science-based approach to healthcare. Functional medicine practitioners examine a patient’s history, physiology and lifestyle choices that can lead to illness. The unique genetic makeup of each patient is considered as well as internal (body, mind and spirit) and external (environmental and physical) factors that affect the entire function of a patient’s body.

  • Functional medicine integrates the best medical practices. Functional medicine integrates conventional medical practices with what may be considered alternative or integrative medical practices. This creates a focus on prevention through exercise, nutrition and diet as well as the use of the latest diagnostic and laboratory techniques. Functional medicine may also use prescription medications, supplements, botanical medicines, therapeutic diets, stress-management programs and detoxification programs.

What is Functional Medicine?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

LifeWorks Integrative Health 30 Day Detox Giveaway!

October is kicking off an exciting time for LifeWorks Integrative Health. We are kicking off an exciting new social media campaign. With regular tweets, posts, statuses and more, we want to make sure you do not miss out on any of the fun! To help kick off our social media campaign, we are giving away an amazing prize! giveaway LifeWorks Integrative Health is giving away a 30 Day Detox to the winner of our contest!

What is the 30-Day Detox? The purpose of the 30 day detox is to help enhance the pathways in the body. This is accomplished by inducing and releasing toxins from the tissues to be removed from the body; this helps the body to achieve optimal functioning. The 30-Day Detox removes toxins that have found their way into the body through chemicals, the environment, food additives, allergens, prescription medication and waste products created by our bodies.

Why Should You Want to Try the 30-Day Detox? When your organs are filled with toxins, it starts to show signs of distress. Signs of distress include pimples, rashes, body odor, dark urine, painful urination, gas, diarrhea, congestion, constipation and more. By eliminating toxins that interfere with healthy body function, one can assist in the body healing itself. When this happens, weight loss and healing will be faster and easier.

Typical Results: With the 30-day detox, weight loss for the average person is about 2-4 pounds per week. Other benefits include decreased cravings, more energy, decreased triglycerides and a brighter outlook!

How Can You Enter the Giveaway? It’s simple, entering the LifeWorks Integrative Health 30-day detox giveaway shouldn’t take you long at all. All you need to do is follow us on social media! Follow us on:

For each social media site you are following, you will automatically be entered into the giveaway. If you’d like additional entries:

  • Leave a comment on on our Facebook wall.

  • Visiting LifeWorks Integrative Health? Check-in on Facebook.

  • Send us a tweet.

The rules are simple! Follow us on social media and interact with us, we want to know what you are thinking! The only thing that we ask if that you share this giveaway with your friends and family. If you know someone who could benefit from LifeWorks, be sure to share! Giveaway begins October 1, 2014 and ends October 15, 2014. A winner will be selected using a random number generator and announced on Friday, October 17, 2014. Good luck!

LifeWorks Integrative Health 30 Day Detox Giveaway!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Foods to Help You Sleep in Kansas City

Life is chaotic. A lot of times life becomes so chaotic that a lot of us put sleep on the backburner and when we get to sleep, we have so much on our minds that we lie awake at night thinking of what we need to get accomplished tomorrow. Instead of relying on sleeping pills or coming to terms with the fact that we are never going to sleep like we did when we were teenagers living under our parent’s roof, why not opt for a safe and natural way to be sure you are getting a good night’s rest. If you are not a sound sleeper, trying eating any of these foods to help you sleep in Kansas City within a few hours of bedtime. You will feel much more refreshed in the morning.

foods to help you sleep in Kansas City

The Best Foods to Help You Sleep in Kansas City:

1.  Honey. Honey is a sweet treat and is one of those foods that can help you sleep in Kansas City. Add a little bit of honey to herbal tea or a glass of warm milk. Enjoy your beverage a few hours before you are planning on heading to bed. Why honey? The small amounts of glucose found in honey lower the levels of orexin found in your body. Orexin is a neurotransmitter that increases your level of alertness.

2. Whole Grains. Whole grains are a perfect evening snack for those who are on restless side right because bedtime. Before bed, enjoy a piece of whole grain bread or toast. Whole grains encourage the body’s production of insulin. Insulin helps neutral pathways receive tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that acts as a natural sedative to your brain. You’ve probably heard it at least around Thanksgiving time that tryptophan in turkey is what causes you to become so sleepy.

3. Bananas. Bananas are one of those foods to help you sleep in Kansas City and can serve as the perfect replacement for your sleeping pills. Bananas are packed full of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that is a much for a good night’s sleep. Bananas also contain magnesium and tryptophan, which helps to act as a natural sedative for your body.

4. Beans. You may not think as beans as a great food for your sleepless nights. However, beans contain a number of different B vitamins including B6, folate and niacin. B vitamins have been used for treating insomnia and stress for many, many years.

5. Dairy Products. Dairy products are included in the list of foods to help you sleep in Kansas City. A warm glass of milk before bed really does help you to sleep better. Like many of the foods found on this list, dairy products are a natural source of tryptophan — which is great for inducing sleep. Additionally, the calcium in dairy products helps boost the effects of tryptophan.

6.  Nuts. Nuts are a great snack before it’s time to go to bed. Why? A handful of nuts will help to boost serotonin levels in your brain. Nuts are also a great source of tryptophan and magnesium, which again act as natural sedatives. Flax seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds contain the highest levels of these natural sedatives.

7.  Oats. Oats are one of those great foods to help you sleep in Kansas City because they are a natural source of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to control the sleep/wake cycle of your body. If you are searching a healthy snack before bed, a small bowl of oatmeal or a healthy oat cookie can help make it easier for you to get a good night’s rest.

8. Chicken. Turkey is not the only form of the meat that can make you tired. All poultry contains sleep-inducing tryptophan. If you are in need of a snack before bed, try a slice of chicken on a piece of whole wheat bread. These are both excellent foods to help ensure you get your rest.

