Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Desk Jobs and Back Pain in the Kansas City Area

desk jobs and back pain, desk jobs and back pain in Kansas City

Chances are when you accepted your desk job, you did not see anything in the job description regarding back pain. In fact, the thought probably never even crossed your mind that sitting at a desk all day could lead to back pain. After all, your job is not labor-intensive. Years ago, chiropractors frequently saw patients who were in labor-intensive jobs. Now, the tides have turned and chiropractors are seeing more and more patients who spend 40 plus hours per week sitting and staring at a computer screen. It seems that sitting all day can be just as bad for your work as performing intensive physical labor. Desks jobs and back pain can be a serious and painful problem.

Our bodies are meant to move; they are not meant to sit still for hours upon hours. Sitting all day long can be damaging for the spine. Spending too much time seated can lead to a herniated disc or pinched nerves. Spending too much time sedentary can also lead to obesity, which has a tendency to create back pain in the long run. Since a vast majority of jobs require at least some time spent in front of a computer screen, there are actions you can take to protect your back from pain now or later on in life. Desk jobs and back pain do not have to go hand-in-hand.

1. Get up and move around. You should never spend your entire 9 to 5 shift sitting in front of a computer screen. Be sure to get up and move around every 30 minutes. Get up and take a walk and do a few stretches. Your walk can be as simple as taking a walk to the kitchen for a healthy snack or to fill up your water bottle. Instead of e-mailing or calling a co-worker with a message, get up and deliver the message to them. If you have a headset, stand up while taking a phone call. You can even use your phone call time to walk in place or do a few stretches (this will be especially easy if you have your own office or are in a cubicle, where everyone cannot necessarily see what it is that you are doing!).

2. Put good ergonomic skills to work to prevent back pain. Ergonomics is the science of good posture while performing day-to-day tasks. Practicing ergonomics can help to prevent pain as well as injuries. If you work at a desk, practice good ergonomi skills by sitting with your feet flat on the floor and your back against the back of your chair. Your computer screen should be at eye level. Always avoid slouching.

3. Say no to elevators. Desk jobs and back pain do not have to be a fact of life even if the workplace is not the ideal location to exercise and stretch throughout the day. You can squeeze some fitness into your day that can do wonders for your back. Start by parking further away from your building instead of driving around looking for the closest spot. Do you use public transportation? Hop off the bus a stop early and walk the rest of the way to work. Always take the stairs instead of the elevators and make it your goal to do some walking during lunch.

Desk Jobs and Back Pain in the Kansas City Area

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