Saturday, April 5, 2014

Muscle and Joint Pain in Shawnee, KS

Muscle Pain vs. Joint Pain in Shawnee

How can we tell the difference between muscle and joint pain in Shawnee? Whether it’s muscle or joint pain in Shawnee, when you are in pain telling the difference between the two can be confusing. Here’s a look at the differences as well as how you can treat and prevent joint and muscle pain in Shawnee.

What is Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain originates in your muscles. As a result, you can experience muscle pain everywhere. Muscle pain can be caused by vigorous exercise, an injury, a fall or even an illness. Muscle pain can take on a variety of forms, pains can include:

  • pulled muscles

  • muscle cramps

  • muscle spasms

  • aches

  • torticollis (also referred to as neck pain)

  • sprains or strains

Unlike joint pain, muscle pain is usually sharp and usually temporary opposed to joint pain that is related to arthritis. Sometimes, muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can seem very similar. If you are unable to tell the difference between muscle in joint pain in Shawnee, contact a health care professional for an expert opinion.

Preventing Muscle Pain:

Keep in mind that preventing muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can go hand-in-hand. Whether you are trying to prevent muscle or joint pain, follow our tips for a healthier lifestyle and to avoid muscle and joint pain in Shawnee.

  • Be sure to take the time to warm up before engaging in exercise. You should also remember to stretch following physical activity to help prevent muscle pain.

  • Drink plenty of water. Ensure you are properly hydrated before participating in sports or exercise.

  • Avoid any sudden movements during vigorously intense exercise.

  • When beginning a sport or new form of exercise, increase the intensity of your workout gradually. This will allow your muscles to adapt and help to prevent muscle pain.

  • Understand your limitations. Know what you are capable of and not capable of.

Treating Muscle Pain:

If you do suffer from muscle pain, there are steps you can take to help alleviate any pain and discomfort.

  • If you experience muscle cramps, pay specific attention to those muscle when stretching. Always stretch these muscle prior to physical activity. Icing and massaging the area can also be beneficial.

  • If you experience sharp muscle pain with swelling, ice the affected area regularly. Treat muscle pain by applying ice to the area for 10 minutes at a time, four times each day.

  • For muscle spasms, treat your muscle pain with heat opposed to cold. Heat helps to relax muscles. With muscle spasms, ice can increase muscle stiffness.

  • Avoid motions and activities that worsen your muscle pain.

muscle and joint pain in Shawnee

What is Joint Pain?

Joint pain is any discomfort that occurs in any of the joints of your body. A joint is a point in the body where two or more bones meet. Joint pain may also, in some instances, be referred to as arthritis. Joint pain may be mild and cause some soreness while using a joint. Joint pain can also be severe; making it nearly impossible for you to use your joint. While joint pain can be very uncomfortable, joint pain is rarely an emergent problem. Mild joint pain can often be treated at home. Joint pain can be the result of:

  • An autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis

  • Gout

  • Viral infections

  • Bursitis

  • Chondromalacia

  • Injury

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Tendinitis

Preventing Joint Pain:

Preventing muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can sometimes have very similar methods.

  • Engage in regular exercise. Exercise helps to improve bone density as well as muscle strength, flexibility and balance.

  • Enjoy a bone-healthy diet. Your diet should be rich in calcium as well as Vitamin D to help ensure strong, healthy bones.

Muscle and joint pain in Shawnee can be just that — a pain! LifeWorks Integrative Health can work to get you back on your feet and back to your favorite activities.

Muscle and Joint Pain in Shawnee, KS

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