9. Yogurt. If you need a sweet treat before bed, a small bowl of yogurt with a few of your favorite toppings is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth and get a good night’s sleep. Why? Yogurt contains calcium. Calcium is a must for processing the sleep-inducing hormones known as melatonin and tryptophan.

10. Grapes. Grapes are another one of those foods to help you sleep in Kansas City. Research has found that popular grape varietals that are used to makes wines — such as Cabernet, Merlot and Sangiovese — contain high levels of melatonin. Keep in mind that this research tested the fruit, not the wine, but research has found that melatonin levels in wine may be possible. While this is not an excuse to drink before bed, try snacking on some grapes. Alcohol can actually make is harder for you to sleep all night long.

You don’t have to suffer through another sleepless night. Stock your fridge and cabinets with these foods to help you sleep in Kansas City and enjoy a good night’s rest and healthy night-time snacking.


Foods to Help You Sleep in Kansas City

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Chiropractic Care and Aging in Kansas City: Is Chiropractic Care Key to the Aging Process?

Do you think that you just have to live with back aches and pain just because you are growing old? If so, you are not alone. Research indicates that older adults are much more likely to experience back pain. However, older adults are much less likely to seek care for their pain than those who are younger. Whether you are 29 or 99, there is no reason why back pain should limit your ability to live each and every day to the fullest. While there may not be a fountain of youth, research indicates that chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City may go hand-in-hand. More and more older adults are turning to chiropractic care in order to reduce pain during their golden years.

chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City degeneration of the spine as you age

How Does the Spine Change as We Grow Older?

The spine goes through a degeneration process as each and every one of us ages. However, the rate of degeneration largely depends on your stress levels. The more stress you are under, the faster your spine is going to degenerate. This is why chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City is so important. It is very important to have your spine checked and adjusted on a regular basis.

Does Chiropractic Care and Aging in Kansas City Offer Any Special Benefits for Aging Women?

There are two major hormones that are directly associated with the female reproductive system. These hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Both of these hormones are drastically reduced during menopause. These hormones are also stimulated by the anterior pituitary gland, which is controlled by your hypothalamus. Think of your hypothalamus as the control center for your body. By maintaining proper spinal alignment, the central nervous system is going to function at its best. This is beneficial in helping to minimize the negative aspects that are so often associated with menopause.

Another large concern of women as they age is hunching of the back. Corrective care adjustments a well as therapies can help a woman’s body as it ages. Adjustments and therapy can slow down the hunching posture and help to keep the entire body in check. As a result, women are less likely to trip, fall or sustain hip fractures. Chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City can help prevent all too common hip fractures in women as they age.

Chiropractic Care and Aging in Kansas City: What the Research Says

A 2009 research study found that older patients, who received chiropractic adjustments experienced significantly less pain and disability in comparison to those older patients, who were not treated with chiropractic care.

Another study conducted on chiropractic care and aging found that chiropractic care is most effective when combined with regular exercise and proper nutrition. A recent study of older adults found that those involved in regular physical activity had substantially less pain-related disability than older adults who do not participate in physical activity. Physical activity helps to improve balance, gait and strength, which are all key in the prevention of falls.

Researchers also pointed out that adequate nutrition and supplementation can help to prevent falls. Chiropractors cannot only provide older adults with chiropractic adjustments, but they can also provide advice on exercise, dietary and vitamin choices. Chiropractic care and aging is about more than just treating pain. Chiropractic care and aging is about working with older adults to help ensure they are making healthy lifestyle choices.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care in an Aging Population:

  • Chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City can be beneficial in helping older adults to maintain or increase their range of motion as they age. An increased range of motion can drastically improve the quality of one’s life. Benefits of an increased range of motion can include being able to enjoy activities and hobbies that were once prevented by pain and discomfort associated with spinal misalignment.

  • Chiropractors can help with balance issues in older adults. As one ages, they may notice a decrease in balance and coordination. However, chiropractic patients have reported an increase in balance and coordination following chiropractic treatments. This is because there appears to be a direct link between balance/coordination problems and degenerative changes to the spine that occur over time. Chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City can help to prevent falls.

  • Chiropractic care and aging in Kansas City is also beneficial for joint pain that is all too common in older adults. When your joints are out of alignment, they are much more likely to experience pain and generation. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help to decrease spinal degeneration as well as other arthritis changes throughout the body. This is completed by normalizing spinal alignment, which can help to prevent wear and tear over time.

Regular chiropractic care is a safe and effective means of treating pain and degeneration associated with the aging process. Chiropractic care provides seniors with a large number of benefits including increased balance, range of motion, mobility and flexibility as well as a decreased in aches and pains. Chiropractic care can help to improve quality of life in seniors; allowing them to enjoy independent living as well as their favorite activities.


Chiropractic Care and Aging in Kansas City: Is Chiropractic Care Key to the Aging Process?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

Functional medicine is a science-based and natural way to bring people back to a healthier state. Functional medicine is patient-centered medical healing. However, instead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated illnesses and diseases, functional medicine treats individuals who have a number of bodily symptoms, imbalances and dysfunctions.

functional medicine

Diseases such as diabetes, cancer and fibromyalgia may appear to just be diseases. However, according to functional medicine, the causes of these disease lie in an altered physiology that is the result of imbalances and dysfunctions within the body. Almost always, the cause of a disease and it’s symptom are related to an underlying dysfunction or imbalance in the body’s systems.

If you were to visit with a doctor, conventional medicine is just going to treat the disease or illness. Rarely will treatment with conventional medicine lead to long-term relief and an improved and healthier lifestyle. With functional medicine, the underlying cause is identified and treated. Because of this, the patient has a much better chance of improving their health. By using scientific principles, functional medicine treatment is able to use advanced diagnostic testing and treatments other than prescription medications and surgery to restore balance to the body.

The overall goal of functional medicine? To help ensure a patient’s lifelong, optimal health.

