Monday, April 7, 2014

Chiropractic Care of the Spine as You Age

Chiropractic care of the spine is nothing new. Older adults have been relying on chiropractic care of the spine for years to ease their aches and pains. However, little has been researched on the use of chiropractic techniques on a daily basis for senior citizens. Should chiropractic care of the spine be a benefit in routine care of the elderly? New research indicates that visiting a chiropractor is not just helpful for back pain in older adults; visiting with a chiropractor may even protect the elderly from increased limitations in daily activities.

A new study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics looked at data from a United States national survey conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This national survey was called the survey on Assets and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old or AHEAD. As a part of this survey, 1,057 Medicare recipients with complaints of back pain were deemed eligible for inclusion in the study between the years of 1995 and 2006. Medicare recipients were asked to complete a survey on topics including their overall health, their abilities to complete daily living activities and regarding their lower body function. To clarify, daily activities included functions such as going to the grocery store or being able to walk up the stairs. Researchers then analyzed the medical records of participants to see who received medical care and who received chiropractic care of the spine during reported instances of back pain during this 11 year span.

chiropractic care of the spine

During their analysis, researchers found that those who received chiropractic care of the spine were less likely to have difficulty completing daily tasks and with lower body function than those who received only medical care. This meant that chiropractic patients were less likely to report declines in their health while completing the AHEAD survey. Researchers found that chiropractic care of the spine appeared to help protect the elderly against increased disability as they continue to age.

This study adds to earlier research indicating that chiropractic care of the spine is safe for senior citizens with neck and back pain. Chiropractors can aid in the treatment of a number of spinal conditions, disc herniations and arthritis. Aging can cause the spinal discs to collapse and dehydrate. This makes the elderly even more prone to back ailments such as pinched nerves and bulging discs. Seeing a chiropractor for routine check-ups on the spine can help to ensure that your spine is in good shape and aging well. This can help protect you from a wide-variety of back and neck conditions as you age.

Chiropractic Care of the Spine as You Age

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