How Functional Medicine is Filling the Gaps in Health Care

It probably comes as no surprise that today’s health care system has gaps. Today’s health care system is in trouble because it follows a medical management model. This medical management model works well when it comes to acute health problems. When it comes to chronic health problems, today’s conventional medicine is much less successful.

If you have a heart attack, pneumonia or need life-saving surgery, the quick-thinking used by doctors in modern medicine is something that we are all very thankful for. Life-saving technology, surgery and antibiotics are necessary in certain instances. We should all be very grateful for these interventions should we ever find ourselves in a serious medical emergency or in need of antibiotics to cure an infection.

However, conventional medicine often quickly reaches for medications, surgery and other acute treatment options when another approach is needed. When it comes to those with chronic, debilitating ailments — including heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, a different approach is needed. This is where functional medicine comes into play.

The Functional Medicine Approach to Healing:

To help alleviate chronic medical conditions, the functional medicine approach is grounded in two scientific principles.

  • Add what is lacking in the body to help bring it’s physiology back to an optimal state of functioning.

  • Remove anything that impedes the body from moving forward to a goal of optimal physiology.

In short, the goals of functional medicine is to find a natural approach to bringing the body back to a healthy state. In order for the body to be brought back to a healthy state, functional medicine identifies the reasons why the body is malfunctioning. Functional medicine addresses those issues in a way that is appropriate for each individual patient.

In many cases, functional medicine practitioners will use advanced laboratory testing to help identify the root causes (or multiple cases) of a patient’s health problems. Listening to a patient’s symptoms and asking questions of their food choices, activities and lifestyle can also be very helpful in helping a functional medicine practitioner to determine the cause(s) of a patient’s chronic pain.

As far as treatment goes, functional medicine practitioners use a combination of natural agents, nutrition changes, lifestyle changes, and counseling. Natural agents can include supplements, homeopathics, herbs and nutraceuticals. Education also plays an important role in returning a patient’s physiology back to an optimal state. Education helps to empower patients to take charge of their own health. When patients are in charge of their own health and well-being, there is likely going to be much greater success when it comes to treatment.

Functional Medicine and Treating Symptoms vs. Treating the Person

In today’s conventional medicine world, medication is used to get rid of patient’s symptoms. In many cases, the symptoms return when a patient stops using the medications. For example, think of medications used to treat arthritis. When a patient stops taking their medications, they are likely going to experience the pain of arthritis all over again.

This is where functional medicine is different. Instead of just masking the problem with medication, function medicine aims at restoring the body’s natural function. While functional medicine practitioners may prescribe pharmaceuticals, these medications are only prescribed to move the patient in the right direction. This is so the patient will not always be dependent on prescription medications. For instance, conventional medicine doctors would typically prescribe a medication like Prilosec for treatment of acid reflux or heartburn. As soon as the patient stops taking this medication, their symptoms will return. On the other hand, a functional medicine doctor may discover that the patient’s heartburn is actually caused by a bacteria. By treating the bacteria and removing it from the body, the heartburn could very well be put to a permanent end.

It is important to realize that with functional medicine, treatment may vary greatly from patient to patient. Another important thing to remember about functional medicine is that is it based in listening to the patient. By listening to the patient, functional medicine practitioners are able to make an accurate diagnosis.


Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Stella Bird, APRN, BC

Stella graduated form the University of Missouri-Kansas City with a Master’s degree as a family nurse practitioner in 1998.  After working in the area of Adolescent Health for several years, she accepted a position in 2004 with Skaggs Regional Medical Center in Branson, MO.  She worked Pediatrics and Urgent Care.  In April 2014, she and her husband relocated back to the Kansas City area.

Stella has had a life-long desire to be a registered nurse and help others.  Her interests include Pediatric and Adolescent Health as well as nutrition and weight loss.  Stella was introduced to chiropractic care as a child and it has been a part of her own health regimen since then.  She loves teaching and counseling others about how to take care of their bodies and maintain optimum health.

Outside the office, Stella enjoys kayaking.  Her major project currently is renovating an older home which she and her husband purchased when they moved back to the area.

“I believe in a positive approach to health management.  I believe it is important to find the root or cause of a problem instead of just covering the symptoms with medications.  I believe patients should be responsible for and able to manage their own health given proper and sound assistance.  I have been on my own weight loss journey and enjoy helping others who are struggling with this problem reach their goals and desires.  It is so thrilling to me to see positive outcomes.  However, I know there are discouragements along the journey and it is important to be able to give encouragement and positive re-enforcement.”  Stella Bird, APRN

Stella Bird, APRN, BC

Monday, September 15, 2014

Are Undiagnosed Food Allergies Causing Your Weight Gain?

Food allergies can be scary. They can lead to hives, difficulty breathing and anaphylactic shock. Whether a food allergy is mild or severe, it can still leave you feeling uneasy. While a severe food allergy is rare, there is a much more common low-grade food allergy, gluten, that is causing problems for adults around the world. Undiagnosed food allergies may even be causing your weight gain. Gluten allergies with symptoms including bloating, constipation and weight gain can go on for years without a diagnosis.

undiagnosed food allergies

Undiagnosed Food Allergies and Inflammation:

Inflammation is one the biggest causes of weight gain as well as disease in America. While celiac disease only affects one percent of the population, roughly 30 percent may have a non-celiac gluten intolerance. The difference? In people with celiac’s disease, the body actually attacks the small intestine. For people with non-celiac gluten intolerance, the immune system attacks the gluten. An article found in The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 different disease and conditions that can be traced to consumption of gluten. Regardless of what causes an individual’s gluten intolerance, inflammation in the stomach can lead to a wide-variety of unwanted health concerns.

When the lining of stomach becomes inflamed, small fissures open between tightly woven cells that make up the wall of the gut. This is known as leaky gut syndrome. These openings within the gut allow bacteria as well as food molecules that are not entirely digested to sneak into the bloodstream. While in the bloodstream, these food molecules and bacterias are considered to be foreign invaders.

It does not take the body long to spot a potential enemy within the body. The immune system begins attacking the invader to the best of it’s ability. White blood cells surround the unwanted food molecules and bacterias. This leads to a lot of inflammation. This inflammation is not a sore throat or a minor infection, it just may be the result of an undiagnosed food allergy creating havoc in the body.

Individuals, with undiagnosed food allergies, often consume foods that they are allergic to each day. In fact, many individuals consume foods that they are allergic to several times per day. As a result, the immune system is constantly acting to fight off these unwanted foods creating a lot of inflammation in body. Most of the time, it takes nearly three days for symptoms to make themselves known. As a result, undiagnosed food allergies are left at just that — undiagnosed food allergies. These low-grade food allergies can be extremely difficult to detect.

With a low-grade food allergy being hard to diagnosis, individuals are often harming their bodies by consuming the same damaging foods over and over again. Eventually this leads to inflammation that is present in the entire body; creating an environment that is unfortunately perfect for weight gain as well as chronic disease. For this reason, it is important to identify and treat unknown food allergies and sensitivities.

Ways to Help Identify Unidentified Food Allergies:

1. Ask your doctor for a blood test. A blood test for igG food allergens can be helpful in detecting unidentified food allergies. However, it is important to remember that these tests can have limitations and your doctor should also interpret this test as it relates to the rest of your health. A blood test can serve as guidelines for what is bothering you in particular. It is also a good idea to work with a nutritionist when it comes to dealing with food allergies in addition to your doctor.

2. Try going dairy and gluten-free for six weeks. Since dairy and gluten are the most common triggers for food allergies, going dairy and gluten-free can be a big indicator in what is bothering you. For individuals struggling with weight gain, dairy (butter,cheese, milk and yogurt) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats and kamut) are linked to insulin resistance; which also makes them related to weight gain. By temporarily cutting these foods from your diet, this allows inflammation to heal. Allowing inflammation to heal can be one of the most important things you can do to lose weight.

3. Avoid the top food allergens. If you do not experience relief from removing gluten and dairy from your diet, you may want to consider taking things one step further. You can do this by cutting out top food allergens. These top food allergens can include corn, eggs, nuts, soy, tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus, eggplants, potatoes and yeast. Try this for six weeks. Six weeks is enough time to determine if you are going to feel better and begin losing weight from eliminating these foods from your diet. When you begin to reintroduce these goods, eat it at least 2-3 times per day for three days. This will allow you to notice if you are having a reaction or not. If you do experience a reaction, eliminate this food from your diet for at least 90 days.


Are Undiagnosed Food Allergies Causing Your Weight Gain?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Are probiotics safe for children and infants?

Are probiotics safe for children and infants?

Probiotic supplements for healthy infants and children are safe, and may even provide moderate benefits for certain conditions; however, probiotics are not recommended for those children with certain chronic conditions. Learn more at

Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Myths About Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Have you ever had an ache, pain, injury or any form of health concern that just does not seem to want to go away? Have you tried everything without results? If this is you, you may be wondering about what chiropractic care can do for your aches and pains. Maybe you have concerns about chiropractic care based on something a friend may have said about their chiropractic experience that was negative. Maybe you are worried that it will cost too much. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City. This way you can form your own opinions and be better informed about whether or not chiropractic care is for you.

myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City

Myth 1: If you visit a chiropractor once, you will be a chiropractic patient for life.

This is one of those myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City that is very widespread. The truth is a majority of individuals will feel better than ever just shortly after beginning treatment with a chiropractic. Many new chiropractic patients experience increased mobility, more strength and less pain shortly after beginning care and would like to remain that way.

There are a number of conditions that will resolve with just a few chiropractic visits. However, there are just as many conditions that take longer to treat and there are even problems that will never go away. For problems that are not likely to go away completely, ongoing chiropractic care can help to manage pain and keep your body functional.

Let’s face it, life can take a toll on your body. Exercise, playing with your kids, housework and just day-to-day living can be very rough on the body. This is why regular chiropractic can serve as an effective maintenance program for your overall health. The frequency of treatments recommended by your chiropractor will largely depend on your lifestyle and any health conditions you may have. Yes, much like the dentist, you can live without going to the chiropractor. However, regular checkups are beneficial in catching problems early and maintaining your health. Lifelong care is never a requirement when it comes to chiropractic care.

Myth 2: Having your neck “cracked” is dangerous.

This is another one of those myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City that is extremely common. Some people have a fear of getting their neck adjusted based on what the media makes neck adjustments out to be — dangerous and scary. The truth is your neck is a very resilient part of your body. In addition, chiropractors just aren’t random individuals off the street who are cracking your neck. Chiropractors are highly trained individuals that know how to adjust the neck in a safe and effective manner. Many studies have been conducted that prove that chiropractic adjustments of the neck (and other areas of the body) are safe and effective.

Myth 3: You need a referral to see a chiropractor.

This may be one of those myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City that prevents you from seeing one because you don’t want to deal with having to get a referral from your regular doctor. Chiropractors are first-line health providers and are trained to detect and treat a number of health conditions. As a result, you do not need a referral. Anyone can pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. You can schedule a consultation and exam to get answer about any health concerns you may be having. A chiropractor will explain their findings and make treatment recommendations. In some cases, a chiropractor may even refer you to a specialist if needed.

Myth 4: Chiropractors claim to cure a number of diseases and serious health concerns.

This is one of those myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City that is far from true. Chiropractors place an emphasis on your body’s ability to health and regulate itself. It is a chiropractor’s job to correct restrictions and misalignments of the spine as well as to many other joints in the body. Chiropractors make sure these misalignments do not interfere with the nerves and your body’s ability to heal itself. Research has found that chiropractic patients tend to see improvements in their overall health even when it comes to seemingly unrelated health conditions and diseases.

Myth 5: Chiropractic care is not covered by my health insurance.

This is one of those myths about chiropractic care in Kansas City that may or may not hold true for you. A vast majority of insurance companies do offer chiropractic benefits under many of their plans. However, you do not need to have insurance coverage to make an appointment with a chiropractor. Keep in mind that insurance is designed to cover expensive medical costs, not as a health and wellness plan. An insurance company likely doesn’t cover your gym membership or supplements, think of chiropractic care in this manner — as a preventative measure. Some insurance companies will only allow you to seek chiropractic treatment in the event of an injury.

With so many different insurance plans out there, it is best to check with your insurance company regarding your chiropractic benefits. If you are not using insurance, most chiropractic offices will work with you and development a payment plan that works for you.

5 Myths About Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ways Chiropractic Care can Help with Back-to-School Stress in Shawnee, KS

The end of summer is likely to be a bittersweet time for both children and adults. While some children go back to class reluctantly, others really look forward to new school clothes, new school supplies and a new school year. Parents are often relieved that their children will be occupied 5 days per week without having to worry about entertaining children or looking for childcare services. On the other hand, traffic and preparing for back-to-school can become very stressful for parents. Fortunately, chiropractic care is here for you and your family as we enter into the back-to-school season. Chiropractic care can help with back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS by keeping you and your children healthy and ready to take on the new school year. Let’s take a look at some of the ways chiropractic care can help with back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS.

back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS



1. Back-to-School Check-Ups with Your Chiropractor. Chances are you’ve had at least one child in your family that required a trip to your family doctor, eye doctor or dentist before the start of the school year. What about chiropractic care? Have you had your child looked over before he or she heads back to school for the next year. If your child experienced an injury over the summer, is carrying a heavy book bag or resuming sports or other after-school activities could make your child’s pain worse. Making sure your child is in great alignment and free from any discomfort before they work hard for another successful school year is a great way to help reduce back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS for parents as well as children.

2. Help Your Children to Maintain Proper Posture. Think about how much time your children are going to spend seated this school year. Spending hours upon hours in the same seat can be damaging enough for the spine as well as circulation. What many parents don’t realize is how poorly their child may be seated at school. To reduce back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS, make sure your child knows how to use proper posture when seated. A great way to maintain proper posture as a child sits is for them to remember to keep their ears over their shoulders, the shoulders over the hips and a curve in the neck as well as the lower back.

3. Time Management is Key in Reducing Back-to-School Stress in Shawnee, KS for Parents and Kids. The school year can be extremely chaotic. With school, sports, after school activities, possible part-time jobs, homework and trying to make some time for family and friends, it is easy to think that there is simply just not enough time in the day to get everything done that you need to get done. Planning your schedule ahead of time will make crazy mornings and tight schedules seem much more manageable. Start practicing earlier bedtimes and earlier wake-up times a few weeks before school starts. Getting enough sleep is important as well. Children (and adults) should be sure to eat a hearty breakfast and have a healthy lunch packed and ready for school. If the snooze button is a problem in your household, look for an alarm app for your smartphone that eliminates the snooze button. Using daily planners or online calendars are also great ways to remind you and your family of important dates, appointments and deadlines. To help reduce back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS in the morning, prepare in the evening for the morning. You can do this by packing lunches at night or having your children lay there clothes out the night before instead of searching for clothes in the morning.

4. Use Traffic as a Time to De-Stress. Yes, you may be thinking that there is nothing more stressful than sitting in heavy traffic when you have somewhere to be. However, you can use traffic as a time to manage your stress instead of becoming more worked up. Chiropractic care is based partly on the prevention of chronic illnesses as well as the prevention of chronic stress. One thing that can contribute to stress is the traffic we experience on a daily basis; especially after a summer of much lighter traffic. How do you handle some of life’s daily stressors (such as traffic)? While meditation can go a long way in helping you deal with issues such as traffic, a lot of individuals do not have time for daily meditation. This is where simple breathing exercises can be extremely helpful. Every time you find yourself at a red light or in any stressful situation try this: breathe in through your nose for seven counts and hold it for seven counts. Then, exhale through your mouth for seven counts. Repeat this until you feel calm again. This is one way that chiropractic care can help with back-to-school stress. Chiropractic care can help you to better cope with life’s daily stressors.

5. Always Maintain a Positive Attitude. Attitude is everything when it comes to reducing back-to-school stress. Parents should lead by example when it comes to showing their children how to interpret and deal with the stressors that day-to-day life can place on us. Parents should also show children how to deal with stress in a constructive manner. Back-to-school stress in Shawnee, KS can make for some unhappy evenings after school. Everyone at school works hard and is going to be competitive. It is important to show your children that there is more to going back-to-school than being the best football player or the first one in class to complete an exam. Going back-to-school means seeing friends again, learning new things, achieving new goals, being part of a team and discovering new sports or hobbies.

Chronic stress is not good for anyone. Whether you are a student or a parent, back-to-school stress is terrible for learning and the overall well-being of the body. A positive attitude and taking good care of yourself helps to make for a great school year.


Ways Chiropractic Care can Help with Back-to-School Stress in Shawnee, KS

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reverse Diabetes

Reverse Diabetes

Inexpensive Ways to Sneak Protein into Your Meals in Kansas City

Are there really inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City?

Protein, fats and carbohydrates are three sources of energy that are needed in order for your body to function properly. Food manufacturers across the country have made it extremely easy for you to consume fats and carbohydrates without the need for a second job. Protein, on the other hand, has a tendency to be a little more on the expensive side. Take a look at protein bars or protein powder next time you head to the store to get an idea of just how expensive protein can get. Aside from individuals who are dealing with liver or kidney disease, protein is hardly restricted from any form of dieting. As a result, those who want protein are going to have to pay the price tag that comes along with protein. Fortunately, there are inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals. Let’s take a look at some of the inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City. You can consume protein on a budget.

inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City

What are some foods that are expensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City?

Rye Berries. Rye Berries are one of the inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City. Known as the collard greens of whole grains, rye seeds are known for their durability in poorer soils as well as for their difficulty to cook. Rye seeds are also packed with a number of different nutrients including iron, fiber and magnesium. Rye berries do not taste like rye bread, but it is also important to note that rye berries are an incomplete protein. You can purchase a pound of rye berries for just a couple of dollars at your local grocery store.

Lentils. The only legumes that contain more protein than lentils are soybeans and hemp. As a result, consuming lentils is one of the best and inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City. Lentils are also packed with fiber and folate. Much like rye berries, lentils are an incomplete protein that require consumption with another food. Lentils are also a great source of carbohydrates. In most locations, a one-pound bag of house-brand lentils at a local grocery store or big-box store will cost slightly over one dollar.

Peas. Peas are another one of those inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City. There can be as many as 8 grams of protein in one cup of peas. Peas also contain dietary fiber, phosphorus as well as vitamins B1, B6 and K. This vegetable can be purchased frozen, dry or fresh and can be eaten in salads, as a side dish or consumed as a snack. Peas can generally be purchased at any grocery store for around $3 or less.

Eggs. Chances are you already have eggs in your home. Eggs are another one of those inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City. One carton of eggs contains a total of 72 grams of protein. However when eggs are separated, they only contain 3.6 grams per egg. A carton of eggs will run you just over two dollars in most locations.

Parmesan Cheese. Low-moisture cheeses are normally the highest when it comes to proteins. Parmesan is the highest when it comes to low-moisture cheeses. Nearly 40 percent of the composition of parmesan cheese is protein. Shaking parmesan cheese over pasta or a salad is one of those inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals. A five-ounce package is normally about three to four dollars.

Canned Tuna. Meat and meat substitutes are normally amongst the most expensive forms of protein that you can buy. However, canned tuna is the exception when it comes to an expensive meat/meat substitute form of protein. Canned tuna is lower in mercury than solid tuna. However, it is important to remember that you should not consume this protein more than once a week. You are able to purchase canned tuna for a couple of dollars at your local grocery store.

Plain Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is known for being high in protein and sometimes a little on the pricey side. However, this does not mean you need to avoid this low-fat treat. Greek yogurt can even be enjoyed as one of the inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City Plain.  Greek yogurt can also be used as a substitute for sour cream and mayonnaise. When purchasing greek yogurt as one of the inexpensive ways to sneak protein in Kansas City into your meals, you should opt to by a larger container and look for it when it’s on sale at your local grocery store.

1 Percent Cottage Cheese. Cottage cheese is packed with protein. Additionally, it contains 15 percent of the daily recommended intake of calcium as well as vitamin B12 and phosphorus. Just be sure to avoid cottage cheese that contains additives like various gums and carbon monoxide. You can purchase 16 ounces of cottage cheese for around two dollars at most grocery stores.

When you are looking for inexpensive ways to sneak protein into your meals in Kansas City, sometimes you just have to be creative and willing to look for sales at your local grocery store.


Inexpensive Ways to Sneak Protein into Your Meals in Kansas City

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS

Stress is just a thought. No matter how much stress may be controlling or impacting your day to day routine, stress is simply just a thought. Stress is not something that happens to you, it is something that occurs in you. If you are not careful, stress can easily control your life and make activities that once seemed enjoyable not-so-enjoyable. Fortunately there are ways to stop stress now in Johnson County, KS.

stop stress now

What Exactly is Stress?

By dictionary definition, stress is bodily or mental tension that results from factors that have a tendency to alter an existent equilibrium. In order words, stress occurs when your thoughts are out of balance.

Have your ever asked your physician what stress is? Next time you visit with your doctor, go ahead and ask. You might be surprised at how different your doctor’s definition is from the dictionary definition of stress. The medical definition of stress is the perception of real or imagined threats to your body or ego. Stress may be as simple as believing that your husband or wife is mad at you when really they are not. Whether what is causing your stress is real or fake, anything that you perceive as stressful can create a stress response from your body.

When you are stressed your body is flooded with cortisol, adrenaline and other stress hormones. This causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Stress can also make your blood more likely to clot, which can damage the portion of your brain responsible for memory. Stress can also lead to increased belly fat storage.

Ways to Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS:

1. Remember to Move. One of the best and easiest ways to burn off stress hormones and stop stress now in Johnson County, KS is to get up and move! Sweating is a great way to burn off those stress hormones. Go for a run, dance, jump around, stretch, swim or skip. Do whatever type of physical activity you enjoy most. If you aren’t able to or just aren’t in the mood for vigorous physical activity, give yoga a try.  Yoga combines movements and breathing, which can do wonders for your stress levels.

2. Take a Breath. Stop stress now in Johnson County, KS by remembering to breathe. A vast majority of us hold our breath or even swallow breaths when we are stressed out or feeling anxious. When you are feeling stressed, take deep, slow and full breaths. These breaths can have a positive impact on resetting your stress response. This is because the relaxation nerve (your vagus nerve) runs through your diaphragm and is activated with every deep breath you take. Right now, try taking five deep breaths. Observe how much better you feel afterwards.

3. Enjoy Some Time in the Tub. Everyone needs to shower or take a bath on a daily basis, why not use your time to get clean as a time to de-stress? Being a little lazy and relaxing in the tub can do wonders for your stress. Consider adding 2 cups of Epsom salt and 10 drops of lavender oil to your bath. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which is a relaxation mineral. Lavender can help to lower your cortisol levels. When you go to take a bath, soak for 20 minutes. You will be one relaxed individual after your bath.

4. Get Some Shut Eye. Life can be extremely crazy sometimes and this often means a lack of sleep. A lack of sleep can increase your stress hormone levels, not to mention leaving you feeling extremely tired. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night no matter what. This can help you to stop stress now in Johnson County, KS. If you missed an hour of sleep one night, don’t hesitate to take a nap during the day. In order to feel refreshed and stress-free, you need to prioritize sleep.

5. Think Differently. In order to reduce stress now in Johnson County, KS, you first need to acknowledge stress. Practice the art of knowing when you are stressed and notice what you are doing or what you are thinking about when you are stressed. When you begin to feel stressed, stop and take a few deep breaths. This will help you let go of whatever is stressing you out.

What Not to do When you are Stressed (These Things Won’t Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS):

1.  Obsess over stress. Obsessing over the things that stress you out is only going to increase your stress levels.

2. Not taking time to recover from stress. One of the worst things you can do is not allow yourself time to recover from a stressful situation; even if recovery only means taking a few deep breaths or putting a project aside until tomorrow.

3. Give into cravings. Are you a stress eater? Try to avoid giving into stress cravings. This can often mean eating sweets and junk foods. Binging on your favorite sweets and junks foods will up your serotonin levels. This may help you feel better quick, but in the long run you’ll just crave more unhealthy foods.

Stop Stress Now in Johnson County, KS

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fat Burning Foods to Help Boost Weight Loss in Kansas City

Selecting the right foods for your diet can be a challenge. We’d all love to believe that weight loss is just a matter or eating fewer calories and exercising more. However, it is not always that simple. If it’s your goal to lose weight, choosing the right kind of foods can be just as important as choosing the right portion of a food. Certain foods serve different purposes in your quest for a healthier lifestyle. Some foods can help you to feel fuller longer while others can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels. Here’s a look at some fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City.

fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is quickly gaining ground and making headlines as one of the newest superfoods; included in the superfood power of coconut oil is the ability to help you lose weight. Coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized differently than long-chain fatty acids. Long-chain fatty acids are the types of fatty acids found in most fats. Medium-chain fatty acids are used by the body for energy instead of being stored as fats. This is why coconut oil is one of those fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is produced by fermenting apple cider. Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Research has found that consuming apple-cider vinegar before a meal that is packed with carbohydrates can significantly increase insulin sensitivity, which can help to reduce insulin spikes that can cause cravings.


Research indicates that vitamin C levels are inversely related to body mass. Individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C are able to oxidize 30 percent more fat during moderately-intense physical activity than those with lower levels of vitamin C. If you are on a mission to find fat burning foods to help boost weight loss, consider starting your day with a glass of lemon water or substitute fresh lemon juice for vinegar when you eat a salad.


Grapefruits are low in calories, high in enzymes and can help you to feel full longer. Researchers have found that eating half of a fresh grapefruit before a meal is associated with significant weight loss. Consuming a half of grapefruit before a meal can also result in a significant reduction in two-hour post glucose insulin levels.

If you are looking for fat burning foods to help boost weight loss in Kansas City, put in a little extra effort and add one (or more) of these foods to your diet. For long-term success, stick with whole foods and engage in regular exercise.

Fat Burning Foods to Help Boost Weight Loss in Kansas City

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care in Shawnee, KS

Ankle sprains are a very common and very costly injury that many individuals are likely to experience at least once in their lifetime. It is estimated that in 2013, two million Americans suffered from ankle sprains. The average cost of these ankle sprains? $318 to $914 per ankle sprain. While ankle sprains may seem like an insignificant injury that does not require a lot of attention, ankle sprains are nothing to mess around with. If an ankle sprain is not properly treated, a patient may exercise a loss of mobility and arthritis later on in life. Let’s take a look at how treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS can help patients make a full recovery from an ankle sprain.

treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS

Typical Treatment of an Ankle Sprain

One of the biggest concerns that comes along with a sprained ankle is the likelihood of a recurrence. In fact, the most common predisposition to experiencing an ankle sprain is having previously suffered from an ankle sprain in the past.

Think about how you, a family member or a friend has dealt with an ankle sprain in the past. Chances are they (or you) have done one of two things:

  • Treated the injury at home — using rest, ice, elevation and compression.

  • Made a trip to your doctor’s office or an urgent care facility. During this visit, you likely received an x-ray to rule out a fracture and an exam from a physician.

In a majority of cases, ankle sprains do not lead to fractures or ligament tears. For most individuals, typical treatment includes taking it easy for 2-4 weeks while you anxiously await the pain disappearing and the swelling going down. If the ankle sprain is serious enough, you may find yourself in a walking boot or being required to walk with crutches. Sometimes anti-inflammatory medication will be recommended to help reduce your symptoms. Eventually, you will begin to use your ankle again. If you visit with your doctor or an orthopedic doctors, there is a chance you will end up in physical therapy or at least receive exercises to complete in the comforts of your own home.

The average person, who is unfamiliar with the make-up of the foot and ankle, does not realize is that the bones of the foot generally shift out of their healthy alignment when an ankle sprain occurs. When opting for conventional treatment of an ankle sprain, the bones of your foot are rarely considered. This is where treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS can be beneficial.

Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care in Shawnee, KS

If you are anything like most individuals, you probably are thinking that chiropractic care is just for the spine. How is treating ankle sprains with chiropractic in Shawnee, KS care going to be possible? Chiropractors have the knowledge to treat many other areas of the body, not just the spine. Through the use of foot and ankle range of motion testing, orthopedic testing (to rule out an injury more severe than an ankle sprain) and palpation skills, chiropractors are able to assess your injury and come up with a personalized treatment plan that works for you.

Here are some of the possible methods chiropractors will use when it comes to treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS:

1. Physical Therapy. Exercises can be given to a patient to help restore full range of motion to the ankle. Depending on the severity of the injury, how painful it is and how swollen the ankle is will determine which methods of physical therapy are used to treat your ankle sprain.

2. Chiropractic Adjustments. If you thought chiropractic adjustments are just for the spine, they are also used in treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS. With 26 different bones in the foot, there is a very good chance that one or more of these bones may become misaligned during an ankle sprain. Chiropractors use their hands to motion palpate the bones to find out what bones are in need of an adjustment.

3. Rehabilitation and Home Care Methods. Common care modalities when it comes to treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS can include ice/heat as well as passive and active range of motion. Treatment will then progress to ankle strengthening and stabilization. This may include anything from writing the alphabet with your big toe to improve range of motion to using a wobble board to help work on strength and balance.

4. Foot Supports and Orthotics. For a chiropractic point of view, one of the main reasons for re-injuring an ankle is due to collapsed arches or overpronation of the feet. This is why foot supports and orthotics are often used in treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care in Shawnee, KS. They can be used as a preventative measure so that a recurrent ankle sprain is less likely to occur.


Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care in Shawnee, KS

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Raising Healthy Eaters in Kansas City

Whether you are raising one child, five children or are just beginning to think about starting a family, one thing is for certain — raising healthy eaters in Kansas City can be a challenge. With so many unhealthy food options, chicken nuggets and french fries can often seem much more appealing to a child than a plate full of fruits and vegetables. Perhaps one of the most important things to consider when raising healthy eaters is flexibility. Additionally, setting a great example is key in raising healthy eaters. Here are our tips for raising healthy eaters in Kansas City.

raising healthy eaters in Kansas City

What to Eat: Turning Your Picky Eaters into Healthy Eaters

Foods are constantly changing. What is trendy and in-season is going to be constantly changing. However, what is going to be nutritional is always going to be the same. As a parent, it is important to stick to family mealtimes and teach your children the importance of consuming whole, real and when possible, organic foods.

How to teach your children what whole foods are:

  1. How many ingredients are in the food? A food that is truly whole should only have one ingredient.

  2. Is the food grown from a plant or did it come from a plant? Foods that are whole are grown and not manufactured.

  3. Can you picture the food what it looked like in its natural state before you purchased it? If you can’t, it’s definitely not a whole food.

As a parent, what you eat, how you eat it and why you choose to eat it is going to be very important in raising healthy eaters in Kansas City. Remember, your children are watching what you do and learning from you.

Children, even more so than most adults do, enjoy and often times require a routine. In fact, research shows that families who eat together are more likely to stick together. Teens are less likely to develop risky behaviors, eating disorders, abuse drugs and alcohol and tend to be better socially adjusted all from what seems like something so simple — having dinner as a family. Here’s how to make family mealtime even more enjoyable:

  • Set realistic boundaries for meal times and the foods choices you will be having at these meals. When raising healthy eaters in Kansas City, provide your children with the following information: what, where and when. Your child can decide on how much they are going to eat.

  • Always provide at least one food that is high quality, but is something that your child enjoys. You may be in charge of deciding what is going to be served for dinner, but remember your child is going to decide if they like it and how much of it they are going to eat. When trying new things, remember your child may only try a bite or two. It may take time for them to enjoy a particular food. Sometimes hunger will even play a role in whether or not a child is going to enjoy your meal.

  • Keep in mind that a child’s taste buds are different than an adult’s taste buds. It may take a child many times to decide whether or not the enjoy something unlike an adult who can often decide after a bite or two. Be sure to offer your child a food that they may have disliked once the opportunity to try it again and in different recipes. You may be surprised at how your child has changed his/her mind.

  • Make mealtime fun and relaxing. Meal times should be pleasant. Encourage conservation with your child. Make sure the energy is positive. A stressful environment is not good for you or the health of your child. Stress does not make for optimal digestion, absorption or metabolism.

  • When raising  healthy eaters in Kansas City, never use food to punish, restrict or reward your child. Food is meant to nourish the body not to be used as a punishment or a reward. Teach your child, even at an early age, to have a healthy relationship with food. This is done by not associating food with positive or negative reinforcement. If you are looking for a reward for positive behavior, always opt for non-food related rewards.

  • Know when to enforce healthy eating. At birthday parties and around the holidays, healthy eating can be a challenge. When it comes to special events, be flexible but still have a plan. Give your child a choice between two different whole food-based treats to celebrate special events. Be sure to let your child know that birthdays and holidays aren’t necessarily a day to abandon all healthy choices. In fact, on birthdays you should be celebrating good health.

  • During the holidays, be sure that your child understands why we celebrate holidays and that holidays are not an excuse to overindulge. If your child is old enough, allow them to participate in the meal prep for a holiday meal. This will help them to appreciate all of the hard work and effort that goes into preparing a healthy meal. This is bound to make raising a healthy eater easier.

How Can You Integrate Healthy Eating Into Your Family’s Busy Lifestyle?

If you are thinking that you are way too busy to integrate healthy living into your family’s chaotic schedule, you are wrong. Even the busiest of families can make time for healthy eating; especially when it comes to raising healthy eaters in Kansas City.

  • Remember you spend all day at work so that you can provide for your family. Your hard-earned money should go towards food items that are food for your family. Sure food prep may take a little time, but there is no sense is throwing your hard-earned cash away by purchasing fast food and processed foods.

  • Think about the power that healthy foods have over your mind and body as well as your child’s. Take a little time each week to write down your child’s as well as your entire family’s nutrition goals.

  • Remember, raising healthy eaters in Kansas City does not happen overnight. Start slow and work in the direction of achieving your goals as a healthy family. Taking baby steps will help you to achieve your goals. Is your family big on drinking soda? This might be the perfect place to start! Start by replacing one glass of soda a day with water and work your way so you have eliminated soda from you and your family’s diet.

  • Find inspiration. Maybe it’s your goal to lose a few pounds or perhaps it’s your goal to ensure that your child does not have to struggle with weight gain issues. Whatever your motivation is, use it to obtain short-term goals and eventually achieve healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

How do you motivate your child to eat healthy? Remember, it maybe a struggle in the beginning when raising healthy eaters in Kansas City, but the long-term goal is build healthy habits that your child can carry with them throughout their entire life.


Raising Healthy Eaters in Kansas City